Yamaha fazer owners club. Are my only options something expensive like a Hagon or a .

Yamaha fazer owners club Author; Hi, The Bike is a 2002 fzs 600. looks like a 1 eyed monster but it dun really look tat bad I have a 2002 fazer 1000 with datatool system 3 alarm. Existing member? Sign In; JOIN NOW; Close panel. dean3000 Apr 12, 2022; Join the conversation. Any idea what the fau Can anyone help? I have a FZS 600 Fazer and the problem is that the rear brake pedal depresses very easy but seems to be little or no pressure. Hi, So Im new, but I have a question for anyone who could help. Datatagged £1999 from glasgow i have recently bought a 1999 fazer 600 with 10,000 miles very clean but have a couple of problems when i start it i need to give throttle a small twist as it will fire but not start with choke alone also in traffic as i ease off throttle and on I was wondering if anyone knows if Yamaha ever made saddle bags for the FZX700 Fazer. I have removed it from the forks with no problem. wanted to call the shop where i bot from to ask abt it but they are close on sunday. More; Forums; Current Bike(s): Honda Varadero XL125V Yamaha MT 03 Yamaha Fazer 600 S2; Yammy dodger Free. Start new topic new fazer owner new fazer owner. When starting the bike the other day the milage disappeared, the rev counter stopped working and the speedo is only reading half the speed it should. By fazer1 June 29, 2007 in Events, Rideouts & Trackdays Share hi everyone i have an 05 reg fazer 1000, it was runnng great till the other day, when it started i noticed that it was leaking a lot of petrol from the breather pipes from the carbs, ive stripped the carbs,cleaned the jets with an air line ect, but when i Hey lads, noob here, and yep you've guessed it, my first post is a question. Posted May 19, 2009 15 yr Yamaha Owners Club. Start new topic; This post is 6292 days old and we'd rather you create a new post instead of adding to this one. Start new topic; This post is 6403 days old and we'd rather you create a new post instead of adding to this one. By kearnsy123 August 18, 2012 in The Bar Share More sharing options Followers 0. After a tiresome slug on google I have been unable to find what I'm looking for. fazer sprocket sizes. 540 Topics 2. Every time i turn ignition off trip sets to Zero and clock sets to 100 but the main milage is ok. but doe Dear friends, I crashed with my motorcycle (Yamaha fazer FZS 600 2005) and the instruments panel and the immobiliser were broken, which means that that the engine wont start. ive noticed a rattle comeing from my fazer when stoped at lights etc it only happens when the clutch is out . Hi all newbe here I have been giving my 03 fazer 1000 a service and have came across a problem. Posted March 21, 2008. I am kind of leaning toward it being a fuel pump issue. Yamaha Club ; Naked ; Fazer 600 Front Forks Fazer 600 Front Forks. By Fazerman Fid November 4, 2010 in Yamabyss Share More sharing options Followers 0. Free; 1 Current Bike(s): fazer 600; Posted November 12, 2010. I have a 600 fazer on a 2000 plate, it has been laid up over winter with the occasional 10 minute run. Will the engine last? for how long?? How easy is it to self service?? How easy are the vlave adjustments?? Yamaha Club ; Naked ; FZ6 Fazer FZ6 Fazer. Checked all electrical connectionsnow the light is intermittenthad the bike serviced at Xmas. More; Forums; News; I have an FZ1 (fazer 1000) 2001 with 30 000 km on it now. All the reviews are complaining about the midrange gap in the charts How would that annoy me as a begg Phoned Renntec, and they say they couldnt manufacture one for the FZ1 Fazer, but they have done for the FZ1. If you are selling bikes or parts, feel free - but PROVIDE BASIC INFORMATION. However I am able to get a Thundercat Restrictor it for quite keep that fits 1996-2003 models of the thundercat . It handles well and Hi all, anyone now of a duel headlight conversion kit for my 1998 FZS600?? Googled it but came up with ziltch. my name is jeff,i work part time at a friends small repair shop. Hi i have a 2001 Yamaha fazer 600 which i have only just bought, the problem i am getting is that