Swtor kotet jaesa. The following romances are available to insta-60s: .

Swtor kotet jaesa All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Original Companions returning in KoTET? Going thorough the Romance path with her will raise her level just like normal. And she will always seem to accept if the Warrior spares a specific individual, even if she doesn't understand why. Home Game News Store Forum Support PLAY NOW All Activity; Events; More. But does anyone know if I get to re-recruit them? Ok, so, I've watched the livestreams (or their recordings). The first thing a sith lord would do once you can, is to send top people to track down her, and put Hello, I just finished the Jedi under siege story line as a light side sith warrior who sided with the empire. But it'll only get you to about lvl 10 IIRC. On Iokath, I sided with the republic and got Elara. Eric, my main question is, will the rest of our companions, whether Alliance Alerts or in Story, come back to us as some did in KOTET? In KOTFE we received Kaliyo in chapter 10, Jorgan in chapter 11, Gault an You mean to tell me that, a person who you invest time and resources in turning to whatever side you want them on. I would love to see those 2 go at it. Jaesa 18-19 start 29-30 current. Here is a dark side Jaesa guide, and how to As a note to everyone elses responses: Make sure you've done the alliance alert "To Find a Findsman" too. Even Jaesa will mitigate her bloodlust at times if the Wrath orders her to. I believe I finished the main story on Ossus "Jedi Under Siege" I don't see any quest only dailies. You have said NOTHING about the rest of our LI companions returning. If you During the Sith Juggernaut storyline, i got Jaesa in Light Side, but did not romanced her - or Vette. The Onslaught expansion is a lie. I made Jaesa lightsided, I get the alert , and i was like how come I didn't see her on ossus and I was like something's wrong here. PSA: LS Sith Warriors - Jaesa will go Dark if you skip the Fallen Empire expansions Discussion Title I played a once did KotFE as an imp to chapter 10 (ugh) just to keep Koth (he annoys me but the character is very LS), skipped to KotET to save Arcann (I Too bad, as Ashara's recruitment mission was excellent and she seemed like a great companion at first. " During the Eternal Empire's Conquest, Jaesa's Master went missing, believed to have been killed in action. Although evidently she has no Jaesa romance specific dialogue at all, her comment is the same for romanced or unromanced Jaesa, which could definitely be interpreted as a bad sign. I found another player on the SWTOR discord who wants to do the same. The following romances are available to insta-60s:. I am a light side male sith marauder and I only started playing in October or so. The "scary sith lady" encountered by Blizz on Hoth is actually DS Jaesa - but you learn that on Hoth, in the uggnaught cave, the reality is distorted and not everything you see is real - i see an opportunity to recruit LS Jaesa - you have to fight some big ugly Sithspawn and then chose which version of Jaesa comes home with you and kill the other one I've seen a few posts about this, but I'm one of those who must know a simple yes or no. r/swtor Members Online • Joevahskank . 10. General Discussion; SWTOR. After talking with her on Ossus I asked her to rejoin and she said she anyone hear if Jaesa Willsaam is going to be brought back anytime in the future??? Only DS Jaesa loves you, and at the same time, she isn't even faithful. Videos: Dark side Jaesa romance, Vette KOTET To start her romance with a dark side character, male or female, Jaesa will be dragged in to the alliance base after a slaughter on Iokath, and she has an air of bloodlust and instability. All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Original Companions returning in KoTET? DS: You put a bounty on Theron - It plays out as you see it - Theron really goes anti-Alliance, Akaavi returns to try to collect the bounty on Theron - DS Jaesa returns, Scourge returns) LS: Theron is doing an "Undercover" - he will return to you, meanwhile giving you a chance to rescue some of the other missing companions (Kira, LS Jaesa returns) "This another suggestion is for a bonus chapter featuring Vaylin, similar to the HK-55 bonus chapter "Shroud of Memory. Does anybody know when we get Doc for the Jedi Knight and Jaesa Willsaam for the Sith Marauder back? Avec la 5. I've been reading site after site and have discovered it is possible to marry Vette, and still knock up Jaesa on the side. Over the course of an hour. I exited the quest and reported th Jaesa dissapeared after i used the panel on my ship to skip all kotfe/kotet story. How I *THINK* KOTFE/KOTET was originally planned. I had her as my LI, i absolutely enjoy everything about her, and chose her this time around because i romanced Jaesa with another toon already. What I am curious about is KOTFE. Lana's romance lock-in is in KOTFE ch. What is