Smite ranked reddit. This determines a LOT in the picking / banning phase.
Smite ranked reddit Penalties need to increase a little for every queue dodge, not just ranked. Smite Ranked Joust Meta Me and my mates are coming back to smite after a long hiatus but cant seem to tell whats good and not in joust at the moment after all the item changes. Plus prime time and weekdays. ) corresponds with a percentile of the overall ranked player count, and Smite's explanation seems outdated (though I could be wrong of course). I have a few concerns though with the point system and I believe there are people out there that might not have the time or motivation to make a post about it. If you think conquest is slow (not that you do, this just seems to be a common thread with people who prefer Arena,) you’d hate ranked arena. Hell, the people I play with, I met in a random ranked game. HELP Hey I am getting into smite ranked. Best. 30 matches, level 30 with 14-20 owned gods at mastery 2 to play either Ranked Joust or Conq is insane. So if you want to climb in Rank, Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. If I had to guess where they were coming from, they probably meant how many rough games you have to go through to reach that point. Is it worth it to play Ranked, or should I overall though your complaint is pretty valid. they aren't invested in the game enough to be competitive. People that play ranked forget how to play in shitter lobbies and usually end up playing terribly. He means that Smite doesn’t have a large enough player base to balance matchmaking as it is. Xid TLDR: Ranked is not worth it, and will continue to not be worth it, until Smite allows you to play ranked with more than one friend. Read more! A Reddit thread on ranked requirements explains that Conquest requires 20 gods, while Joust requires 14. Think of all the times you’ve been 5+ kills up but even or behind in tickets. Okay that sounds reasonable. Smite Ranked comes up as being more toxic than other games quite often. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; Top 1% Rank by size . So one team picks then the other team that the first again and so r/Smite: Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Duel is definitely a great way to get better at mechanics. The point of ranked is to have better quality games. Ranked God Borders . While those statements are generally true, I have a theory of why Smite may seem 'more toxic than most'. Smite is a third-person multiplayer online I mean simply having higher player count should reduce wait times for games decently, but even league has problems with people dodging ques and there isn’t a real solution to it, people are okay tanking a 20 min ban to not loose mmr, and punishing people to heavily for missing character select just isn’t good usually. Just cause the god has been top tier in SPL doesn't mean that it's performance will mirror in ranked. Controller players can already play in m&kb ranked queues but only the pc version of Smite Smite ranked, insufficient owned masteries have tried to go to worshippers tab MEDIA Share Sort by: Best. Other assassins ran primarily with tanks builds are Thor and cama. If I had I’ll be honest, ranked, at least in smite, is extremely overrated. More posts you may like r/BrawlStarsCompetitive. I googled the definition of S rank and this is what came up: "S-Rank Something that is so superlative that it cannot be described by any traditional ranking system. It is A++, 11/10, six stars, and three thumbs up. Be mindful of YOUR OWN skill level as well as your likely team mates. upvotes · comments. Reply reply BananaHammock00 • It's cuz you always on that phone 171 votes, 18 comments. Members Online Zanik- yeah 1500 mmr is a gamble. Communication: Use the VGS system and voice chat (if available) to communicate effectively with your team. you either get new players, who hop into ranked, as soon as they hit 30, get low mmr players, who go reset back to 1500 or youll get those whiny players, who moan and cry the whole game while sitting in base, because they died to a lvl 3 gank. Fortunately, they tend to stick to Ranked. Tips for 1v1 ranked . From a former masters player, definitely not worth it. Gaming. Adding a full team ranked q would only fragment that already thin player base even more. I’ve been grinding with my friend for lvl 30 to play ranked again but now it says you Never really played ranked much in the past and wondering if I should grind out the last ~110 tp to get masters duel before the end of this split. EDIT: Spelling. Smite's system seems antiquated, and I think ranked would be more popular letting groups play together. Members Online Smite 2 Datamining – 3 next deities from Smite 1 Info Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. You arent even brushing the surface on what other gods/combos/counters offer with just 20 gods. I don't have all day to game, I'm not wasting it on bothersome arrogant morons. Definitely still the worst role to play Ranked with until at least Diamond, simply because bad teammates are inevitable and you will lose tons of games with no ability to control anything. So due to the ranked leaderboards not being functional in-game, I have decided to go ahead and create a working version of them, using their official data from the SMITE API. Or check 466K subscribers in the Smite community. This is super helpful, and I feel it will reward players for playing well in their ranked games. TLDR: People solo queue to max rank in other games all the time while facing groups. The more you play the closer you get to your intended rank. r/Smite. I got on last night, I queued into ranked got requeued twice, annoying whatever at least I got into a game. But it just seems like I cannot get one perfectly normal game at all whenever I queue up, either there's something quitting after one death, constant flaming, or people just giving up the moment someone locks in something that's hard to get over. Most Ranked players, not just in SMITE but in MOBAs in general, grossly overestimate their skill and get annoying. Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. Thx you Smite reddit for help with my programing assigment and thx you all for all the fun :) Im looking forward to play and rekt you all hehe upvotes You joke but I played vs a duo smurf morg/lux botlane with double smite. limit my search to r/Smite2. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . on the other hand you could get a high mmr smurf, who got banned or is capped on their main or youll get Currently running off about 103k PC Ranked Conquest matches from the No-Boots patch until yesterday, the data shown is able to be sorted by each god in each of the 5 roles across all ranked brackets. Previous to the map change, mages that could get to level 20 and hybrid built ADCs seemed to get all the action. Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Members Online AquilaTempestas Wishful thinking at best, Support is still heavily team dependent until high level play where they become important. I can almost play joust ranked but started with 1v1 I've won 1/3 so far anyone have any tips for 1v1 ? Thanks! And hope ur enjoying the game fellow gods! :) Reddit's Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. you'll never get into a good game or a Ranked smite is legitimately toxic. There's almost always at least one disconnecter. Even with the constant help of our bot and jng we literally could never approach the wave. So when we had 3 q’s, matches became very one-sided. Welcome to the home of Hasbro's Marvel Legends on Reddit! This is THE place for all things MARVEL LEGENDS: news, discussions, release dates, first-looks, photography, displays, customs, Haslab, kit-bashes and anything else related People in reddit care about the game so most or them are good (or at least not bad, i mean they know the meta and how to play because they watch stream/read guide). As first of all i'll give you this tip, do not go ranked until you know the game good enough. Expand user menu Open settings menu. In a post 3 days ago, I asked the users of r/Smite to vote on the balance of the gods in conquest to help me create a community-created tier list. Encourage positive communication and provide strategic advice I've been playing Ranked Joust now for about a week or two with my friends and the whole system just seems broken, there's no clear description or explanation of how things work and finding anything online is difficult, to say the least, as it's all conjecture or hearsay. dont play it until they pull their shit together and make something that works Reply reply [deleted] • Titan Forge has given the moderators of r/Smite a little bit of insider information, Ranked Arena will be coming in the next patch! They saw all of the people here on r/Smite suggesting it, and decided to bring Ranked Arena back to Smite. When a SMITE player first enters SMITE they start with 1500 MMR. nexus. And to be honest, losing a bit of goodwill and having to wait 30 minutes isnt really a punishment. This determines a LOT in the picking / banning phase. The leaderboards get updated every 20 minutes and will display all players without a hidden profile, all you have to do to appear on it is to play at least 1 ranked match. if you are a really good smite player you might achieve something like a 60% win rate. In a 5v5 moba where success is often measured by intangibles, it's impossible to have a good ranked system. r/Smite Members Online. I was wondering if someone could give me a good rundown of whats good at the moment and possible builds. This let's each team ban a couple of gods so no one can pick them and after that the teams get to pick one by one and you can't pick what the enemy picks. The gods were ranked on a scale of 1-7, and I took the average ratings and arranged the gods in tiers separated by . that don’t make you want to post on Reddit. Members Online GATA6 Remember: RANKED =/= Smite Pro League. Limiting them to level 30 accounts is good, maybe mastery 2 in 5-10 gods, but 20 I think it's just too much and detracts people from playing the god they enjoy just to push to ranked, and since this is a second delivery we can expect most Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. Like the title says: Both m&kb (Mouse and keyboard) and controller ranked queues should be merged for season 9 or at least allow console players to choose to join m&kb ranked queues with controller because: . Silver games don’t play out like that. In the latest Dev Insight, an interesting Currently, ranked Joust isn’t available in Smite 2. My recent research pointed out some very disturbing numbers within Smite. Everytime I try to duo queue it says ranked teams must be in adjacent tiers, what does this even mean? Locked post. People so obsessively follow a meta that they don’t even understand to the point that people will literally rage and even quit As we all know smite ranked has been undergoing new and vigorous remodeling and testing what with the non-timed ques and all. Ranked is just Casual with bans and anyone that says otherwise hasn’t been playing ranked for very long. Also Reddit: “You need to watch some pro videos. Is Ranked Joust the future of Smite 2? We examine the potential, challenges, and community hopes for this competitive mode. Gaming Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. Hirez has said it takes about 50 games for the system to be confident in your placement. , Playstation, and Switch. Why? because one starts ranked at top gold/ low plat only 2 tiers away from Master tier players ; those who have years and thousands of matches of experience. However months ago someone made a video showing how to play with Controller vs M&K and it was mentioned that there's also a way to play M&K vs controller. Some others (not even high level) just play inhouses or tourneys, but also refuse to play ranked because it seems only new players are having fun. so yes grinding is a huge part of ranked even if you are good enough Going over the Open Beta 6 Patch Notes!Buy Your Smite Gems Here: https://www. This is all modes, ranked or not. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find NO ONE should be playing ranked till level 50, I'm so sick of seeing bronze type players in diamond play, people just don't know how to jungle and or just feed like crazy, when I've been playing Smite for awhile, I'm currently ~Level 85, but I've never touched ranked. New God: Nut Gameplay Trailer youtube. Ranked Problem . matchmaking sucks too. Unfortunately in this game you start ranked at about gold MMR, which means if you’re a newer player doing ranked for the first time you’re likely playing against golds with a couple thousand hours in the game. r/BrawlStarsCompetitive. Rank better reflects your teamwork, mental game, and consistency by weighing wins and losses heavier than MMR does. Both existed in the past but those of us who experienced it first hand understood why it had to be removed. New. Edit: Smite's ranked is dying because they only allow solo/duo. Im pretty new to Smite level 60 right now and Im really enjoying ranked joust and I was wondering who the top tier Warrior/Mage Gods are currently? “Ranked Speedrunner 2025” Title Earned by the first 10 players to reach 5,000 SR in Ranked Season 0 Tracking for this title starts after the Season 0 reset on January 14th, 2025 Will be first granted starting in the next SMITE 2 Open Beta patch. More posts you may like r/Smite. These are all just thoughts and opinions of a seemingly average Smite player, but hey, it doesn’t hurt to voice an opinion about something you used to love and now don’t even see as a part of the game. In ranked a different system to pick Gods is used called draft pick (instead of the normal blind pick). Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The reason is that when you first start playing ranked, you get placed in average mmr, so you'll go against average players that have 1000+ hours in the game. Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and There's just not enough competitive players to maintain a healthy ladder so Ranked queues are 99% low-level players with random ranks Bronze-Diamond, and then maybe a few hundred players in Masters. Check Top Gods in Smite. gg/weak3nCorsair: https://cor. Now the main reason I wrote this post is Toxicity. With our new map, Zeus is no longer ungankable, gods like Arachne and Bakasura can actually have a place as a dedicated jungler. com and all 4 games my teams were behind well over 100 mmr from playing at around 1750 all the way to 1550. Ranked Border. Smite ranked is no longer a battle of how good you and your teammates are. I’ve played smite before (never too seriously) in my previous account I was level 70 and had a couple lvl 10 gods but after my console stopped working and I bought a new one, I couldnt recover my account. corresponds with I def think smite needs to raise the requirements for getting into ranked. r/BrawlStarsCompetitive is the place for all your Brawl Stars strategy needs! Discuss pro Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. sr/Weak3nXidax PCs - GET YOURS HERE: www. 466K subscribers in the Smite community. One time I got CC'd for almost 9 seconds and they would spam insults and not even bother killing me. No hate for Joust but to be real, that mode has always been an imbalanced meme and imo only even has a Ranked queue to cater to parties of 3. People always talk about the toxicity in Smite and to me this is genuinely the most toxic part about this community. But 1500 MMR is the MMR needed to be in I used AI to compile a list of tips for SMITE Ranked Conquest. ” Proceeds to list people to watch who call their team dog water and Posted by u/WhoBen239 - 1 vote and 4 comments View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Just got ranked and it makes me want to never touch the game again Reply reply i've gotta hope we run into someone's team doing the same thing or spend hours on forums/reddit trying to get a scrim. TLDR: Ranked is not worth it, and will continue to not be worth it, until Smite allows you to play ranked with more than one friend. Posted by u/edumahcation - No votes and 9 comments These guys are the exact reason I will never play ranked smite. The majority of Smite players play the mode that is the least stressful for them, which happens to be arena. Progress through the event to earn free Skins and content in SMITE 2. Members Online sonicbuster Silver isn't made for competitive smite games man. I have almost 400 hours and have played over 200 games of ranked so I feel like I have a legitimate view point on this subject. Silver is for people that just hit level 30 and want to try ranked, or people that don't play smite much and aren't invested at all. Smite Ranked Matchmaking Hello fellow Smite community, I'm here to express my concerns of my matchmaking lately it's been absolutely atrocious, I checked my last 4 losses on smitesource. (Yes, Ranked Arena used to be in Smite, but was removed early on) Ranked Arena will include a Ban Phase just like Conquest/Joust with 10 Why is everyone on smite ranked such little whiny babies lol you can’t have more than one friend for fear of “team cohesion too strong” which is ridiculous in a TEAM based game, then the mmr system blows and doesn’t account for actual stats so once you get lower in it you start getting into a low mmr spiral with a bunch of bots who will purposefully throw the match just to spite you What this means to average ranked(or league) player in smite? From Bronze to Platinum, tiers don't mean anything. A lot of players that have been playing smite for years use their smurfs to play ranked nowadays simply because 7 out of 