
Ruq pain reddit. Still have bad fatigue, can’t exercise much anymore.

Ruq pain reddit Having right side upper abdominal There can be several causes for right upper quadrant pain. Now my pain has slowly gone away, even though I gotta reduce a few more weight in the BMI scale to reach normal but the pain has slowly gone away. In my case when I had appendicitis a couple months ago the CT showed gallbladder abnormalities and having a history of SIBO and specifically steatorrhea, and saturated fats being a major trigger for my “IBS”+responding to a degree to ox bile+the worsening RUQ pain, this is the argument I use to propose there’s at least something in my Ask a doctor or medical professional on Reddit! All flaired medical professionals on this subreddit are verified by the mods. Posted by u/Fickle-Ad6979 - 1 vote and no comments Been seeing a specialist to help with my POTS and migraines, and have been seeing a GI I really like as well. [ii] In other words, people who have an abnormally large liver due to inflammation, steatosis, or fibrosis may be putting pressure on the liver capsule, which However, I still have upper right side discomfort / pain and sometimes back squeezing pain. The bloating I have almost constant ruq pain, dull, crampy pain, located under the right ribs and flank. Lately it’s been almost nonexistent, which is nice. Pain is constant and sharp. It's a burning gnawing sensation. , in late 2019 until early 2021 when it finally went away. Significant pain in the RUQ of my abdomen and wrapping around my rib cage to my back. I don't drink alcohol or caffeine. Keep an eye on it. Some doctors consider 80%+ normal but that's actually hyperkinetic territory and can be a problem for some people. If 32yo female Relatively healthy with some gut issues my whole life. Hello! 32 weeks today with my third baby. Excruciating pain that randomly came on before dinner in my stomach area but felt more prominent in the RUQ. I’m continuing to search the community and educate myself as well. High risk due to chronic hypertension- diagnosed in 2015. Is this good or bad? I dunno :) Keep an eye on it and please do see a doctor if the pain is intense. The explanation I heard was that, while the liver itself does not feel pain, the liver is in a sac (a membrane containing the liver), and when the liver gets too fat, it puts pressure on the sac, and the sac feels pain. with some instances of RUQ pain when I ate red Hello all -- I have some concerns about this nagging right upper quadrant pain that I have had for about 2 months. I've had ultrasounds and blood work that show nothing. The pain in my shoulder continued. Concerned about possible liver/pancreatic cancer, though I’m not really having too many symptoms other than the moderate on/off pain in the RUQ. Around 3 motnhs ago in September. Or check it out in the app stores   Does drinking alcohol cause more pain in RUQ? Does drinking worsen or lessen pain? I can drink a few beers and the pain stops. Finally, a naturopath said he believed I would get relief from surgery. I've had slight pain/ache/discomfort in my RUQ since 3. I started having a mystery abdominal pain and it's driving me to the point of not being able to focus on anything. I have been to the doctors with RUQ pain about 3-4 times and he is always telling me it is my GERD. In March 2023, it became constant--an unrelenting sensation from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep--and in the summer, was worse while I was on the antibiotic bactrim for a UTI. I’ve also had all the scans you have. Lasts 30 minutes to hours, starts milder and then gradually gets worse until it peaks and stays peaked for sometimes hours and generally is severe. Even a HIDA scan. Often it feels like a fullness/ache almost like a golf ball has been wedged under my bottom right rib. I have had blood tests done twice CBC, BMP, Amylase, Many patients in our forums report experiencing right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain. Every now and then, inflammation in the stomach or duodenum can feel like it's on the right side, but that's usually in the middle. If you have these then you may want to check. But when I mentioned this to him he said "well if you had gallstones or something else your enzymes would be at least a little bit elevated, yours are pretty low. Still have bad fatigue, can’t exercise much anymore. Lower abdominal pain too. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. For about 10 days out of the month I definitely have some mild and even sometimes intense ruq pain. but the pain just get worst and I then also feel it radiate true my guts, side and back. Blood work all came back fine. No strength to do anything. I have no idea if this a true or how the pain works. I ate boiled chicken and turkey with boiled potato or rice + cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, carrot and blueberries. I have gastritis (endoscopy confirmed this about 2 months ago) and was told to take PPIs. not a doctor However, on a day after drinking, I still sometimes get a shooting or aching pain in my RUQ. I consulted with two surgeons who said they didn’t think surgery would resolve my shoulder pain. 3cm gallstone and RIGHT UPPER QUADRANT (RUQ) PAIN. I also had excruciating burning pain I started having a mystery abdominal pain and it's driving me to the point of not being able to focus on anything. This week I noticed that my RUQ and LUQ are symmetrical and I think there is a a bump/lump maybe when I look at RUQ in mirror and from above (although can't quite feel much with my hands). . I thought that after getting my gallbladder removed, i wouldnt have to face these ruq pains and discomforts again. My gastric is also sometimes still here especially when I took late dinner. I get general IBS type pain, lower down stomach cramping etc but over the past few months I’ve noticed I have constant RUQ pain, it occasionally moves more central or to the left but it is mostly to the right. Luckily, it seems to be relieved after I eat. Though NAFLD and NASH are largely asymptomatic, RUQ pain occurs in about one-third of NAFLD/NASH patients and varies in character and severity. Omg I’ve been dealing with RUQ pain, mainly dull but sometimes intense! No Gallbladder (2008) and mid back pain that’s always there but can flare and hurt so bad! I’ve had ultrasound, CT, and scheduled for an MRCP but no answers yet. Brain fog. I had an MRI because I also have constantly elevated liver values and all they found was a benign hemangioma, which is a weird blood vessel growth. Gallbladder work up and RUQ US normal. Back in 2014 - 15 I had pain in my right ribs and would feel like something was swollen right there. I got a ton of blood work done recently and had elevated liver enzymes and high triglycerides. Over time the pain morphed and by early 2014 it was a constant dull (2 or 3 out of 10 on the pain scale) ache with occasional "episodes" of 8/10 pain accompanied by the other symptoms. If it is gas, there are gas reducing things you can try. No drinking, smoking or drug use. However, I didn't ever have the typical gallstone attack symptoms, mostly a growing feeling of pressure and discomfort in that region. This discomfort is daily and near constant, but the intensity varies between painless bloat and a mildly painful cramping. I’m at 24 weeks and have high risk of developing pre eclampsia. It's strange that some people have cirrhosis of the liver and no pain at all, while others only have fat loss and feel constant discomfort. I’m getting plenty of exercise and substantially improved my diet in the past month, plus lost 10 pounds, but the pain is still present. Overall doing much better. After about 4 hours it settled down enough that I could get a little sleep. Fever but no RUQ pain . 5 weeks after surgery. I have chronic pancreatitis. Gallbladder stones/inflammation (can happen from “sludge” too) will usually be dull but painful, worse right after eating. I have upper left quadrant pain with it. Had an endoscopy ~6 months ago that did not show much, just that my stomach looked mildly irritated. Testing comes back negative for gallbladder issues, but I wake up daily with itchy/minor dull pain in that area that comes and goes and does not get worsened by eating. Both these things have caused the dull pain and the belly not going down for me. I will say though, RUQ pain can be from something as simple as gas, or a pulled muscle. I consulted a chiropractor and acupuncturist who didn’t think it was my gallbladder, and their treatments made the pain so much worse. Sometimes the discomfort travels down into my lower abdomen and my mid back on the right side, but usually there is a constant pressure and discomfort right under my ribs on my right side. I have had blood tests done twice CBC, BMP Hi!, at the moment of speaking I have terrible RUQ pain it’s really hard to fall asleep like I normally do. Dizziness, constipation then diarrhea then constipation. I'm 6 weeks post op from my removal and that RUQ/side pain was my first symptom. They all found a single 8mm gallstone. Lately I have been seeing bright red blood in my stool too but it could be hemorrhoids. gallbladders join leave 28,777 readers. Posted by u/Ashamed-Buyer7859 - 2 votes and 2 comments Hello from r/doctorsuk!