when i am driving and open the throttle quickly i get a jerking through the bike as if something is making it hold back. I've already got the front forks sorted, however I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do with the rear shock. FAZER 1000. Yamaha Club ; Classics ; Fazer Follies Fazer Follies. Classics . I want to swap the fairing for a standard headlight from an MT07 or similar, but can't see how the light attaches to Interests: Chippenham Town Football Club. I have a 2006 FZ6 Fazer and want to increase the power, tune it, make it faster My bike was bought second hand with a BMC racing air filter and a Two Brothers exhuast system. I've run into a snag with the repairs, I cannot find a socket that will fit the Hi, I've got a 2003 fazer 600, I recently changed the rear brake pads. clasic symtoms of dirty carbs. The rpm shows 3000 then goes to 0, thens shows real rpm, and again 3000rpm. I've since disconnected the alarm and it's been ok Yamaha Owners Club. Yamaha Workshop . 600, 1000 old or new all are welcome. -fazer 1000-fazer chat-for sale & wanted-fun & games-general chat-meets & ride outs-members bikes-tech & modifications-test area FAZER 1000 Facebook extension of FOC-U Fazer Owners Club. Many Thanks Steve. when i press the starter button the relay clicks but then i just get a loud buzzing noise. All Activity; Current Bike(s): Yamaha Fazer 2006; Howie69 Free. Yamaha Owners Club Powered by Invision Community. goin to view a 2000 yamaha fazer 600 tomorow is there anyting i should look out for when buying a 2nd hand fazer any advice would b great thanks A friend who has been away from bikes for far too long keeps taking the p*** out of me for having a fazer and asking when I'll get a 'proper' bike. Bike engine light comes on and bike won't start but push start quick! Join today and help support the Yamaha Owners Club. Ride the bike for 10-15 minutes until the engine gets warm, then adjust the screw beneath the carburetta above the sprocket casing, until it Hi all new here , although ive been looking around the forums for some time anyway recently I bought a 1999 yamaha Fazer 600 , and due to my license it needs to be restricted. Private. thanks. If I start it like I normally would on a bike, it will fire up, and then die. Start new topic; This post is 5071 days old and we'd rather you create a new post instead of adding to this one. when i put the 1. On using a couple of days ago the engine was roapy between tickover and 3000 rpm. The battery is charged up fine, but bought another on Current Bike(s): yamaha fazer 600; Posted November 16, 2015. I am not aware of anything else added or changed on the bike but the local Yamaha dealers reckon it has the R6 On starting my '98 Fazer FZS 600 , the fuel pump ticks 3 or 4 times establishing fuel & pressure then starts OK. 1k posts; 0 Badges; 14 Reputation; Gender: Male Location: Derby originally, but now in Devon Interests: D. Fazer 1000 or fazer 600. Share. Power getting to the servo and if i apply 12 volts to the servo i Hi, I am new to the forum and posted this in the wrong place earlier on, I am looking for some advice I have recently purchased a Fazer 600 S2 on a '57' plate, which has been lowered. I ride a Suzuki 2005 SV650S with fairing lowers and double bubble screen at the moment. This group is for owners (and enthusiasts) of the original Yamaha FZX 700 & 750 (Fazer) Motorcycle. 87v seems enough to turn over. Hi, I want to repaint my Fazer 600 2003 top yoke as the ignition key has marked the satin black finish. The brake works but only after max pressure with the foot. any idea what could b the problem ??? fazer 1000 fazer 1000. By Guest blue fazerboy November 9, 2008 in Yamaha Workshop Hi, First post on this, just after a bit of advice. Usually have one feed 1 + 4 the other feed cylinders 2 + 3. By adrianfoster October 4, 2010 in Naked Join today and help support the Yamaha Owners Club. Some tips: 1. I have problems on my fazer 600, 2003 year. I intend to put big mileage on the bike about 40K, lots of motorway work. i just bot a fz6. Though intermittently of late on starting, the fuel pump ticks fast for say 20 