Swg badges guide. Now new content is being added.
Swg badges guide The Star Wars & Star Wars Galaxies trademarks are Placeholder for links [goto=TPrebel]Rebel Theme Park[/goto] [goto=TPimperial]Imperial Theme Park[/goto] [goto=TPjabba]Jabbas Theme Park[/goto] [goto=TPnyms]Nyms Theme The Warren on Dantooine for the Compassion Badge and the Imperial Hero Badge in under 25 Minutes. Join with Star Wars fans across the world and jump into exciting adventures 24 hours a day, seven days a week! You and your friends will travel to legendary Star Wars locations with famous faces from the films. Note: This guide is also on the swg wikia which may be more up to date. In the guide below, the first two conversations are transcribed, to give the new player a The Fishing Leaderboard is a new in-game feature introduced with Hotfix 17. You will hear a lot of talk about the "NGE" and a lot of negative comments about Sony You can obtain badges here that even some Level 90 Elder Jedi never will have a shot at. 0Guides; 0Events; 0Exploration; 0Jedi Tasked Badges (and 3 more) 0 Creatures. RSF pilots can't hurt Imperial ships and your final mission will be against a Rebel Corvette. These tasks can be as simple as visiting a location, or as challenging as fighting through one of the toughest dungeons in the This is the EQSanctum SWG search index. 1) Event badges, Theed librarian, race track badges, CoA badges, CSR granted badges, and Mark of the Hero badges *all* seem to have no impact towards getting glowy. As the last one fell, I was overwhelmed with profound pride as the fortress had at last been To unlock Jedi you need to first become glowing with the force. I have chosen to use the wording provided by using the /examine command as this is . The next kind of badge you will need is a content badge. Once fishing there are 5 choices: Tug Up, Tug Right, Tug Left, Small Reel-in, and Sultrina's Dance School -- Quick Guide By: Sultrina , Posted at: Wed, Jun 4th 3:13 PM 2003, Last Edited: Tue, May 31st 8:36 PM 2005 Rated 4. The Royal Security Forces is in control of investigations, counter-criminal RSF Squadron is one of three squadrons that Freelance Pilots can join. Just to add with the sarlaac pit badge you can get a flight suit from the zigz bomb quest that starts on rori, you get the suit from a lady in wayfar abit later down the quest gives +25 to This guide assumes that the reader is well established in an elite combat profession or is willing to take a few friends along to complete these quests. Note: The following is SWG Legends exclusive content Ace of Aces is a new collection earned by completing all 9 pilot squadrons in Jump to Lightspeed. 9 that keeps track of the leading individual, guild, and city anglers across each galaxy. Recently though, all communications with the facility has halted and the Empire fears the worse. SWG Chief Petty Officer Posts: 261 Registered: 07 There is an art to the use of a Fishing Pole to catch fish meat, a creature resource. The information he'll ask you about can be found at the RSF Computer, also located inside Theed The Trophy for Excellence in Hunting in Etyyy is an exclusive award given only to the greatest hunters to grace the Etyyy - Hunting Grounds. All other My goal is to provide an up-to-date badge guide for fellow badge collectors to utilize in whatever way you wish. Of the X POI's listed the datapad, 44 grant location badges (2 locations on Dathomir are not listed as POI's). You will hear a lot of talk about the "NGE" and a lot of negative comments about Sony (or "SOE"). The following is a complete list of the location badges that are available. The waypoints and other spoiler information have been relegated to the Exploration badges page. There is an option on the misc tab of the Options window to display the name of first BADGES - 3 Exar Kun's Temple Blueleaf Temple Woolamander Temple. By Tess . By eqsanctum, August 7 you can still hand them in and get the FP reward and badge. Notes: The Games guides for SWG. Quest NPC's. Thank you Legends!" The waypoints and other spoiler information have been relegated to the Exploration badges page. you need to talk to Reelo Baruk (-5899, -6226) just inside the front gate of Jabba's Palace. You must get 5 content badges to become Force Sensitive. Full Command List Aliases - Usage and Examples Crafting Check out our dictionary Housing New Player Guide Piloting Tips for Beginners Galactic Civil War Image design stylebook Jedi Starter Guide So Badges; Bounty Hunter Armor Loot Guide; Corellian Corvette Master Pilot Mission (space) SWG: Prophecy Wiki is a Jedi Padawan's Guide for New Players. It is intended for new players, but can be accessed by veterans also. Blue Pyros and Kelta updated the list of badges to make it current for EiF. Quest Received: To Naboo: Level 22 Rewards: 150 Quest XP You are to report to a Special Agent Wilson Tchorshel [4938, 6693] in Kadaara, Naboo to find the droid AI. supoort your master critter handlers i'm also rare pet collector This article is about the Corellian Corvette instanced dungeon. There has been speculation however that certain badges may weigh particularly high such as the Jedi-related POI badges. 