10 matches are just so bad quality it isn't even worth the hassle. Some spicier picks would be like susanoo, pele, Arachne if it fits your comp, hun batz. Unless you play professionally ur not special. Check Smite guru for your casual games and almost every match has 3+ man groups in them. It is now a game of who gets the least toxic, most competent, and most experienced team. If players like you and your friends queue ranked because they think they're ready, it greatly ruins the experience for everyone else. In 90% of my games, whether it was arena, casual conq or ranked, people leave. comments; Want to join? Log in or sign up in seconds. What we have, with the playerbase SMITE has is about as good as we're going to get. but to achieve a win/loss differential of 20 with a 60% win rate, you have to play 100 games (60-40). Try not to get discouraged if you drop a bit at first, and I’m sure you’ll be on the climb up in no time Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. Matchmaking has ALWAYS been absolute trash in Smite. Members Online • BapeBoppin . So, we all know that matchmaking on Ranked modes are input based to minimize disadvantages of pairing controllers and M&K. I really enjoyed having that extra incentive to earn even if I wasn’t having the best day of ranked Q’s. Literally every person I know who plays ranked is like this. People just go afk or play custom matches. The requirements to que ranked are very relaxed for Conquest and Joust as for Duel, someone's loss doesn't actively hinder someone elses rank so it should be relaxed. Controversial Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. I got placed there after starting ranked recently, and I’ve tried Tanks run ranked joust assassins to play really is ne zha he should basically be an Insta ban tho. Free loot is up for grabs in SMITE 1 as well, including your choice of an Unlimited Tier 5! This is actually why I don't play Ranked. Top. I am speaking of TP progression and degression. . The way you lose Arena isn’t by kills, but by minions. Valheim; Genshin Impact I would like to know how each rank (Bronze, Silver, Gold, etc. Most responses follow something similar to 'all MOBAs are toxic' or 'all internet games are toxic'. There are 107 gods and the minimum you need to have owned, to play ranked, are 20 and must be level 30. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. The Divine Legacy is an all-new event that rewards you for your time and achievements made in SMITE 1. com Smite2. This system ensures players understand the game basics and have a diverse pool of gods to choose from, So the meta in ranked joust is usually a hair different than the conquest meta. Reply reply the smite ranked system is embarrasignly bad. True. It’s how I improved. Members Online Embarrassed_Hawk_137 Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. I'm pretty much a causal player, but I want to change that. So this season, the ranked borders for gods has seemed off to me. Smite II will be the same dumpster fire. DR Smite Matching/Rank System sucks and the playerbase is to low and spilt from NA East to West To Europe to Latam. In rare cases, Hi all, As a somewhat "newish" player to SMITE 1, I just wanted to suggest for the second game to reduce the requirements for rankeds. reddit. 5 of a rating. So, basically, you have competitive players playing normal and ranked conquest, and you have casual players playing arena, so who would play ranked arena? You can't use it as a get away from Jail card, since it won't protect you from leaving. This decision by the developers stems from concerns about the player base size and its potential impact on matchmaking. Open comment sort options. I stopped playing smite for like 2-3 weeks because ranked had dropped my mental to a point where I needed to take a break. Basically an assassin who either does a ton of damage or has a ton of CC. You’ll likely get better at farming efficiently, paying attention to timers, resource management, counter building, min-maxing your damage output, paying attention to relics, cutting off options, and predicting juke patterns. you should learn all the gods, when and where to rotate, warding, vgs, you should Smite gods stats for Conquest, Joust, Duel ranked modes with filtering by ranked tier and stats for Conquest, Joust, Assault, Arena, Slash normal modes. New comments cannot be posted. Ranked Borders are returning in SMITE 2! There’s many many looking for group posts you can make, and it’s very easy to find friends to play smite with on Reddit as well. everyone down there is there for a reason. Second: Starting Rank role. Now it just seems you get a gold border The matchmaking algorithm isn't transparent so your experience is anecdotal, people are turned off from playing ranked because how ranked works is fundamentally broken, if you're not getting good games but getting garbage I've been attempting to get into ranked smite for a while now as I've been familiar with mobas as I've played league of legends in the past. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. That is insanely low for the amount of skill a lot of gods require. You can see the tier list as seen here, as well as arranged by Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. In prior seasons, you would get a plat border for 60%+ win rate, and diamond border for 80%+. And that's why Rank is a second layer, rather than MMR being the end all be all. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments! Smite is a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios on PC, XBox, Playstation, and Switch. Smite ranked . It's only in ranked. i've played a lot of online games MOBA is the worst to play with randoms. I got stuck support, great. Reddit: Tells dude if he complains about teammates being bad he’s stuck at his rank because he deserves it. kxcimnjtepcowvcbuoxurzmycmomeghjzndysqaqsqenxjazxqzjcimiduglwvxsftpiehbl