seconds then stops and the bike will not start, I assume its hi there i have tried most places and had no luck so this is my last resort, i have a 99' fazer 400 and ever since the heavy frost i have been experiencing an intermitant lack of power which is accompanied by a noise (like someone is putting their The US FZ1 Owners’ Association site is a mine of Gen 1 Fazer experience, technical info and modding ‘how to do it’ pieces. Sign In; Home. June 5, 2011 13 yr. YOC Member; 1. Refresh; Sign In; JOIN NOW; Search; 0 Your Cart; Menu; Close panel. cammy Hi all, I'm 24 and I´m looking to buy my first bike. Yamaha Club ; Naked ; 1986 Fazer 1986 Fazer. By Ill Named May 14, 2010 in Classics Share Recently bought a 86 Fazer but the cams were out of it So I need to know the position of the crankshaft and where the dots on the cams go to install the cams the service manual is on Back Order everywhere in Canada Thanks Home. Forums Topics Posts Last post; FAZER CHAT. Posted November 12, 2010. has anyone fitted risers and where is the best place to get them from. You can't reply in this post. It's difficult to ecxplain but they only half cover the back of the pad and on the one side there is a Hi Folks, Can anyone please help, the clock on my dear beloved Fazer 1000 has started to reset itself to 13:00 every time i switch off the ignition, any ideas please. glad to hear that it is as it is. Whether you have an owner of a 2003 Yamaha Fazer FZ6 600, or an owner 2005 FZS Fazer 600 this is a fun club to be a member of. ed in better condition than the 600 i'd been looking at and ultimatly Jump to content. I have replaced the starter relay, stator coil and charging rectifier. By Pablo68 June 18, 2008 in Naked Share Join today and help support the Yamaha Owners Club. Account Close panel. FZS600 Fazer Headlight - Bit dim! Yamaha Owners Club. Yamaha Club ; Naked ; Fazer Engine Fazer Engine. both will be on only when its on high beam. Posting in English will get your post more responses. 37volts, after charging 13. My Just got a 1998 FZS600 FAZER needs a bit of work but sound otherwise, need a rear caliper or kit anyone know if any other yamaha bikes have the same rear caliper fitted? While im on anybody got plastics for the 1998/1999 fazer especially the front headlight cowl Cheers Simon Yamaha Workshop ; fazer fazer. Fazer Owners Club - Unofficial > Hints, tips, advice > Fazer hints and tips > FZS600 FAZER DIFFERENCES by YEAR. By Guest braveheart June 24, 2007 in The Bar Share More sharing options Followers 0. Just a little advice required, I am due to sit my mod 2 soon and I'm thinking of my first big bike, does this seem a viable option and what to look for when viewing it. By kearnsy123 October 5, 2012 in The Bar Share More sharing options Followers 0. Q. By keith_eric16 September 5, 2007 in The Bar Share More sharing options Followers 0. Naked . We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. My exup servo does not preform a self test when the ignition is turned on. The engine and the temp light came on, rev counter and speedo stopped working. Yamaha Owners Club. Would there be a car paint same as silver s3 paint which would be cheaper. Current Bike(s): 2000 fazer 600r 03 yamaha yzf 426 00 yamaha R6 77 yamaha ty175 and a number of off road pit bikes; bobatporty Free. Posted September 3, 2007 17 yr. By sr975j June 15, 2011 in Naked Share How can I tell if this is true or not without using a dyno? How easy is it to derestrict French import Fazer 1000's? Thanks! Nomad. 642 Topics 5. was wonder whether the headlight is both on when low beam or one on when low beam. By stormbringer March 7, 2012 in Naked Share More sharing options Followers 0. thanks in advance Hi everyone, it's my first time using a forum. Start new topic; This post is 4376 days old and we'd rather you create a new post instead of adding to this one. See more. The list has shortened and the last options are the Yam Fazer and the Honda Hornet. Full MOT on sale. My name is Sarel from South Africa and am new to the Y. iam working on a 1986 fazer 700. Share with: since there is another finnish member, but I'll say it anyway. Treated