
Oregon coast repeaters. Florence Oregon Ham Radio Club.

Oregon coast repeaters Joseph Weather Oregon Communications Group honey pot; County: Tillamook: Grid: CN85AO: Call: W7GC : Use: OPEN: Op Status: On-Air: Coverage: Tillamook county. Click here to view Current Telemetry Data in a new window. org receives approximately 874 unique visitors each day. Radar Satellite. Coordination: ORRC: Last updated: 2020-08-13: Last reviewed: 2024-10-26: Open Street Map. 525 (+5. The community is in the Oregon Coast Road over hwy. Some of these sites are linked Who is Oregon Coast Emergency Repeater. Mobile Site. Oregon Coast Emergency Repeater's Social Media Total snow accumulations between 1 and 7 inches. This is a listing of their linked repeater system. 5: 136. 525 MHz all having a 107. Amateur Radio Ham Radio Repeaters by State Click for other ham radio pages Amateur radio and GMRS database for Ham Radio in Oregon showing all open ham repeaters in US, Canada, and Mexico. Florence Oregon Ham Radio Club. North Bend, OR. * WHERENorth and Central Coast Range Mountains of Oregon, and Willapa Hills. net (W7RAT)-- dedicated to IRLP connections. Roads End. Google Maps; Export. 400 Gearhart/Seaside Simplex; 146. 471 Repeaters, 316 Sites, 135 Visual Links, 36 Coverage Maps. You can buy a desk- or pocket-edition Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) repeater directory to carry or The Oregon Coast Repeater Group took on the challenge of gaining another VHF repeater for Tillamook County. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 222623-98. 0) t77. Add Repeater; Map Results. The board is comprised of OCRG Wind Chill Calculator. For more information please see their official website at swora. 740 - K7DXV: 131. Live Repeater Database. [Miscellaneous] Southern Oregon Coast since 1983 South Western Oregon Repeater Association Annual Meeting Wednesday June 5, 2024 Pizza at 6PM, Meeting at 7PM DAVE’S PIZZA Please South Western Oregon Repeater Association 807 Delaware Ave. 2 Hz tone. The rural fire building is also close by. Ocrg. The north coast has three amateur radio groups with overlapping memberships in Clastsop County: Sunset Empire Amateur Radio Club, SEARC An amateur radio repeater is located in the coast range just to the east of Arch Cape. 2. 49-(118. If you have updated information on area repeaters, please email your info to Joe WA7JAW. jfindu dstarusers. Contact Daron N7HQR - daron@wilson. Mhz Repeater Callsign Frequency Offset Encode Decode Nearest City Restriction (if any) WB7RKR: 147. As part of our commitment, our organization builds, maintains, and grows the Sunset Empire Amateur Radio Club Repeater Network, a group of linked radio repeaters Timber Repeaters Bands:6m, 2m,70cm 11-26-2014 The Timber site is a high elevation site in Oregon's coast range. Sheriff's Office Volunteer Response Unit Note 1: Clatsop County, OR; Grays Harbor County, WA; and Pacific County, WA repeater information has been provided by NM7R and the Pacific County ARC. 8) for Seaside (WA7VE) Local non-repeater nets have been established on: 146. Because the OCRG is funding and overseeing the project, donations made for the project can be marked as such and the donor will receive a receipt for tax purposes. Sponsor: OCRG. Road Conditions & Cameras. The general population of the area is 300 or so. Or, you can force a refresh to occur by clicking here. Lots and lots of text goes in here and wraps at whatever place the users window size supports. Meeting Archive. Includes schematics, PCB layout, and photos. When the wind blows, it feels this cold: Oregon amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. what are the expectations over the next few days? No matter the season, the Oregon Coast is a rejuvenating getaway. 3000 147. fi: Last updated: 2022-12-06: Last reviewed: 2024-10-20: Open Street Map. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Useful Links. 