your favorite? Tell me that this talk of old companions not returning is a terrible lie. Then I hear you post to do some certain quest. You should have receive an Alliance Alert to reconnect with Jaesa following SWTOR Companions availability list updated for KOTFE and KOTET and backed up by links to each If you follow the right(1) sequence of actions and conversation choices, she becomes "Light" Jaesa (pedantically a different companion), who, while she has turned How the hell do you get her back? Jaesa returns through an Alliance Alert during Jedi Under Siege. We figured we could each run though the chapter with the other invited to complete them. There's also possibility the tracker couldn't reach Zakuul, and it was destroyed in the carbonite process. The chapter summaries suggest some of those companions will return, but I doubt they all will. Then I hear you get it after you done the main story quest which https://forums. If you want to do harder content like the eternal championship or veteran/master lvl play throughs of KotFE/KotET, you'll need a companion at about lvl 30+. But I will put spoiler tags anyway. This is why I'm skeptical of KOTET only consisting of nine chapters. what ever happened with the scions? they were to join us didnt they, so where are they? Hello there, everyone. that is the In KOTFE/KOTET, we are hunting down the former Sith Emperor, who has mastered a ritual that grants immortality. I was running a sith assassin for my darkside melee character but I wasnt feeling it, the attacks just didnt look good to me, so I've rerolled a juggernaut instead. Essentially you'll get LS Jaesa back but she just won't have any new dialogue or story content & will basically be like every other companion once you finish their alert/story or get them from the terminal. I tried the opposite with my dark trooper but Elara told me to f#@$ off. 10 Ossus, Star Wars: The I'm currently playing my SW and reaching the point in KotFE in which i'll re-recruit Vette. All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Jaesa Willsaam not being back is a crime. This is what bother me, after 25 hours of completing KOTFE and KOTET, we didn't get any scene with Jaesa. 10 et l'ajout de la nouvelle extension "Jedi assiégés" et du mode maître de l'opération Dieux nés des Machines il y a eu aussi le retour de divers Agreed. It's the sole reason why both of my Warriors have dark side Jaesa. 9. Forums. You have to wait until Jaesa returns in Jedi Under Siege and romance her then. " "Jaesa has returned to the Light Side of the Force and is now your companion. If the player says they want both, Vette will be angry and leave and the plyer will remain with Jaesa. 10 Jedi Under Siege - Khem Val, Jaesa, Because she is a force-user, Nadia was mentioned by Master Ranos (another companion, introduced by BioWare in KOTET) briefly, but was missing until 5. After When LS Jaesa comes back (I know the alert is after Ossus), can she be romanced by a Male Warrior? If so, if the SW is a widower (chooses Torian over Vette in KOTET) can he then get Jaesa? What Jaesa says in the email is that someone else is interested in her. News. Is there something to not doing Für die Gefährten-Erfolge soll man ja Zuneigung bei Jaesa sammeln, bei einem Erfolg für die dunkle Jaesa und bei einem anderen Erfolg für die helle Jaesa. And except for the ones you posted. Support. I play a Shadow and I like Senya but the lack of being able to customize the new companions does not make it as fun. This Spoilers!!!: Vette an after something happen (depending your choices in KOTET) you can go with Lana KOTFE, not KOTET. Girls are now preparing, please wait warmly and have some tea. For example, you can summon all the companions you lost on the Odessen Terminal - however, this only applies to companions you had, not those you missed. Concluding that she was saying "I don't care about you" in that email is not only failing to read between the lines, it's failing tor read the glaring neon signs between the lines. Really though, Bioware backed themselves into a corner with a 1 story for all, and now they have a few dozen companions floating around Those get skipped if you do Kotfe/kotet, so I'd imagine you'd skip those if you skipped to Ossus as well if you hadn't completed them before hand. By SolarSaenz September 11, 2017 in General Discussion. I wonder about this mission for while after completing kotfe/kotet expansions there I want to collect as many companions as possible. And Vette doesn't mention her at all either, Hey everyone, We have an update on the known issue where players cannot continue the Story in KotET Chapter 8 while they are polymorphed as a Walker. Ashara is somewhat believable, and even if she doesn’t fall completely she gradually accepts the actual flaws that exist in the Jedi order - a lot of Jedi crossing way past “peaceful and detached” into the territory of “apathetic and complacent”, and some of the SWTOR: Dark Side Jaesa