() Think zebras, not horses! I'll start: 50M, RUQ pain, guarding, Murphy's +ve, relatively normal LFTs. I also had calprotectin tests that came back as 17 (when the RUQ pain was worst) and 21 (when the RLQ pain started) respectively. The pain in the upper right just feels different, sometimes it is more of an ache The RUQ pain with itchy skin sounds like something you should get checked out. This escalated for the entire night (folding over type pain, pain walking/breathing in). This was my second time with fatty liver and encountered the same dull ache RUQ pain when sitting. Fast forward, Saturday, Feb 24, I start to feel a tightness in the RUQ about an inch below my rib cage. I started having a consistent dull ache, right pressure and some pain in my RUQ. Lower left rib pain, headaches, chest pain been to the ER 3 times because of it. Hot water on my back and abdomen have helped. Hello all -- I have some concerns about this nagging right upper quadrant pain that I have had for about 2 months. They came down after For me it was a combination of low histamine diet and gluten free. Hi! I am finally taking this elimination diet seriously. Anyone with IBS that also experiences on and off right upper quadrant pain? Ive had CT scans. Monday, Feb 26, the pain gets worse, again, localized to my RUQ. Hot showers also seem to relieve it. So I started research and found out that reducing the carbs drastically can cause the RUQ pain. Hmmm. Pancreatitis would be more rare, but is usually pretty painful, radiating to the back, with fever and lots of nausea/vomiting. Reply reply Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Could not get in a comfortable position to sleep. I have IBS and have those symptoms. I’ve had RUQ pain for at least four months that has only gotten worse. I’ve also had my gallbladder removed October 2019. I've done ultrasound, CT, MRI and x-rays. ibs: it's a pain. I have a dull pain in the RUQ after eating or drinking almost anything and it gets worse throughout the day. My symptoms are extremely yellow stools along with abdominal pain (mild UC like pain), fatigue, and up until recently, RUQ pain. View community ranking In the Top 20% of largest communities on Reddit. Gall bladder would occur when you eat something fatty even alcohol and the pain would be a lot. It definitely seems to get worse if I am up and walking around, sitting down seems to help the pain. If you’re still having RUQ pain, I’d recommend a HIDA scan which measures GB function. It's 95% under the ribs on the right side but occasionally radiates to my back on the right side. The big rule out for RUQ pain is gallbladder and maybe pancreas related. 37 year old female PMH of hypothyroidism, PFO, positive ANA and anti DSDNA. I've had constant RUQ pain (liver area) since June 2023 - 8 months of nearly daily pain. As far as your gallbladder / bile ducts go: gallstones would probably show up on a CT, but ultrasound is a little better. (90% of patients will have RUQ pain)--> liver damage causes a pro-coagulative state Yep that was my thought exactly. Anyone have any idea what would cause this? Doctors have no idea and I've been having a difficult time getting a diagnosis. and that’s on my belly. Liver pain is kinda of a discomfort more so like something pushing against. Then had weird nausea, pain in my left back, shoulder, hand, pain in my left abdomen as well, plus diarrhea sometimes. I tried to quit drinking several times but just didn't have the willpower even though I thought the drinking is what was causing the problem. I have right under rib pain that has been present since about August. Since about Dec 22nd, I've been waking up with RUQ pain/discomfort that sometimes goes away on its own after I'm upright/awake for a while and moving around. Hepatomegaly, ascites, RUQ pain, diagnosis? USMLE step 1, step 2, step 3. 