1. Who We Are. Weather Alerts. Repeater Main Menu • Favorites • Add a Repeater • Edit a Repeater • MapBook • Reference Pages • Contact US: Mobile version: SEARCH: RESULTS: Favorites: Local Repeaters: Oregon: South Saddle Mountain, Coast Range @ 3600 ft eleva Add: 442. Mode. Email Formats. The organization is an independent organization or an independent auxiliary. 66-(118. Oregon Coast Repeater Group (OCRG) SEARC Repeater System(W7BU) W7DTV. This page demonstrates the capabilities of the ShipPlotter program to receive and plot position data from larger merchant vessels. The OCRG is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation and accepts donations for support of their efforts. Faqs. W7FLO: Fusion - Digital: Keywords: ocrg, Oregon Coast Repeater Group, W7GC, Oregon Amateur Radio, Oregon Ham Radio, Oregon Amateur Radio Repeaters, kantronics kam plus, yaesu rotator parts Find contact information for Oregon Coast Repeater Group. Linkable to 440. There are other groups that have linked repeater systems that have coverage in the area. Bigfoot (WA7BF) System: East Coast Reflector System: Evergreen Intertie System: HiDARG System: Learn about OREGON COAST REPEATER GROUP INC - locations, products, equipment, revenue, and target industries. Oregon Coast Repeater Group - Home PageOregon Coast Repeater Group Note 1: Clatsop County, OR; Grays Harbor County, WA; and Pacific County, WA repeater information has been provided by NM7R and the Pacific County ARC. The board is comprised of licensed Checks can be made out to Oregon Coast Repeater Group, Inc. Linking – Hebo linking repeater is built, it will tie Otter Crest and Rockaway together with Hebo. More Trip Ideas. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 675 449. 488702 -123. The OCRG maintains a special bank account for repeater systems construction,maintenance, and operation at the Oregon Coast Acronym Definition; OCRG: Oldcastle Community Resource Group (Meath, Ireland): OCRG: Oregon Coast Repeater Group: OCRG: Oxycardiorespirography: OCRG: Office of the Civil Registry Group (Philippines) honey pot; County: Tillamook: Grid: CN85AO: Call: W7GC : Use: OPEN: Op Status: On-Air: Coverage: Tillamook county. Telemetry Data. Data uploaded by W7KKE using SynopsisGenCsharp# ver 1. The company's principal Blue Arrow = Linkable Repeaters Aqua Background = OCRG Sponsored Revision: Oct. 3700-0. Oakridge OR: Hwy 58 from Eugene to Cascade Crest. Mt Hebo. Oregon Coast Repeater Group, Inc. is an Oregon Domestic Non-Profit Corporation filed on May 20, 1981. Power: 30 watts: Sponsor: Oregon Coast Repeater Group Oregon Coast Repeater Group is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Organization. 160 (+600) t118. Future 1. ShipPlotter, using audio fed to the PC's sound card or a dedicated AIS receiver, decodes data received on 161. 9000-0. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Douglas R Holbrook and is located at 131 Nw 20th Street Suite C, Newport, OR 97365. It employs 6-10 people and has $1M-$5M of revenue. Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies or terrain. Hilltop Southwest. Oregon Communications Group repeaters are available for Emergency and Public Service as well as for general amateur use. The following is a list of the frequencies coordinated by the ORRC and published in the ARRL directory. Learn about their Non-Profit & Charitable Organizations, Organizations market share, competitors, and Oregon Coast Repeater Group's email format. 61 - KLAMATH FALLS: Oregon: Add: 146. The company's filing status is listed as Inactive and its File Number is 153017-16. Designated as a 501(c)(3) Organizations for any of the following Artsci Publishing P. $$ Donations $$ Thank You! Checks should be made payable to Oregon Coast Repeater Group, Inc. What We Do. 580 Oregon ARES Simplex D-Star at OCRG. K7RPT Amateur Relay Radio Group (ARRG) W7PRA Peak Radio Association. The latest return for the tax period was filed in December, 2023. Company Overview. org Blue Arrow = Linkable Repeaters Aqua Background = OCRG Sponsored Revision: Oct. Oregon Coast Emergency Repeater Inc is a company that operates in the Nonprofit Organizations industry. If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad or Android device, please download the official RepeaterBook app! Sponsor: Central Oregon Coast Amateur Radio Club (COCARC). Exact coordinates of the repeater are known. The Timber site provides good coverage over the north end of the Willamette Valley on three bands. Site Info. 5: Welcome to the "Category:Oregon Amateur Radio Repeaters" category. 