Willsaam Reunion with Sith Warrior - Romance, Fight or Imprison her, All Choices in Jedi Under Siege Patch 5. You can, but it takes a long time. Store. Can you at least give us SOMETHING about 13 votes, 47 comments. Play Now. " Jaesa: "Okay. the whole reason i came back for the update is so that i can finally have jaesa on my sith assassin. I'm thinking only the warrior might have this option. This is my main character and I have not beaten the expansions yet at all, only the original story. Everything after is a cheap imitation Not romanceable in the base let's take a break from all the doom and gloom and answer this fun question. just wondering before I start a new playthrough are the following companions available through quests and not just the companion terminal (because in all honesty I hate that terminal) mako jaesa kira I am unclear on these companions because there are guides for them but most sites do not list how Most likly, from the way they talk to one another, especially in the first 9 chapters of fallen empire. I'd think this because once you do Kotfe/kotet and later no companions are on your ship anymore. The normal flow is to get to the end of Chapter IX / the beginning of Chapter X, but I believe that as soon as you have begun Chapter I-FE (The Hunt) you can bail out to your ship and skip ahead to Chapter I-ET (Wrath Funny it's the other way around for me, Theron heals great but Lana sucks. She might be one who could maybe potentially have a line where an Outlander could be too merciful, but in the Warrior class story she never needs to test her 9+ months ago, after the issues with all Warriors getting Dark Side Jaesa was posted as fixed in the patch notes, I finally completed KOTET on my Warrior. Recently I have seen several people posting online that romanced companions are returning during the kotet expansion. I suspect that's what will follow KOTET immediately, how long that takes is anyone's guess. I r There are options later in the overall story to break up and romance someone else, but not from Vette back to Jaesa. However they decide to do it, I just hope that they don't completely leave LS out. Broomark unknown age. It's unfortunate. Jaesa flips a switch from innocent nun to having orgies in puddles of blood. 5. I have seen how some companions have received rather lackluster returns and have seen around some great ideas people have had if a companion could have gotten an entire chapter to themselves to really shine. She doesn't come back until you've finished the story on Ossus. 10 was better than kotfe/kotet/theron combined in my honest opinion. SWTOR. Your apprentice and the rule of two should still be part of the lore in this time. Vector - he's with a Killik hive, they healed him, he has (almost) no memory of you Zenith - he cannot trust anyone anymore, the only person All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Why Lord Scourge, Kira, and Revan must return for KOTET. She will return with 2 minutes cutscenes and she will stay in your companion list forever without further dialogues and/or cutscenes. i decided to return her back by using companion holo searcher which is located at my odessen base but when iam trying to use it NOTHING HAPPEns. Obviously a power hungry Sith sorcerer is no doubt intrigued by this and wants to learn it. If you haven't played dark side KOTET then you probably should stop reading now. I completed the whole KOTFE/KOTET story arc, then Iokath and the other story dungeons alone. After the short story line Quinn came in an asked to join back up. Game. I know I can get Malavai Quinn and Jaesa Willsaam on my companion galaxy finder. You can't romance her, but she acts like you two have some secret plan to change the Empire from within even if you have never said or agreed to anything like that. Quinn 24-26 start 35-37 cuirrent. I have a light side sith warrior. you guys started off this whole companion thing really well after you took them all away, then you turn it into garbage by not bringing jaesa and others as an everybody companion. i believe , after OSSUS , there's a way to change your 'origin' romance tether , but there's so many variables Just to confirm, if I skip KotFE and KotET, will my LS Sith Warrior be able to romance Jaesa when she returns? Edited November 23, 2019 by Scott_Kowalczuk SteveTheCynic Inquisitor is my favorite class, but Dark Jaesa is my favorite companion. Those like Elara Dorne, Raina Temple, Vector, Corso Riggs, Malavai Quinn, and many others. I play my characters as just like I am experiencing everything new. Spent time building my companions (including the new companions from KotFE and KotET) affection up. Only the main story missions are "real" SWTOR content. In an email that she sends us, she says that she implanted a tracking device on us, that might also have a microphone installed since she To turn Jaesa to the dark side requires the player to be Dark I alignment or darker, and choose the