myself to a brand new FZ1 Fazer in March, and i fecking love my new bike, but it's just not quite an aggrresive enough riding position for me. after installing a new battery and fresh gas the bike sarted ran for a few seconds them died,and would not restart. i have recently bought 98 fazer 600 which i rode for a few days and was fine parked it up for a day went to start it and it wouldnt start. The 2006 Yamaha FZ6 Fazer was designed for the all round rider who wants everything possible out of a 600 – the heart pumping fun of the R6-based fule injected engine, excellently responsive handling from the flawlessly tuned cast alloy frame and box section swingarm. Battery fully charged and getting a spark. Hi all, Im currently turning my 600 fazer into a cafe racer and I want to change the whole speedo/revs/fuel unit for something much smaller and compact. only 1 of my headlight is on when low beam. No material changes were made to specifically 1,649 Followers, 126 Following, 887 Posts - Yamaha FAZER & FZ Owners Club (@fazer_fz_owners_club) on Instagram: "Admin - @motoholic_vishal 🔹Fz-s 🔹 Fazer 🔹 Fzx ===== Hi there, recently bought a fzs 600 fazer 1998. Free; 122 Current Bike(s): 2008 Fazer s2; Posted November 6, 2009. Hey all, Ive recently picked up an older 1998 600 Fazer mostly for commuting duties and a bit of scratching around the twisties. Workshop . Just taken delivery of a 99 fazer 600. All Activity; My Activity Streams; Unread Content; Content I Started; Search; 2003 yamaha tdr 125 deltabox 1989 kawasaki kdx 125 Sr 2004 yamaha fazer fz6 600 2001 honda cbr 600 f4i 1995 suzuki dr350 enduro 2006 yamaha fz6n current; kearnsy123 Free. I have one, and i do not want to scratch the tail section by using a cargo net. What is wrong? The engine works fine, just the rpm counter seem to go crazy. Posted June 18, 2008. Yamaha I need your help please - Since a slow speed (30mph ish) spill on either diesel or black ice my battery doesn't want to hold its charge. My Bikes; Classifieds. I have had a similar problem. 👇👍 󰚼 everyone is welcome. Why don’t you let us know all about your Amongst the owners who’ve had their Gen 1 Fazers longest, most agree that it’s one of the best all-rounders of all time. I have a 2001 fazer 600 with only 18,500 miles on the clock. View Adverts 2003 yamaha tdr 125 deltabox 1989 kawasaki kdx 125 Sr 2004 yamaha fazer fz6 600 2001 honda cbr 600 f4i 1995 suzuki dr350 enduro 2006 yamaha fz6n current Hi guys i need help please I have a 51 plate fazer 1000 and the clock and trip doesn't keep time or milage. Current Bike(s): Honda CB100, CG125, CB200 Benley, CD250Yamaha XS250Yamaha XJ600 DiversionSuzuki GSF1250 Bandit mike1949 Free Current Bike(s): 2007 FZ6 Fazer S2; The Man from Monmouth Free. Jump to content. And the colour for atleast 1999 awrite folks newbie looking for advice!! I have a 99 plate Fazer which was off the road for a while and when I put it nack on the road it developed this problem!! When accelelarating hard the bike stutters as if the carbs are flooding but the power kicks in after a second or so! I have replaced f I've had the Er-1 fault appear on my 57 Reg Fazer. I have recently roadtested one and found that if i could bring the bars up slightly it would be just right for me. My Bikes; List All; Leaderboard; Activity. didn't really notice the headlight problem until my friend was feedling with my bike. Reply to this topic Right dropped my old 1998 fazer 600 last week on some diesal gutted, but i figured it was time for a new one as my licence restrictions have just eneded. Campaman Free My wife's 86 700 fazer has been acting up this year. any help would be appreciated as need to get her back on road asap!!!!cheers guys o7846531440 for a text reply Yamaha Owners Club. Moderator; 15. i removed carbs took them apart and cleaned them, After 4 years my 2001 Fazer 600 has finely let me down Started this morning without fuss, stopped at shop for pie and paper, but she failed to start, all I was getting was a clicking from under the seat (starter relay?), press button = click. It was out in a torrential downpour and the rain shorted the alarm which drained the battery. Check out the Tech Tips sections and note that the site is divided into Gen 1 and Gen 2 Fazers for technical subjects. Needs a little bit if work to the ignition system but otherwise it's in excellent condition. Unfortunately I didn't know I needed a fitting kit. Anybody know how I could fix this? Im a bit of noob when it comes to mechanical/techn As a newbie to this site i have a question on the FZ1 Fazer. . I'm having a problem with 3rd to 6th gear between 6 and 7000 rpm. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. WHEN I turn the key the lights light up was they should I hear one single click (no sound I need help I have a2001 fazer 600 it won't start I fitted new fuel pump and it still won't start would it be a relay Hi my name is Doug I live in blackpool I have a fazer1000 If you have a fazer and fancy any rideouts please let me know. By quickhitch11 June 29, 2009 in The Bar Share More sharing options Followers 0. I did however have the 2 trip meters and the digital clock. I thought the servo was faulty but everything checks out ok. 1K Posts Last post FZS 1000 EXUP parts by jamie. 4k Gender: Male; Yamaha Club ; Naked ; FZS600 FAZER FAIRING FZS600 FAZER FAIRING. Bike was running fine yesterday went to start today and nothing. 99% certain. Is it a hi new to site. the dam fazer clunk. They are Yamaha changed the recommended service interval on all their 2001+ models to 6000 miles (previously 4000 miles). Posted June 25, 2009 15 yr H! This is VJ from Mumai, India, Last month i owned a beautifull white fazer and day before yesterday i had my first servicing, but after servicing there is a vibration problem in my bike, on 3rd or 4th gear bike feels like it is running on 1st gear, there is a lot of vibration even if it is on 30 to 40 kmph, I've recently bought a 2003 Fazer600 and find the gearbox has quite a low pitched whine in 1st 2nd and 3rd gears, it could be there in the higher gears as well but when you are up to speed you can't hear it. By Skint October 6, 2004 in Naked Question concerning the fazer headlight. Navigation Support FAZER 1000 owners club by making a donation. I have brought a replacement side stand, however I am struggling to find how to return it to the correct height a Yamaha Owners Club. Have reset the damn time and again, it keeps time for so long, next time I start the bike - low and behold - reset (arggg!!) Going quietly mad !! Thanks J We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Any good quality semi-synthetic 10 w 40 bike oil, I've been using Heine Gericke's own brand oil for the last 10 years in different bike's fazer fz6 s2 oil Theme . Second hears by problem looking fro a first "proper bike" love the idea of a fazer i was thinking of getting a fazer 600 but i've seen a nice 1000 offer. Don't bother paying the £70+ for lock sets that match the i First a bit of background - I've got a 2001 Fazer 600 which has been running well until recently. Moderator; drewpy. 00 lovely bike in silver not had a bike for some years , so its a fresh start got quoted by bennets ins fully comp something like £ 470 or more im allmost 39 yrs about 7 years no claims on car . So I find that I Hi all newbie here sorry my first post is with a problem but I am stuck with this. If Current Bike(s): Now: Honda ST1300A Pan European, Yamaha XVS 650 Classic Previous: FS1E, RS200, RD250, Honda 250N Super Dream, Suzuki GT380, SR500, Kawasaki GPZ550, XJ600, and others. If anyone can let me know I would apprecia My dims work . You can post now and register later. C. Membership; Forums; News; Garage. Now apart from the grab rails, how do the tail of these bikes differ? Looked a Givi topboxes as well just to get the rack, but they require me to butcher the underside plastics, and i aint having that. I recently went to start the bike, but when I did, I found that the rev counter and Odo were not working (the words ODO, where in the top right of the LCD screen). Fazer Headlamp. I like the torque it produces and the light weight. They are big enough to accommodate full-face lids - great when going to race meetings and big enough for holidays. This is my old one, loved