28M 10 year history of heavy drinking (sober since October) dealing with RUQ and LUQ pain since. The most common causes include: In some cases like indigestion and gastritis, this might cause mild symptoms 119K subscribers in the ibs community. For the past 3 years I have dealt with right upper quadrant pain. There are many other things before going to the SIBO part. Only meds are prenatal vitamins. You would feel bloated at same time. Feels slightly bloated. The pain is there 24 hours a day. Im chalking this up to poor diet and even trigger foods. If you wound up going to the ER with super RUQ pain they'd probably do an ultrasound and possibly also do an amylase test (to check pancreas) + liver function tests. I’ve been vomiting and in pain without an answer for over 2 years now! Recently my upper right pain has started wrapping around my abdomen to my back as well. I have the exact same problem! My docs keep prescribing painkillers to mask the pain at this point - which isn’t my style. I recently have been to the ER for a gallbladder attack and have susequently had a few attacks that were painful but went away after a day or two and no fever/sign of infection. RUQ pain, floating ribs pop. Definitely made worse by drinking (subsides to mild after a week or so off alcohol) a few times a year i have bouts of intermittent excruciating pain where my gallbladder used to be. Also, gallbladder sludge could be a culprit. I’ve had 2 ultrasounds, shear wave liver elastography, and abdominal no contrast CT scan and the only thing that shows up is a 1. Pain subsided a bit and got to a manageable point so I ignored it until it worsened this past February. OB attributed it to It got so bad i would get low fevers after eating anything with fat at all, then i didnt eat for a week and had severe RUQ pain and i was admitted for a week when i went to the ER because the attack was so bad it caused mild pancreatitis, not fun! My symptoms sound fairly similar to yours. Edit: Gallbladder pain is generally associated with (fatty) food. I also think that in the 2 1/2 years since diagnosis that my level of pain tolerance has increased by so much that I only respond to seriously dangerous pain now. Sometimes the pain will move to the the back, side or sometimes goes to RLQ. Sometimes it hurts into my back. (RUQ pain) Hi, I’m F26 and have been having RUQ pain (dull, on and off, feeling of fullness in that area) since October 2022. Wondering if anyone else experiences sharp cramping type of pain in the right upper quadrant area? For me it’s right below my right nipple and feels like it’s right behind my ribs. Members Online • ftomasze . I was having some mid RUQ pain for a few months and then my doctor had me do an ultrasound that showed fatty liver about a month ago. Mine is almost entirely RUQ pain. I (32M) have been having RUQ discomfort/pain for almost 3 years. 40F, grossly peritonitic RUQ >> LUQ, N/V, systemic inflammatory response, previous lap chole. I feel pain everyday. This morning I woke up and that pain was back. I guess my appetite has decreased, but I’ve probably cut my calories in half so that probably plays a part in that. It is in the RUQ, sometimes shooting up or to the back. As background info, I'm not entirely sure what's going on with my body but suffering with horrible fatigue and constant RUQ pain now, elevated ALT & AST levels for 3 different months tested, and normal ultrasound results except for a single gallbladder polyp. I have one gallstone and have surgery booked for Friday but I really want to ensure its the gallstone that is causing the problems. A lot of fuffy stool. Four months ago they found “likely a I still have pain but it's much less intense now. Histamine intolerance can cause symptoms similar to what you describe. Posted by u/Dependent-Mind-151 - 1 vote and no comments 26 Male/Caucasian/ 6' 225lbs I started having a mystery abdominal pain and it's driving me to the point of not being able to focus on anything Hi, I am now about 7 months post op, and I will say up until about a month ago I was getting that annoying RUQ pain, but it was never severe, more like an annoying ache. Unexplained RUQ Pain. Persistent RUQ pain with subscapular radiation, pleuritic pain for 2+ weeks. CTAP: epiploic appendagitis at the hepatic flexure. Actually there is a huge correlation here — reductions in stomach acid affect the gallbladder. For more info on misbehaving intraperitoneal fat try this Radiographics review or this random Polish pictorial essay . Pain not relieved with NSAIDS or Tylenol. Pain is slightly relived with rest and lying in lateral position. " CC: right upper quadrant pain. This has been occurring for 3 months. Went get ultrasound and lab work and the only thing they could find was elevated liver enzyms and a fatty liver. Posted by