dark side options in the "The Padawan Exposed" Sith Warrior quest during Chapter 1. And it would be incredibly cliche, which all but makes it a certenty that the writers went with it, since they have proven unable to write anything that is both original and good, really they cant write anything good most of the time even if it is unoriginal Hey, I am in chapter 4 on Makeb. Tell me Kira, Jaesa and Ashara aren't really hmm, if i recall correctly, the origin Class romances are separate from any subsequent KOTFE/KOTET chapter 'romances' , but of course it also depends greatly on various individual specific choices you make along the way. Romance continuation: The Jaesa romance can be continued after Ossus, see below. I'm not saying Biowear would do this - nor do I want them to - but this is just a fun exercise to distract from the trolls rules: you can pick from any companion, pre kotfe or post kotet, including any companion availabl I have not taken the time to try romancing all the different companions that are available, but i have tried quite a few. I have 7 characters of different classes sitting on Odesson waiting. That being said from what i've seen, Khem is even more of a crappy healer, while he's doing just fine as a DPS. com/topic/814924-difficulty-modes-kotet/ More sharing options Followers 1 So, I'm a straight to the point sort of person. But I started Ossus storyline with a friend of mine an Inquisitor, and we get to the best forget about her as she is off searching for powerful artifacts. There was one time i was running through KOTET with my Nox, and had to do all the healing myself, because she refused to heal anything. Jaesa was light side during my original swtor playthough. swtor. I appreciate this has come from a lying Jedi who offered to join my cause them disappears from my command and companion roster instantly. This text might include small spoilers to Male Sith Warior class relationship for players that did not play with him yet. And "Commander token" boosted characters do, indeed, get no romance options from earlier in the story than where they begin. During their absence, Wilsaam was amused by the constant I'm talking about romanced Dark Side Jaesa. But that is the direction the creative team are going in? Your wife is insane best forget Did all the flashpoints, all the sidequests, got my crafting up to level 700 etc. These are the appearance and return to four more classic class companions with the release of SWTOR 5. All Activity; Home ; English ; Story and Lore ; Next big villain: Sel-Makor? Major Warrior and KotET Spoilers! InfLection Point, with an L, referring to the point on a graph where a curve changes from curving upwards to curving downwards or vice versa. Even if there's no story or cutscene, just the ability to summon her from the Companion Locator Terminal, for all classes, that would be gr In a couple of cases, notably Jaesa, it's more visible, since the companion decoration hologram (when you have Jaesa with you) tracks the appearance of the "old" version of the companion rather than the new version, and DS Jaesa - she's with another man, doesn't give a damn about you , her Sith husband. After I am hoping Jaesa returns in the next expansion. Natürlich sind Vermächtnis-Erfolge nicht wichtig sondern nur nette Features für den Zeitvertreib, aber sicher kann es nicht schaden, wenn man zwei Sith-Krieger mit unterschiedlichen Jaesa's hat, sofern All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Original Companions returning in KoTET? So 4 years give or take, with KOTFE a 5 year gap plus a year from chapter 1-9 so 10 total plus a year for KOTET so 11 total years rough estimate Vette 19 at start 29-30 as of current. Home Game News Store Forum Support PLAY NOW All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Original Companions returning in KoTET? You: "Jaesa turn back to the light. She, as a dark side character, is crazy like Valyn. Hello. . Vette is an option for most of the class story + KOTFE and KOTET, but she basically disapear after KOTET, even if you choose to save her. I'm a LS Sith Warrior that had LS Jaesa in my class story. This does require us to So I don't understand why this keeps happening. Unless that means we'll have to wait for a third expansion, I'm under the impression BioWare is just revealing what we'll receive with KOTET initially. " The End. If not they better be important characters in the next expansion and not alerts. Once I reach the point where I could obtain Jaesa back, I was given the quest that returns Dark Side Jaesa. All in all, there are 25 classic companions (of whom you can get 21, or 24 with the Odessen I finished "To find a findsman" but I still don't have an alert for Jaesa How the hell do you get her back? Looking to see what everyone's favorite companion to use after KOTET. However I like Jaesa and I want my light side sith warrior to end up with her. I had a sith warrior way back in the day (years ago) that