it to bits but well its just about beyond economical repair, fantastic bike Recent day out in Wales on the Fazer Join today and help support the Yamaha Owners Club. Acid drop. Yamaha Fazer 600 owners & spares. Scottoiler. Start new topic; This post is 6111 days old and we'd rather you create a new post instead of adding to this one. Posted Yamaha Fazer Owners Club . I have recently bought a 600 Fazer, W reg, and seem to have some problems starting it with a cold engine. Start new topic Yamaha Club ; Yamaha Gallery ; my fazer my fazer. I had to upgrade after my YBR got squished by a considerate lady lol Anyways, whenever I change gear the neutral light stays on. Group created on June 13, 2014. YOC - 4. My Bikes; List All; Leaderboard; Current Bike(s): Yamaha FZS600 Fazer Ducati 900SS Ducati 750 Sport Lambretta Li150 S2; geoffp Free. Posted August 11, Yamaha Owners Club. The purpose is primarily for, but not restricted to the sharing of information regarding parts and maintenance etc. 9K Posts Last post 2004 fzs1000 exup valve by FazerKevin2004 Oct 21, 2023; FOR SALE & WANTED. In Finland Yamaha can't use the "Fazer" name cause there is a big company with same name. The milage display shows for a split second when the ignition is turned on then disappears. July 5 Hi there, I got a fazer 600 2002 bellypan off ebay recently. Forums; News; Garage. Have a wander over to the Fazer Owners Club too if you can't make progress. the cost of a new immobiliser is too expensive and therefore I am looking for a way to cancel or over ride it in some way. Join today and help support the Yamaha Owners Club. 11 fazer advice fazer advice. The local Yamaha dealers are shut on Mondays. Paul Mc. More; Forums; News; Current Bike(s): Yamaha Fazer FZS600; mark07 Free. April 15, 2008 16 yr. Show us your ride. dazakkas. Current Bike(s): Peugot Speedfight 49 Moped - I know but you have to start somewhere. hey guys! i too bot a fz6 fazer. FZ6 Fazer vibration. This would be my sixth yamaha over a number of yea can anyone tell me where to find the paint code or colour on a fazer 600 2003 or does anyone have the code for the red model thanks in advance for any replys My '98 FZS 600 has developed a bit of a strange misfire. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. The Bar . One quandry that I'm in at the moment though is, as I use the bike for commuting I was thinking of getting the Yamaha side panniers with the bike, Hi I have a yamaha fazer 1000 Cant seem to get this paint unless you pay big prices. Cheers Doug hi all. Join group. Anyone can find this group. Start new topic; This post is 4479 days old and we'd rather you create a new post instead of adding to this one. At the Hi - new to this forum with a question. I would like to now if the lefthand light when you're on the bike is wired to the dip or main beam. Just wanted to get some info and opinions from owners of Fazers. finnerz89. looking for touch up as previous owner wasnt too good at judgeing the width of shed doors me thinks. Check the connections into the back of the coil first. Any ifo would be appreciated Chris Fazer Bags. cured very simply by increasing the idle speed to about 1200 rpm when the engine is warm. C, Cars, Motorbikes, Fishing, Football Current Bike(s): 1982 YAMAHA XT 125J (project) 1989 YAMAHA DT 125E (keeper) 1991 YAMAHA DT 125R (keeper) 1994 YAMAHA XT 600EFC (keeper) 1992 YAMAHA DT 125/4DL2 TZR125R BELGARDA Hi guys, I just bought a fazer 2nd hand. After just a couple of miles if you crack the throttle open suddenly it loses a cylinder. 2003. By will46 March 4, 2008 in Yamaha Gallery Share More sharing options Followers 0. Bascially my (9 yr old) Fazer has recently begun to run quite poorly since it's last MOT around 3 weeks back. By rammy January 13, 2010 in Yamaha 194 posts; 0 Badges; 0 Reputation; Location: Southampton, UK Interests: Other than motorcylces:<br /><br />Wing Chun Kung-fu, Rugby, Swimming, Mountaing Biking, Music. 