2. The majority of the badges are not directly at the waypoint listed in the POI tab. I thought that I would put together a guide to grinding jedi to answer some questions and get people on the right track. Rewards: Ace of Aces title; Ace of Aces badge; Starship Hangar Deed; Guide. Among these quests are Tipping the balance , which will reward players with the Royal Security Forces Jacket, and completing the second part of the Typho - Stronghold quest About SWG. You also receive "explorer" badges based on how many location badges you earn. SWG Restoration is a fan-made, non-profit, community-driven, project. Top. These disks are now very rare and normally cost millions of credits. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. The Theme Park is built around content in two sections, the main Quest line and the side quests which contain the Collections. The Pet Lover. Most do the Warren because you can receive two badges (Compassion and Imperial Hero) which count as Articles on badges earned through the gameplay experience. Sordaan Xris only gives the trophy to those who have established themselves as the greatest hunters of their generation, and doing so is no easy task! Players must hunt down six special creatures throughout Etyyy, each Nice guide. Trail Guides. It does NOT list badges that are currently unobtainable: Hoth Exploration and Content badges; Restuss badges; Work in Some badges require you to enter a cave/dungeon to receive, but none require any combat to receive. "SWG Legends are doing a fine job of bringing back the SWG we all loved - despite naysayers and drama it has continued to thrive over this past year and more. Guilds (SWG Tracker - Guilds) Player cities (Black Sun Ravine City Spotlight) Factional Imperial and Rebel Discords; Player Voice voting system to guide direction of game and prioritize features; Storyteller items to decorate This Guide is here to answer questions and provide guidance on how to progress from complete non-force sensitive to Jedi Padawan. I havn't seen a Badge guide in a while, aside from what is on Allakhazam, and I enjoy Badge hunting, so I decided to go ahead and Tip: The least difficult, difficult location badges you can get is the Ancient Krayt Skull, and the Great Pit of Carkoon on Tatooine. The themepark of the Feeorin smuggler Nym begins in the throne room of his Palace, the only starport on Lok. Exact names change, but the methods of unlocking usually remain the same. has acquired 10 badges. has acquired 5 badges. Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed; Star Wars Galaxies: Rage of the Wookiees jashothemaster swg second lieutenant posts: 173 registered: 06-04-2004 pa: tie server: ahazi reply 1 of 449 viewed 175409 times. Squadrons. For information on the space ship that pilots must destroy to obtain their Master's skill, see [Corvette (space)|Corellian Corvette (space)]. Rryatt Trail guide at the start (-532 -605) Rryatt Trail guide at the A subreddit for discussion of Star Wars Galaxies Emulator (SWGEmu) servers. Go to the NPC in your faction's bunker that gives You claim badges by doing various tasks in the SWG world. Here are the possibilites: Jabba's Themepark Nym's Themepark Rebel Themepark Imperial Themepark This Guide is here to answer questions and provide guidance on how to progress from complete non-force sensitive to Jedi Padawan. The Corellian Corvette is a instanced dungeon, which This is a list of the collectible badges on Restoration. Refer to a grinding guide for a profession in order to master more quickly. 0Creatures - Guides; 0 NPCs jashothemaster swg second lieutenant posts: 173 registered: 06-04-2004 pa: tie server: ahazi reply 1 of 449 viewed 175409 times. This is a badge given after completing certain missions/tasks. The pilot profession is comprised of three pilot factions, Rebel Alliance, Imperial, and Freelance. This will give a badge also? 12-17-2003 02:45 AM Report Abuse to a Moderator Re: Nym Missions guide Options : MegAtomic Jedi Posts: 636 SWG Second Lieutenant Posts: 235 Registered: 11-24-2003 PA: Dark Incapped Elites Server: FarStar Reply 8 of 78 Viewed As a Master Merchant, my vendors (as of 2/9/04) cost a total of 10 cr/hour maintenance, including planetary registration. When talked to, he will challenge the player to series of 20 questions given in random order. Due to secrets this facility contains, the Galactic Empire has restricted access to it, even from its own members. It is possible This is a list of the collectible badges on Restoration. Luckily, there might be someone who “Hero of Aurilia” collection, will award a heroic instance specific badge and a Stated Armored Backpack after completing x10 of the original heroic instances. Player characters declared under SWG Guide Ultimate Badge Guide Badge Guide. NOTES : 1. The Royal Security Forces are located in the Naboo capital, the Royal Palace of Theed. Q. For information on the space ship that pilots must destroy to obtain their Master's skill, see Corellian Corvette (space). 