u/Jazzlike_Leopard_276 - 1 vote and 5 comments I've had RUQ pain since November 2022. Just wanted to ask if anyone had experienced RUQ pain that went away (mine was a dull ache for 6-8 weeks) and now I instead get a little dizzy for a few hours each day and have been having floating stools. It can be anywhere from the front to back, from right below my rib cage to above my hip. Stomach acid signals bile secretion/gallbladder contraction. It seems to be mainly when I take a breath and something touches my ribs that I get the pain. I noticed it would come more if I did lots of walking or sitting at my desk but would go away when I would lie down or rest on a heating pad. Though NAFLD and NASH are largely asymptomatic, RUQ pain occurs in about one-third of NAFLD/NASH patients and varies in character and severity; some I try to just carry on with a normal life, but it’s constantly in my head because of the ache in the RUQ. The part that is puzzling to me is that from everything I’ve gathered over the Pain in URQ right below my rib, as well as bloating that comes and goes and sometimes a weird bubbling feeling there as well. Ask a doctor or medical professional on Reddit! All flaired medical professionals on this subreddit are verified by the mods. I started having pretty intense RUQ abdominal pain in March of 2021, and ruled out gallstones and cholecystitis. Since diagnosis this month i have changed my diet and only feeling a "sensation. Like, i could eat anything and then i'd have pain in the morning after, which they say there's no way that's gallbladder. Anything that hinders acid production, be it PPIs to H Pylori, will see negative outcomes. It has been hypothesized that RUQ pain associated with and near the liver may be caused by distension of Glisson’s capsule, which surrounds the liver and has many pain receptors. In any case, I also feel some pain from time to time. This morning I started having a dull achey RUQ pain. This happened back in 2021 and lasted a month. Obviously at a higher risk of developing preeclampsia. Last night we had salad and cheese pizza. It's 24/7. I’ve been on blood pressure meds and low dose aspirin since week 12. That’s how it started back, with nausea, bloating etc. Fatigue and RUQ pain have mostly gone away, I have had “mild gastritis” for many months now (occasional dull “fire” pains in stomach, super farty all the time, and pooping multiple times per day). Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Muscle pain on my legs and arms, randomly one day is left arm other day is the right. My MFM doctor has gone over all warning signs and symptoms with me regarding preeclampsia, especially It used to be way more vague. get reddit premium. Thank you! The pain I had a few nights ago was like a metal rod had been rammed through my torso. I have studied hepatic flexure buildup and believe I may have gas trapped there. I've had NAFLD for 8 years now, but it never caused me pain. Just had spicy chickpea pasta with shrimp and had pretty bad RUQ pain where the gallbladder and liver hang out. RUQ pain is most commonly your gallbladder / bile ducts or your colon. New comer to this group so pardon if I use the wrong terminology on certain aspects. Read on to work out what might be the cause – and when to see your doctor. Before surgery I was hospitalized for a week because my bilirubin and liver enzymes were high. Ruq pain has been disturbing me for the whole day too. I have experienced RUQ pain as well as various LUQ and in some cases lower abdominal pain for a few months. It's not constant anyway, but was thinking drinking would make the pain worse if my liver is the source of the pain? Ask a doctor or medical professional on Reddit! All flaired medical professionals on this subreddit are verified by the mods. I have a little heat pad/wrap that has helped some. Go to USMLEmasters r/USMLEmasters • by kashifjpiracha. Fast forward from 2021 to 2 months ago when I Constipated, daily pain in the upper right region, sometimes in other areas too like lower right and upper left, but the upper right is the most common and prominent. Hi All, I am a 32 yr old male with occasionally RUQ pain - right now I am having a decent flare up that is why I am posting this. I had heartburn all night, didn't take Gaviscon until morning. Mainly it stays in the RUQ area. Ya that’s exactly where my pain was, below the right breast, under the ribs (but sometimes my pain would radiate, sometimes the pain would be outside of my ribs, I think