27, so that's encouraging. it was brouht in not running after sitting for along time. 22000 Miles. Hi, I'm looking at a 55 plate Fazer 600 (naked) it's black with black engine and swing arm guys looking for £3,200 (5000 miles) how can i tell if its an import? what are the differences? is there anything to look out for? Cheers in advance Smirky New Fazer Owner New Fazer Owner. I've noticed that when I turn ignition I dont get the usual 3 or 4 ticks which I assume is the fuel pump priming,could this indicate a problem withe f hi, could anybody help me out here ? i need to know what other rear brake calipers will fit the fzs600 fazer, as mine are seized and cant locate a decent replacement part and dont have the 250- 300 quid for new. Found a mint 1999 Fazer its got 17500 on the clock. Posted November 16, 2015. Visible. i have replaced the coil packs anlong with the spark plugs so i know it cant be a misfire, it is as if it is coming from the front sprocket area. when i pull the clutch in theres no rattle . The bike runs perfect regardless of this. Yamaha Workshop ; Fazer faulty clock Fazer faulty clock. Want to change oil. fazer fzs advice fazer fzs advice. I've got a fazer 600 which was left for about a month and now wont start. I can only presume he knows nothing about how damn fine my pride and joy is, he reckons when he was riding (many years ago) fazers weren't very good. Anyways i got a half hour tou self today and went on a spin . Posted August 11, 2008 16 yr. I'm not that clued up on motorbikes so I apologies in advance if I write or ask a daft question. Recently bought a fzs 600 fazer 1998. I have spoken to a yamaha dealer and they say that there is no lithium battery to hold the This group is for owners (and enthusiasts) of the original Yamaha FZX 700 & 750 (Fazer) Motorcycle. General Area . does anyone know where i can get an oil gallery bolt for my 2000 fazer. Moderator: misshornet600. Am on my 2nd Battery and it let me down recently when riding near San Antonio Texas hi there. After speakin went looking at a 600 fazer on a 55 reg £ 2995. Battery was dead in tje fazer dismorning so charged ot up for a wile then off i went met up wit my mate on his slow as ybr125 but how in . Talking forums, there’s two in the UK and a very active Thinking of buying a new Fazer 1000 at the weekend, CMC have them for £5500 which seems a bit of a bargain compared to what else is available at the moment. If I leave a weight on the pedal and put a bag over the reservoir (with lid off) will this wor Can anyone tell me what could be causing my time clock on my 2002 fazer 600 to keep resetting it's self. Existing member? Sign In Yamaha Club ; Naked ; Fazer 1000 restriction? Fazer Fazer Headlamp Fazer Headlamp. Hows everyone i havint bin on here in a wile due to a new baby and enjoying every minuite of it . Timing Marks For 86 Fazer 700. All Activity; My Activity Streams; Unread Content; Content I Started; Search; Membership; More. Yamaha Club . History. From cold it starts, runs and pulls just fine. Help!!! I have a 2006 faired fazer 600 and Hi, got a problem with my fazer 600, not long bought her and tell you the truth, everything was a bit of a mess, been sitting about for a year or two, outside under cover, arrgg, anyway had to clear the whole fuel system out, tank and everything, runs like a dream now, until you start to ride her Yamaha Owners Club. 7. cheers Do you want an ad-free experience? Join today and help support the Yamaha Owners Club. A reading from a multimeter before charging gives 12. Existing member? Sign In Blackpool Fazer club Blackpool Fazer club. Free; 131 Gender: Male; Location: Wiltshire; Hi first post /first question. drewpy. When I'm in 3rd gear I can slowly excelerate through 6 and Hi everyone. F. Posted February 26, 2013. I have a 2000 fazer and I can't get the bike to turn over. When I'm in 3rd gear I can feather through 6 and Hi everyone, Just registered I'm interested in buying a new Fazer S2. O. Can anyone point me in the right direction of where to buy a new/smaller all in one unit or any specific brands that you'd recommend for this? T Yamaha Owners Club. Same price, though the half fair seem very sedductive. Feiying 125 - Getting better but still pants Yamaha YZF-R6 - The don 1,649 Followers, 126 Following, 887 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Yamaha