got deleted, and I Hello! I would like to report a bug with LS Jaesa companion. " However instead of a subscription reward, make it purchasable from the Cartel Market Also, this bonus mission gives you the opportunity to get Vaylin as a companion, and does n New SWTOR Server! Shae Vizla APAC (Asia-Pacific) “Fresh Start” Server! – NOW LIVE! Videos: Dark side Jaesa romance, Vette KOTET romance compilation, Choosing Vette romance over Jaesa, Choosing Jaesa Go to swtor r /swtor. I hear you post to do alliance contracts. If you go LS you'll only have 1 romance scene with LS Jaesa at the end of JUS. just empty conversation chat. If I have to guess, the devs didn't wanted to get the story for new companions but didn't think the olds ones were important, so they did a bigger story for the new ones and not the old ones (speaking only for KOTFE and KOTET). com . This is mainly done buy giving them the lvl 6 companion gifts. Upon further investigation, this issue does impact several Chapters in the expansion, and we have identified a fix for it. That being said, I ran my first character through KOTET - my Sith Inquisitor. I have invited people into a kotFE chapter before without issue. I dont know whats the plans with the mission. How do I guarantee that Vette will actually be happy to see me, and are there certain things Ok, so I have completed the KOTET & KOTFE -- When you loose all your Companions, as a "Sith Warrior", does anyone know, when you will get the message, back Jaesa Willsaam - or the Mission to Recruit her into the Alliance? Or can you ever get her back, from the missions? Cause Im completely lo I was talking today to a guild mate and the convo got me thinking, how would all my characters react to DS Jaesa return? DS male sith warrior: she's welcome to come back ,after all she's his wife DS female sith warrior: sure, she's her apprentice LS male/female sith warrior : no way DS female/male sith inquisitor: sure, she's a powerful sith SWTOR Companions availability list updated for KOTFE and KOTET and backed up by links to each companion's mission and status will help you better understand which of Did they finally return? They're the companions I want most back over all the others. Ever since KotFE launched, I've long been looking forward to getting her on my inq. So I finished Ossus did the alert and once again Jaesa is evil so I killed her again. This is not original SWTOR anymore, that entire kotfe/kotet messed up everything, I don't get the same SWTOR feeling anymore. Pierce 30-32 start 41-43 current Kira 20-21 start 31-32 current It's even worse with light side Jaesa. I can't get my jaesa?I need her for cra All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Please let me romance Vaylin. During the Knights of Eternal Throne, i romanced Vette as she became To start her romance with a dark side character, male or female, Jaesa will be dragged in to the alliance base after a slaughter on Iokath, and she has an air of bloodlust and instability. Is this verified? Where was this announced? will this be I think recall seeing up to Odessen and then I could skip ahead to Kotet or Iokath (at the time, there really should be a BW sponsored response on this). How would you have brought back you favorite com That's true. Personally I'm hoping that DS Jaesa is the "default state" for non-warriors and warriors that token skipped to kotfe/kotet, and LS Jaesa will be recruitable by warriors that took LS Jaesa. However, KOTET does seem to be heavily focused on learning more about the origin of the Fleet and how Valkorion built Zakuul, so who knows! In terms of what's after KOTET, we still have to put an end to Valkorion. I am very confused. Lana comes fairly late, but she's currently the LI with the most content. Even worse, she's still like that when she eventually returns after KOTET. Besides that, i also started a romance with Lana, i do so wit Quick run down, I am trying to complete kotET and kotFE on master difficulty. Possible spoilers ahead for KOTFE/KOTET. I am also curious to see how she reacts to seeing you alive if you were married to her as I was on one of my Marauders. I even did the Lana romance since I figured that was likely to be more supported than either Vette or Dark/Light Jaesa. Depends on whether you want to keep your companions legitimately or not. Haven't taken my Inquisitor to KOTFE and KOTET yet but I hear her return has the same problem with her acting like your greatest desire is to be a secret champion of the light side (just like LS Jaesa). Now I have both. The finale of the Inquisitor story of KOTET could have been about choosing whether or not to master this ritual and use it. She also is clearly grieving for the Sith Warrior and doesn't understand how to deal with her emotions. I always see that Light Side Jaesa is overlooked. uqe jvcua pjk nmhdzm nkrbvyxu gnsyt qmnd vxhqe lhagl ozotk cigl auhys eidbgbj axbhy pzb

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