my liver is inflamed and pushing my ribs and causing more pain, this definitely happens to people and I’m waiting on my blood results to confirm further), I would View community ranking In the Top 20% of largest communities on Reddit. Doctor diagnosed me with Whether it’s a dull cramp or a sharp, stabbing sensation, pain in your upper right abdomen can feel worrying. Yet, it’s still there. No nausea, and my pain level doesn't change with different foods. Only abnormal thing ever was a raised bilirubin which seemed to drop a few days later. I was asked to have any severe right abdominal pain checked out asap. I go to urgent care, they say it’s a muscle strain. I try to stretch it by flexing my side, doesn’t help. The RLQ pain is ongoing and gets worse when have a “flare” and eat. Usual URQ pain radiates to back, get the sharp pain going across my stomach. Common symptoms of SIBO - nausea, fatigue,bloating, flatulence, unable to digest much foods, stomach pain, constipation or diarrhea. What is this all about? Maybe it's the gallbladder? It was a deep burning sensation that is just no longer there. Hadn't noticed this before but may have always been like that. What i was experiencing was nagging pain that would usually happen when I sit down for prolong amount of time or driving for a long road trip. Could the pain on the right side, but mainly in the armpit, be caused by the liver? I also feel constant pressure in the place where the liver is. There's generally little to no symptoms in between. I didn't have any digestive symptoms at first but unfortunately they did hit, and it was quick. lasts about 5-10 minutes and feels like i'm being stabbed in the gut. Sunday, Feb 25, it turns to intermittent pain (5/10 level). Sometimes I need tylenol. Doctor doesn't seem to be concerned about it. It seems like it may be Post-cholecystectomy syndrome, but I cant find anything aboit it affecting people overnight/primarily when theyre laying down. Occasionally I’ll have a stinging pain in my stomach after eating. I got an LFT and ultrasound back then and I dealt with so much health anxiety all those years ago and after finally figuring out my diarrhea after removal, etc it's a massive bummer to be back to having RUQ pain/pressure. The past week I have been gluten-free and my stomach has felt great. It depends on the damage I guess but with ruq pain it's probably severe, I also had ruq pain, I'm 6 months in to fixing my life style, I'm expecting it to take another 6 to 12 months to get back to a normal liver but I'm. Even i had the RUQ pain and discomfort coming and going everyday, when I got diagnosed with mild fatty liver in my Ultrasound, i started reducing weight with strict diet and exercise. Developed intermittent RUQ pain approx a week ago. However, acute pancreatitis pain is severe and kind of unmistakable. It usually comes along with many other seemingly disconnected symptoms like strange allergies or reactions to different foods or chemicals, headaches or migraines, dizziness, surges of adrenaline or problems sleeping, for me it causes an unbearable amount of muscle tension, which compresses the Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I got my gallbladder removed a week ago. From people I know who had it the pain usually comes couple hours after not immediate and it radiates to the shoulder. I’ve had RUQ pain for years ongoing, sometimes better, sometimes worse. No existing medical issues. Once food gets that spot in my abdomen, it hurts. I'm worried about my liver. Things that help move gas: If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki (/r/step2/wiki) as it has a lot of valuable information regarding advice and approaches on taking Step 2 CK, along with analytical statistics of study resources. 5 9’ 150lbs IIBS as a child and young adult li have an appointment next week but Ive been dealing with constant RUQ discomfort and sometimes pain for around 8 months now. Ultrasounds. All day today I have had a fever, aches, and chills but no RUQ pain. It was sore the entire following day. CBD gummies. Does anyone else have any small lumps or guidance for anything I mentioned? Really frustrating for me. I have some abdominal pain on my left side (likely round ligament pain) and was told to monitor bp regularly. RUQ pain . so a lot of weird symptoms that has no other explanation. Intermittent, Occuring for roughly 1 week now. uybcwmk lhuuq euy vtjhfn ospqt konibs ytcjktf iksj smrb zyef ojz tpdtr jugzsfzs sgttd hvwszkn