025 MHz, plots the ships position, and uploads data to the University of Aegean, Greece, where it Nonprofit Explorer Oregon Show search box. 290 and 145. 720 - KF7TKP: Klamath Falls: Oregon: Local repeater, supports portable operation in cit Add: 146. 2400 Oregon Coast Emergency Repeater Profile and History. All Systems Operational; This is the place to put some text in for the d-star system information. A good net to learn net Oregon amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Oregon Coast Repeater Group: Web links: Sponsor: Oregon Coast Repeater Group. OCRG Suite. Lists all the articles that list amateur radio repeaters in Oregon, as submitted by the members. 97459 June 5, 2024 Meeting agenda: Welcome and introductions Questions and answers Minutes of last meeting Open KPC-3+ Telemetry Input and Control Output Standardization Document for Oregon Coast Repeater Group APRS Digi-peaters and Network Nodes. This is a listing of ham radio repeaters listed in cities within Oregon (OR). 26, 2019 : 20190826. Oregon amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. WeatherBee Links. * IMPACTSRoads, and especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. myGMRS is committed to operating within the FCC rules and aims to maintain a positive rapport with the Commission. * WHENUntil 7 PM PST Wednesday. org APRS. 8 (250' AMSL) 444. 140 + W7PRA: 100. 2006 EIN: 20-2325266; Receive an email when new data is available for this organization. Oregon Coast Repeater Group - The OCRG News Corner Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Oregon Coast Repeater Group, Inc. NET or our mailing list and forum at Oregon Coast Repeater Group Minutes - Annual Board Meeting November 19, 2005 Call to Order at 09:00 by Daron Wilson Board members present were: Douglas Holbrook, Jim Hawley, Ken Swaggart, Carl Somdahl, Daron Wilson, Wendy Wilson. 307302 Gilbert Peak Josephine Patio Radio Yes KG6WTO Yes 444. This category: Is a sub-category of: "Category:Oregon Amateur Radio Frequencies", and "Category:United States Amateur Radio Repeaters". Learning Center. Should the Commission's stance change, we will reconsider whether to bring the network back at that time. 390 Yaesu, KPC3+ (HEBOWX) Custom link repeater - Midland 70-1526 radios Remote base - Kenwood TM-G707A GE VHF and GE UHF Amateur radio and GMRS database for Ham Radio in Oregon showing all open ham repeaters in US, Canada, and Mexico. 43, 146. For general information we would appreciate an estimate of costs to set up a repeater at the community center. Hear Ham Login; Register; Free download for offline access: Or, purchase the premium mobile app and support the project: United States Oregon repeaters. 8 Tillamook Southern Oregon Repeaters Location County System Link Call Sign On Air TX Output RX Input +/- Step PL/DPL Encode PL/DPL Decode TS CC NAC RAN Lat Lon Gilbert Peak Josephine SOARC No K7LIX Yes 147. Get a D&B Hoovers Free Trial. Yes; analog capable. Hilltop Northwest. 9b at 3/21/2025 15:46:28. If you don't see a repeater that you use in your state, please add it here. FM: DMR: D-STAR: M17: NXDN: P-25: YSF: Feature. 800 - YCARES Repeater; 145. 825 (+5. Bigfoot (WA7BF) System: East Coast Reflector System: Evergreen Intertie System: HiDARG System: Voice repeater - 440. 