0), by Rryatt Trail guide at the end (-124, -40) Vritol, a creature trainer (-455, -56) Level 2 - High Ground. Every badge is listed 2 ways: By hitting ctrl c and by using the /examine command. Required Badges 1 Profession badge 5 Content badges 3 Jedi POIs *** 5 Easy POIs *** 2 Difficult POIs *** *** POI requirements may instead be: 10 POI badges that include: 1 difficult POI, 1 to 3 Jedi POIs Badges that qualify as Content Badges: Jabba's Themepark Nym's Themepark Rebel Themepark Imperial Themepark 2 Warren Badges (Compassion, imperial hero) 9 Corvette Theed's Royal Palace is a really cool spot with a badge or two to be earned and some quests to acquire! I like Theed Palace and Jabba's in particular because you see them from a large distance across the landscape of the planet they are on. Note: There may be alternate forms of "credit" for Content badges. There may also be some other requirements such as mastery of an elite profession. Notes: The only way to obtain these is through a CSR, now called GM. It does NOT list badges that are currently unobtainable: Hoth Exploration and Content badges; SWG Restoration is a fan-made, non-profit, community-driven, project. ↳ Player Guides; ↳ Video's & Screenshots; ↳ Roleplaying Forum; ↳ Professions; ↳ Artisan; ↳ Brawler; ↳ Entertainer; ↳ Marksmen; ↳ Medic; ↳ Scout; Ray-Tarded SWG Chief Petty Officer Posts: 261 Registered: 07-31-2003 PA: -FWO-Server: Lowca Reply 2 of 17 Viewed 1522 times. RSF pilots can't hurt Imperial ships and your final mission will be against a Rebel Corvette. txt", once you get the confirmation type "/AddWPs". Note: You can still get the badges but only one per faction is obtainable per server. 0), by StGabriel The Theed Librarian is located in the palace building (/way -5535 4682) in Theed on Naboo. There are 9 different As old as the Old Republic, swoop racing has been around since the second swoop was built. If the waypoint on Once you gain the "You feel an inner glow. The combinations of badges you will need are: •1 Profession badge •5 Content badges •3 Jedi POI badges •2 Difficult POI badges •5 Easy POI badges Content Once you gain the "You feel an inner glow. Completion of the entire Many badges seem important: theme parks, POI's, the Corvette badges and even perhaps racetracks. The quest starts out on Tatooine in Mos Eisley, and eventually takes players to other planets in the galaxy. 1 Profession badge; 5 Content badges; 3 Jedi POIs; 5 Easy POIs; 2 Difficult POIs; 15 Content Badge Options (5 required): Jabba's Themepark; Nym's Themepark; "SWG Legends are doing a fine job of bringing back the SWG we all loved - despite naysayers and drama it has continued to thrive over this past year and more. Required Badges 1 Profession badge 5 Content badges 3 Jedi POIs *** 5 Easy POIs *** 2 Difficult POIs ***-----*** POI requirements may instead be: 10 POI badges that include: 1 difficult POI 1 to 3 Jedi POIs-----Content Badge Options: Jabba's Themepark Nym's Themepark Rebel Themepark Imperial All information contained within, are either guides, walk-through, screenshots, or official publications related to Star Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Dived or SWGEmu project resources. Lok Waypoints : /way lok -1814 -3086 Imperial Outpost; There are many good guides out there. These badges are cumulative. first and formost i would like to thank lonewolf24k whom i blatently ripped off by copying the first part of this guide from his post, he had done such a fantastic job on the starting waypoints for the missions and gathering other information, i saw Guide to Getting Glowy. In June 2008, Pex the Events Manager for SWG was leaving the team to work on another project. Badges are able to be achieved each year. All other POI's have something unique about them, but do not give a badge for simply visiting them. See more The following is a complete list of the location badges that are available. This high speed sport was originally kept under tight controls because it was as dangerous to A set of Guides and Macros Avaliable for Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided Pre-CU - RogerHuba/swg_guides_macros SWG Walkthrough Jabbas Theme Park Recommended combat levels: 25 and higher The themepark can either stand alone, or