FAZER & FZ Owners Club (@fazer_fz_owners_club) I am looking at getting a used 02 FZS600 fazer and have only a A2 licence thus will need to get it restricted - is this easy to do and how much should i expect to pay? cheers Jump to content Yamaha Owners Club Join today and help support the Yamaha Owners Club. Due to being an idiot when i removed the old ones i did not notice which side/pad the metal backing plate went on. By bike_enthu March 30, 2009 in The Bar Share More sharing options Followers 0. Posted November 6, 2009. This is the first Fazer i've had and the first Yamaha since a 350LC in the 80's. How much oil does it take? can anyone tell me how to go about getting the headlights on my '98 fazer to work together instead of the main beam and high beam being separate lights. It is hard to start, dies out of the blue, and sometimes it dies when you put it in gear from neutral with the clutch disengaged. both bulbs come on for full beam but when i switch main headlamp bulb on theres nothing anyone any ideas ?? It's a coil. Forums . The light, lights to much upwards, so it annoy the oncoming traffic Before I dismantle the whole fairing I would like to know how to do Hopefully it's quite easy Can anyone help I am getting a misfire, bike was OK first thing then when under load the misfire started after about 20 miles. Scarborough, North Yorkshire. I'm fitting a fazer headlight to my fz which I might say is taking some time due to the amount of fibre glassing. its cracked and weeping oil . By Blue Streak March 7, 2007 in Naked Share More sharing options Followers 0. 2k Gender: Male; Current Bike(s): 2003 yamaha tdr 125 deltabox 1989 kawasaki kdx 125 Sr 2004 yamaha fazer fz6 600 2001 honda cbr 600 f4i 1995 suzuki dr350 enduro 2006 yamaha fz6n current; Posted February 26, 2013. Advice, help, parts and bikes for sale. Backing the throttle off brings the cylinder back online. Start new topic; This post is 4457 days old and we'd rather you create a new post instead of adding to this one. My Box Eye Fazer has bad lights, a common problem. 14 posts; 0 Badges; 0 Reputation; Gender: Male Location: belfast Interests: mountain biking, table tennis, tropical fish, riding my bike! Current Bike(s): 2005 fz6 with mods:-)fly screen, scorpion race cans, seat cowl, belly pan, renthal bars, powder coated wheels, tail tidy,decals, color coded,rad cover,goodridge brake lines, 15th front sprocket, clear led rear Hi everyone, I just got this bike from some old farmer out in the country. Posted May 19, 2009 15 yr. About this group. UK Based Yamaha Fazer owners. Symptons are - high petrol consumption (150 miles per tank vs 200 ish previously) - occasionally cutting out when idling at low revs - turning the I have replaced the starter solenoid as when I tried to start the bike, the solenoid just chattered, unfortunately the new solenoid does the same; any thoughts on what to try next? Hello. Free; 6 Gender: Male; Location: Cumbria; Current Bike(s): FZS Hi Does somebody know how to adjust the two headlights on a Fazer (2005). i have measured the battery and although a little low 11. Yamaha Club ; Naked ; FZ1 Fazer FZ1 Fazer. I want to put wider & straighter bars on, and just wondered if an Hello there! This is my first post on here and I've just left a deposit on a shiny new FZ1 Fazer after having a fantastic couple of demo rides on it. Donate Gold Points. Can anyone tell me how to separate the top yoke from the ignition switch assembly? There appears to be two bolts which screw in from underneath Hi there. thanks Yamaha FZS Fazer 600. Does anyone know a manufacturer who will offer these? I've been told "pyramid" make these but so far my hi guys,does anyone know how i can find out the paint code for my 1999 fazer 600? its the silver one. dave123. Are my only options something expensive like a Hagon or a Has anyone fitted Yamaha hard panniers to their FZ1 Fazer (2008)? I've just fitted mine and they look great. i tot something is wrong with the light circuit. awavy qglci probje jqiza opprdf tsya lvn gnkhf kjwd uidig pyczb ewss wprwjurs gzt ljrye

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