0) t118. WinLink The South-Western Oregon Repeater Association (a government recognized 501(c)(3) non profit Amateur Radio organization in Coos County Oregon) has been serving amateur radio both on and from the Southern Oregon Coast since 1983. You may sort the records in the displayed table by clicking on any table column except the ARRL Code column . The Registered Agent on file for this company is D A Mclendon and is located at 910 5th Ave, Seaside, OR 97138. is an Oregon Domestic Non-Profit Corporation filed on June 2, 2004. Add a Propagation Report - Base - HT - Mobile: Click the icons on map Oregon amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. How You Can Help. We continue to fund raise for new cameras for this, and other, OCRG sites. Sunrise: 07:12 Sunset: 19:33 2110 UTC WWV Solar Flux: 156 A-index: 21 (Rain year starts 1 Oct, ends Sep 30) Support OCRG WX Stations and repeaters! Learn How! NOAA Ocean Buoys: Tillamook Stonewall Bank WX Satellite Images-OCRG WX Southwestern Oregon Repeater Association owns and maintains several 2 Meter (VHF) and 70 CM (UHF) repeaters. Website. live - Hearham Live Repeater listing, online repeaters and ham radio repeater app. 0 : Astoria, Nicolai Mtn: Clatsop: WA6TTR: OPEN: FM : 52. Future 2 Central Oregon Coast AIS. Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 145. Oregon GMRS Linked Repeaters are labeled in "Blue, and the DDB Repeater System is identified by the "Orange Text" The Rogue Valley is linked with only the Oregon GMRS repeaters in "Blue" Repeater Name Location Frequency Offset Oregon Coast Repeater Group: Web links: Sponsor: Oregon Coast Repeater Group. 520 US/Canada Calling Frequency; 146. Basic Profile. Good Oakridge coverage. Oregon Coast Repeater Group. Offer ends Monday, Dec OREGON COAST REPEATER GROUP, INC. Building Interior. This page will automatically refresh every 100 seconds. Main Gate. Repeater Maps & Lists. Additional information about the BeachNet Repeater System is available at the Voice repeater - 440. 150 and 442. NOT LOGGED IN! North America; Outside North America; GMRS; It's been Amateur radio and GMRS database for Ham Radio in Oregon showing all open ham repeaters in US, Canada, and Mexico. Every Thursday evening at 8:05 pm to 9:00 pm on the linked Western Oregon Radio Club repeaters, the repeaters are 145. 8 Tillamook Broadcastify - Use this web site to listen (only) to some popular local repeaters. Search. = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing/Reduced = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. Repeater Main Menu • Favorites • Add a Repeater • Edit a Repeater • MapBook • Reference Pages • Contact US: Mobile version: SEARCH: RESULTS: Favorites: Local Repeaters: High level coast repeater Add: 147. It employs 6-10 people and has $1M-$5M of r evenue. The West Coast Slow Speed Net is a training net in traffic and net procedures. 8 Megler (1701' AMSL) 440. 8) for Astoria (KF7TCG) 145. 325 Amateur Radio Repeater Database Idaho ARRL. 8: Klamath Falls: Oregon: This repeater serves several small towns and is 18 Add: 146. WA7ABU. 5 : Grants Pass, Elk Mtn: Jackson Oregon Coast Weather Reports. Cape South-Western Oregon Repeater Association, serving amateur radio on the Southern Oregon Coast since 1983. About Contact. O. 8: Klamath Falls: Oregon: Long range NORTHERN OREGON COAST RADIO REPEATER ASSOCIATION, INC. The Central Oregon Coast Amateur Radio Club, located in and around Florence, Oregon. There are 460 Oregon repeaters in the database. 0: La Pine: oregon: Coast - Astoria, Long Beach, Seaside, Hwy 30, 101: Jan 2023-Roof blew off building, repeater looking for a new home. 2 Rockaway Beach (800' AMSL) 442. WinLink The Southwestern Oregon Repeater Association has been serving amateur radio on the Southern Oregon Coast since 1983. 480 Cannon Beach-Arch Cape Simplex; 146. Organization Name: Oregon Coast Repeater Group Inc: EIN (Taxpayer Id) 20-2325266: Contact Address: Care of . 675 + 5 100 100 42. Overview Company Description:? Key Principal: DARON WILSON See more contacts Industry: Depository Credit Intermediation , Credit Intermediation and Repeater owners who continue using VoIP or other means to link repeaters together will do so at their own risk. Current Weather Cold & Foggy 23°F 05:56 AM 3/14/2025. KPC_Telemetry. 230 repeaters found in Oregon. Organization summary. Front Parking Area. The OCRG is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. 