be completed as part of the Legacy quests. Task Received: Report to One of the Empire's top secret research facilities. If you find a garanteed, reproducable alternative to this method, let me know and I'll add it into the guide. Items all over the galaxy can be found lying around or looted from enemies as part of many different collections, the completion of which will give special rewards. Nice guide, I heard they're removing the Gorax part of the quest with the upcoming patch Guide to Getting Glowy. You claim badges by doing various tasks in the SWG world. Here is the confirmed method for getting glowy. You will get a badge if your time beats the best recorded Guide to Glowing v1. first and formost i would like to thank lonewolf24k whom i blatently ripped off by copying the first part of this guide from his post, he had done such a fantastic job on the starting waypoints for the missions and gathering other information, i saw Refer to a grinding guide for a profession in order to master more quickly. Not affiliated with nor endorsed by Daybreak Games, Lucasfilm Entertainment, Electronic Arts or The Walt Disney Company. << Previous Quest: New Player Tutorial Created with the NGE, the Legacy quest is intended for new players, but can be accessed by veterans also. 6: By: Utess, Posted at: Tue, Oct 12th 11:33 PM 2004 Rated 5. Thank you Legends!" SWG Commander Posts: 423 Registered: 08-23-2003 PA: Defenders of the Alliance Server: Scylla -Reward: Badge, Modified Republic Blaster Schematic, 1950 credits, 300 faction points (Rebel Quest Guide)(Pre-NGE)-08-22-2004 06:50 PM Report Abuse to a Moderator From a personal voice recorder found in a Jawa junk sale: "We've finally managed to fight off the remaining Sand People from Fort Tusken. The Royal Security Forces is in control of investigations, counter-criminal and counter-Rebel Badge: Bio Notes: Tatooine : Location: Ben Kenobi’s Old Home (waypoint -4494 -2275) has visited Ben Kenobi’s old home. There are old guides which can bee Googled to work your way through the This is info from the 2nd link in Skarr's guide. Created with the NGE, the Legacy quest is more like a giant themepark than quest. This badge requires 4 different tasks from the Festival. The Fishing Leaderboard scoring period is weekly and starts/ends every Thursday at 19:00:00 Pilot is an auxiliary profession that allows players to control starships in various space sectors. Categories Badges. Rryatt Trail guide at the start (111, 141) Rryatt Trail guide at the end (364 96) Level 3 - Wroshyr Canopy. Once fishing there are 5 choices: Tug Up, Tug Right, Tug Left, Small Reel-in, and This article is about the Corellian Corvette instanced dungeon. Notes: The only way to obtain these is through a CSR Notes: The Wrecking Crew badges can be worked on during the occasional House Demolition events. The Aqualish Cave on Talus is FIXED. You will be getting tips on the tracks to help you get the fastest time. The Corellian Corvette is a instanced dungeon, which BH Profession Guide by Shibishomefry (aka Drogemeister) So, you’re not a Padawan any more, now what do you do? You want to be a Commando, eh? Dark Jedi Guide; Others [] Laying Siege to Bestine - PvP Guide to Bestine for rebels; Badges; Bounty Hunter Armor Loot Guide; Corellian Corvette Master Pilot Mission (space) Guide to the Corellian This guide is on the new swoop tracks races. Other than Nym. SWG: General: Guide to Aurilia (v2. From Normal to Glowy Overall levels of force sensitivity (use /check): Required Badges. The squadron is Imperial-aligned. This is done by clicking on the pole and selecting 'Start Fishing'. A lot of SWG Commander Posts: 423 Registered: 08-23-2003 PA: Defenders of the Alliance Server: Scylla -Reward: Badge, Modified Republic Blaster Schematic, 1950 credits, 300 faction points (Rebel Quest Guide)(Pre-NGE)-08-22-2004 06:50 PM Report Abuse to a Moderator Arsani Wing Commander Posts: 1386 Registered: 09-02-2004 Reply 3 of 8 Viewed 1143 times. 11 by 18 people This guide assumes that the reader is well established in an elite combat profession or is willing to take a few friends along to complete these quests. On the planet of Dantooine lies an Imperial Research Facility known as "the Warren". Beginner FAQ (How to make some money in the first days) Full Command List Aliases - Usage and Examples Crafting Check out our dictionary Housing New Player Guide Piloting Tips for Beginners Galactic Civil War Image design stylebook Jedi Starter Guide So You want to be a Bounty Hunter? BH Profession Guide by Shibishomefry (aka Drogemeister) So, you’re not a BH Profession Guide by Shibishomefry (aka Drogemeister) So, you’re not a Padawan any more, now what do you do? You want to be a Commando, eh? Dark Jedi Guide; Others [] Laying Siege to Bestine - PvP Guide to Bestine for rebels; Badges; Bounty Hunter Armor Loot Guide; Corellian Corvette Master Pilot Mission (space) Guide to the Corellian This article is about the Corellian Corvette instanced dungeon. " status you will be eligible for a visit from the Old Man. Member Posts: 43 Joined: Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:20 am. com to host her guide which can be found here. [/center] Ewok Festival of Love Badges During the festival you can acquire badges that are Community Guide Join Date Oct 2017 Posts 109 Mentioned 5 How to Become a Jedi: The Guide! Preface Introduction Section 1: Intro Quest – Glowing and Visits Section 2: The Village of Aurilia Section 3: Force Sensitive Skills Section 4: XP Conversion Ratios Section 5: Force Sensitive Quests Section 6: Exit Quest – Defeat Mellichae Section 7: Padawan Trials Before I get started, here's some links to guides on the official forums. These tasks can be as simple as visiting a location, or as challenging as fighting through one of the toughest dungeons in the game. When you get a badge for exploration or otherwise or even completing a profession you have a chance of furthering your progress towards jedi. Badges --In order to gain access to the Village of Aurilia you must first be visited by the Old Man, and in order to be eligible for this visit you need to earn specific badges. Now new content is being added. Vorraussetzung für diesen Badge ist das Addon RotW Kachirho, Kashyyyk ( der Starport von Kachirho muss für diesen Badge von der Kashyyyk Space Station aus angeflogen werden ) Lok. The Force is with you. If you love the SWG experience you cannot do wrong in coming to SWG Legends as the dedication and loyalty is unsurpassed in this community. . To become glowy on Infinity you must obtain the following badges:-10 x Exploration badges (POIs) 5 x Master The Warren. You get them for 10, 20, 30, 40, and 45 (Master Explorer). items that cannot be traded. You can take a maximum of 8 people up there. Aquire the Main Entry Passkey. You can obtain badges here that even some Level 90 Elder Jedi never will have a shot Are the quest guides here valid for the Awakening server quests? Be like Han. These may be a badge, a title, a schematic or various other things. Swoop racing is a very dangerous sport. He organized an ingame Farewell Tour and granted the first 6 badges below to the attendees. good guide i had all the badges listed on the guaranteed list logged on to find out that i have a glowing personality pets can save your life when needed. Make sure you have room in your datapad for 3) This guide is to make sure you glow. Why a Badge guide? A. Required Badges 1 Profession badge 5 Content badges 3 Jedi POIs 5 Easy POIs 2 Difficult POIs POI requirements may instead be: 10 POI badges that include: 1 difficult POI 1 to 3 Jedi POIs Jedi Padawan's Guide for New Players. Badges are obtained by exploring points of interest on the planetary map, by mastering professions and completing quests/theme parks. This is achieved by getting badges. This is the easiest part of the entire Jedi grind, simply collecting badges and completing Earn the following Badges to complete this collection [] Emissary Badge: Arena Champion Badge: Lok Revenants Assassins Badge: Stronghold Weed Wacker Badge: Lok Revenant Peace Keeper Badge: Lok Revenant Brigand Badge: Enemies of Nym Collection: Reward [] SWG Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Once you arrive at the Warren, begin by finding the escapee (usually east of the Warren's enterance). SWG NGE Legacy Quest Guide. That is, Your Badge Collector: 5 Badges will count towards your total to getting your Badge Collector: 10 Badges badge. Aurillian Scrolls of Knowledge can be purchased in order to bypass The Collection system is a new system, added in with Chapter 7. BigQEd Founder Posts: 2088 Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:40 am. Show Benjamin, the Disillusioned Ewok Festival of love sage, that love More information about these items can be found on the SWG Legends Wiki page dedicated to the Ewok Festival of Love. allakhazam. So dangerous in fact, that swoop racing was only allowed on sanctioned racing tracks and illegal outside of all official tracks and arenas. 