250 Motorola Radius R100, 100 watt Johnson PA, Zetron 35A interconnect APRS Weather/Telemetry/Digi - 144. The application for a VHF repeater Oregon amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. Tower Camera. Select the type of search. This is a good net to learn net procedures in the CW Blue Arrow = Linkable Repeaters Aqua Background = OCRG Sponsored Revision: Aug. Hive Map. Read more. 8100 - 100. 90000 (W7GC) at Hebo, Mt Hebo, OR. The coverage would approximate a 10 mile radius and could involve 20 to 30 folks who are in the group. West Coast Slow Speed Net (WCN) – Purpose of net is officially: a training net in traffic and net procedures. Access Location County Call Use Modes; 52. Sponsored. If you Oregon GMRS repeater database for ham repeaters. In general, data in any Wiki article: might Oregon Coast Repeater Group. W7AIA Clark County. Being certified with the National Frequency Coordination Council, the ORRC is governed by Bylaws made by the repeater owners and managed by a board of directors consisting of The Oregon Coast Repeater Group is a consortium of professional volunteers dedicated to providing hardware, software and support for non-profit ventures involving public safety, emergency services and weather reporting systems. 10, 2022 : 20221010. 425 (+5. Oregon Coast Emergency Repeater Inc. Meeting Info. SWORA (W7OC) operates and maintains a series of both VHF and UHF FM repeaters throughout Western Oregon. Forecast. Welches OR: Hwy 26 corridor: Lolo Pass, Welches: Yacolt Mtn: Clark Co WA: North County fill in: Vancouver (VHF) Vancouver/Portland Metro: Low level VHF With such a great selection of beaches, it’s often difficult to figure out which one to visit. 975 and/or 162. Emergency power equipped. org has global traffic rank of 3,545,624. The OCRG is a non-profit 501(c)(3) co rporation and accepts donations for support of their efforts. 20% OFF DECEMBER SALE! Add promo code DECSALE during Checkout. Search for a nonprofit. Pacific City (Inland) Pacific City (Beach) Rose Lodge. net. Add a Propagation Report - Base - HT - Mobile: Click the icons on map The Oregon Coast Repeater Group is a consortium of professional volunteers dedicated to providing hardware, software and support for non-profit ventures involving public safety, emergency services and weather reporting systems. Low Level 4000' 6000' 7000' 8000' 9000' 10000' Search The net is sanctioned to meet on the linked repeaters of the Western Oregon Radio Club, Inc. 80, 443. org has an estimated worth of US$ 4,787, based on its estimated Ads revenue. 0) t107. OCRG Telemetry Data By Site: All Sites. Frequency, 145. Cash donations are also accepted. Read the latest news, find similar companies and employees, and more / OREGON / LINCOLN CITY / Oregon Coast Repeater Group, Inc. 525 MHz repeaters, all having a pl tone of 107. Add a Propagation Report - Base - HT - Mobile: Click the In addition the following repeaters may be used for city wide & surrounding areas: 146. Discussion on policy for use of linking craigslist provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, services, local community, and events Oregon House Bill HB2597 - regulating mobile use of communication devices. pdxIRLP. A Repeater Audio Graphic Equalizer small enough to fit inside almost Oregon Coast Repeater Group Inc is exempted by IRS under the category of Charitable Organization. 490 - W7OXS: 131. Translator Suite. 440. Home. org - for This is a listing of ham radio repeaters listed in cities within Oregon (OR). callsign KJ7IY /R The 2m and 70cm repeaters all can access the WORC autopatch as well as the WORC EchoLink Node# 615620 and IRLP Node # 3429. 0 Manzanita147. D-Star System Information. The club was es Oregon: Open/ Repeater has echolink Add: 145. Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 146. 5 42. 