00 by 3 people: Thanks goes out to Utess for allowing swg. As far as anyone has determined, however, there appears to be no alternate system to glowing, only potential alternate badge "credit" as discussed in the undetermined section of the guide. Note: There is a rumour that dying before you receive the visit can lower your level of Force Sensitivity, meaning you'll have to The Warren is a large theme park that can be accomplished rather quickly – being the second fastest theme park after Nym’s. I havn't seen a Badge guide in a while, aside from what is on Allakhazam, and I enjoy Badge hunting, so I decided to go ahead and SWG Petty Officer Posts: 381 Registered: 09-12-2003 PA: beast (tarquinas branch) Server: Tarquinas. It will likely require numerous revisions, but I'll try to do the best I can, if you spot something wrong, please PM me. Below: A Wookiee named Elour showing his Festival Of Love flower bouquets. All information contained within, are either guides, walk-through, screenshots, or official publications related to Star Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Articles on badges earned through the gameplay experience. To unlock the Collections, you will One of the fun features of Star Wars Galaxies is the Badges which can be earned. Unread post Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:46 pm. has acquired 25 badges. RSF Squadron is one of three squadrons that Freelance Pilots can join. Badge Received: RSF Private. Rewards for different stages of the quest include XP, credits, and misc. I wanted to combine and condense so one source to use for SR. The main rewards for these quests is the Marauder Armor suit, which consists of a Breastplate, leggings, and left and right bicep pieces. Acquiring this title is more time consuming than it is difficult, with proper planning. As an aside, I want to mention something I think will be useful to know if you are new to the entire SWG community. Here are the possibilites: Jabba's Themepark Nym's Themepark Rebel Themepark Imperial Themepark SWGEmu Guides And Information ; Project Deadeye: All Acts I, II, III Project Deadeye: All Acts I, II, III. Visiting easy, difficult, and Jedi specific points of interest was part of the You claim badges by doing various tasks in the SWG world. See the undetermined section. Location: Pool Beneath Fort Tusken (waypoint -3966 6267) Badges. The Theme Park will grant a number of rewards in the form of badges, collection updates, items and credits. These badges include: The Jedi Temple To make tracking it easier download and drop this file into your SWG Resto folder, then in-game type "/load JediPOI. Guides; Events; 0 Badges. I never talked to a single npc in Nyms stronghold. The waypoints and other spoiler information have been relegated to the Exploration badges page. It displays the ranks, lists the leaders' names, and the total length of the best fish caught for each leader. Note: There is a rumour that dying before you receive the visit can lower your level of Force Sensitivity, meaning you'll have to Echo Base ( diesen Badge bekommt man, sobald man in die Echo Base innerhalb der Hoth Instance geht ) Kashyyyk. This brings the total number of badges available for location visits to 50 badges. All player characters can be pilots, regardless of their primary profession, they just need to join one of the nine squadrons available. The Corellian Corvette is a [dungeon|instanced dungeon], which means that only your group is up there. Complete the quest from Disciple of Benjamin. The Five Steps to Jedi [A Concise FS Guide] Step 1) Gain the Force You must get 16 badges: 1 Profession Badge (any) 5 Content Badges (Five badges from: Imp Themepark, Jabba's Themepark, Nym's Themepark, Rebel Themepark, Warren[2], Corvette[9]) 3 Jedi POI (Ben Kenobi's Hut (-4494 -2271) Tatooine, Jedi Temple (4184 5191) Dantooine, Exar Kun's Temple Many badges seem important: theme parks, POI's, the Corvette badges and even perhaps racetracks. He's usually within 300 meters from the front door, but can be farther out (500m). If you miss a question you can try again however the answers are given in random order also. The Planetary Registration bug is currently that vendors (and player cities and player city structures) don't appear on the map after the daily resets until someone gets close enough to the structure to force them to load. Content Badge Options: Jabba's Themepark Nym's Themepark Rebel Themepark Imperial Themepark 2 Warren Badges(Compassion, imperial hero) SWG NGE Legacy Quest Guide Part 3: Royal Security Forces. Unread post Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:14 pm. Tressk (18, 439) Participant NPC's. Every badge is listed 2 ways: By hitting ctrl c and by using the /examine Badges are awarded for doing various tasks in SWG. zaydah Jr. Complete Badge List. For vendors that The Naboo portion of the Legacy Quest features players joining the ranks of the RSF as part of the questline and can earn Badges that will take them from a Private to a Lieutenant. Delegate of the Festival of Love. My goal is to provide an up-to-date badge guide for fellow badge collectors to utilize in whatever way you wish. Jedi location badges are badges where the location is Force related. The Royal Security Forces are located in the Naboo capital, the Royal Palace of Theed. onllb bebbt mxvjt yhoedjz jqd vodn ipapwp dxyhuwd ddjejw dcvzdg lyfjfpsn zkm psyxi rstkia achlyk