190 - WA7ABU Repeaters; Western Oregon Radio Club (WORC) Oregon Coast Repeater Group (OCRG) Amateur Radio Relay Group (ARRG) Other; Yamhill County Sheriff's Search and Rescue; Yamhill Co. Box 1428 Burbank, CA 91507 (818) 843-4080 Voice Local Repeaters; 146. Current Weather Data from OCRG Stations Click here to return to the OCRG home page. 26 to the coast. N7PIR. -- a larger area. Type of Nonprofit. zip: Design files for a KPC TNC Telemetry Adapter and Monitored Voltage Signal Attenuator. 6 136. Intertie Oregon Database Map Utah Arizona Idaho. With that in mind, let’s dive right in Ocrg. Oregon Amateur Radio Repeaters - Quick Search . 900 Motorola Radius R100, 50 watt Midland PA, Arcom RC-210 Controller Voice repeater - 441. is a 503(c)3 United States Oregon repeaters at Hearham. 27, 145. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. 706 likes · 84 talking about this · 1 was here. The Oregon Region Relay Council is a non-profit corporation formed by repeater owners in Oregon and Southwest Washington with the purpose of representing every coordinated repeater owner. You can find both linked and unlinked SWORA associated repeaters (both 2M and 70cm) throughout western Oregon, including the entire Oregon Coast. Wx / Quakes Tsunami. Sheriff's Office Volunteer Response Unit Southern Oregon Coast since 1983 South Western Oregon Repeater Association June 2, 2021 Annual Meeting 7pm Due to Covid restrictions still in placeDue to Covid restrictions still in place this years meeting will be heldthis years meeting will be heldthis years meeting will be held VIA ZOOM Please visit our web page at SWORA. Lighthouse Day Information. Region Partner Oregon Coast Visitors Association Website Visitor Guide More Info (888) 628-2101 (541) 574-2679 Trip Ideas. 9 : Newport, Cape Foulweather: Lincoln: W7VTW: OPEN: FM 145. Power: 30 watts: Sponsor: Oregon Coast Repeater Group Oregon amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. 307302 Snow Depth. 24Mhz: 0. 8 Tillamook W7VTW Packet Radio Node & Relay Rack Documentation: The following files contain information for the W7VTW packet radio network node and relay rack located at the Newport site. Mail your donation to: OCRG c/o Daron Wilson,N7HQR PO Box 212 Neotsu, Oregon 97364 (Telephone 541-270-5886) Oregon Coast Repeater Group, Inc. Gravel Biking on the Oregon Coast Blending the adventure of car-free riding with the ease of cruising on wide, well-maintained gravel roads, Oregon Coast Repeater Group. of Lincoln City, OR. 6 MHz: 167. Cash donationsare also accepted. 6 MHz: 100. AB7F. Mail your donation to: OCRG c/o Daron Wilson (N7HQR), PO Box 212 Neotsu, Oregon 97364 (Telephone 541-270-5886). High quality SWORA repeaters also provide radio coverage from the Albany People can talk directly from station-to-station (simplex) or through a repeater that adds power and broader coverage (duplex). Freq. 750 (+5. The company is headquartered in Florence, Oregon. AllStar: EchoLink: IRLP: WIRES: Linked Systems. HiDARG High Desert SEARC’s mission is to design, install, and maintain a robust system of emergency communications in Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington; and to provide education about amateur radio. Neotsu, OR; Tax-exempt since Dec. Competitors. Additional information Oregon amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. Oregon Coast Repeater Group Inc. 0 : Roseburg, Lane Mtn: Douglas: KC7TLY: OPEN: FM 147. 6Mhz: 136. Projects. The company's principal Repeaters. 390 Yaesu, KPC3+ (HEBOWX) Custom link repeater - Midland 70-1526 radios Remote base - Kenwood TM-G707A GE VHF and GE UHF Published ORRC Coordinations. 8100 - 103. 9000 + 0. Some traffic is passed, mostly net reports. 640 - MARC Club Repeater; 441. System Docs. If you have updated information on area repeaters, Oregon Coast Repeater Group. 3900 Local Repeaters; 146. Click on a header to sort. User Docs. If you wish to sign, there is a Change. 1 Aqua Background OCRG Linkable Repeaters Triangulation Pt. Whether you’re an Oregon local looking for a new beach or taking a road trip along the coast, we’ve curated our favorite Oregon coast towns so you can spend more time enjoying your trip and less time figuring out where to go. rzet kyqov eputd ymnneb csrc nseh qynz khjlvn fvevuf spf bcz wmnyh jaxncs mzroo hlgjwm