Melvin capital gme puts. This is the current status of players still in the game.
Melvin capital gme puts Then Melvin Capital's short positions are covered by the third party Call Writer. N) to 6 million shares for the quarter ended GME shareprice: $137. 4K votes, 266 comments. Citadel owns robinhood. 75B) around JAN 25, 2021 & (2) Closed Its Positions In GameStop at the Same Time, But Before 100s of Retail Brokers Froze Buying on GME, tanking GME Artificially | Where data? | How this not bailout? Now the naked GME shorts have the NYC Melvin Capital increased its GameStop Corp. GME finished up 18% and another 15% AH. Volume on 15 JAN 24 Puts which is entirely owned by Melvin capital started with a series of block orders Hedge fund Point72 revealed a small long position in GameStop shares, according to its latest SEC filing. When I first saw the meme, I treated that $2 billion loss as a GME obviously plowed through every level of the atmosphere like it was no one's business. It was strategic because it was shorted over 100% and appeared at the top of official lists of most shorted companies. But its not so simple. People aren't angry with individual hedge funds they are angry with the investment institution in our country. Ken Griffin’s Citadel LLC and Citadel partners are planning to redeem roughly $500 million of the $2 billion they put in Melvin Capital Management after Melvin got slammed by bad short bets on GameStop Corp. I know it was one of the earlier DDs, but it was proven a long time ago that there was GME gang is turning rich as FUCK giving out all these awards. MSM seems to want to push a hard narrative that Melvin are doing really bad, however, the other GME周三美股盘前一度涨超100%,市场一度猜测持有GME的空头头寸Melvin Capital将宣布破产。 Melvin Capital基金经理Gabe Plotkin周三向CNBC表示,在经历巨额亏损 * Das einzige was zu tun ist sind sowohl GME Aktien also auch GME Optionscheine zu kaufen und zu halten * Er sagt vorher das mit bereits wenigen hunderttausend Dollarn, die Hedge Funds gezwungen werden Aktien zu Kaufen um die Optionsscheine einlösen zu können und werden aus den Short gesqueezed * GME kündigt weitere Schließungen an 450-500 I suspect what happened is that as part of the $2B loan arrangement, Melvin Capital began purchasing put options that allowed Citadel to open naked short positions (as a hedge against the put options being exercised). 6B$ exposure to LYV. Gabe Plotkin and his crew lost over 50% of the value of the fund while short GME, and decided to close the doors on the fund forever. People pumping GME: Melvin Capital Management hates you a lot Discussion Their ITM puts for July (probably bought because they couldn't find any more shares to short with) are now OTM. Melvin Capital was bailed out of its shorts on GME by Citadel a hedge fund that executes the trades of Robinhood customers. At open GME ripped and LB/BABA/FISV (Melvin's holdings) took a complete shit because they 5. 4m GameStop shares, instruments that rise in value as Melvin Capital, once one of Wall Street’s most successful hedge funds which then lost billions in the meme stock saga, will shut down after it was hit again by this year’s market TLDR: Melvin are fuk when their 51000 FD puts expire on Friday. Bailout. From the report: Mr. N) drama, lost 53% in January but received commitments for fresh cash from investors in the last days of the month, a source Melvin Capital Management LP was an American investment management firm based in New York City. Reply reply Melvin Capital, the hedge fund that was pummeled by the GameStop (GME) short squeeze last year, is said to plan to wind down . Yeah it’s fair, honestly I’ve learned so much about confirmation bias first hand here that I’m trying to become 100% long mentality to avoid all these disappointments. Did you have any agreements written or otherwise with other major shorts of GME. Citadel and Point72 purchased over 51% of Melvin Capital's share equity after Melvin's broker realized they couldn't close their positions and complete margin call without TL;DR: MSM has continually reported on Melvin Capital's closure due to poor performance. Melvin Capital can exercise their Calls and force the writers to purchase GME at $1,000+. Find the best posts and communities about Melvin Capital on Reddit. (ok, maybe just me) thought Melvin might be out of GME. 61\% and other soaring stocks, said people familiar with the matter. e. 31 Posted by u/wkowdyw - 293 votes and 31 comments About two months ago, a Reddit user called Stonksflyingup posted a video, with the title “GME Squeeze and the Demise of Melvin Capital” — with trial scenes from the miniseries “Chernobyl That’s what was about to happen in January but the guardian angel Kenny came to the rescue because if Melvin defaulted (forcing him to close) it would put Kenny’s naked/short positions upside down making him default aswell. Trump’s Ukraine Peace Strategy Put to Test After Putin Balks at Cease-Fire. I remember this when GME was at like 39 or something. Melvin began exiting their 51k 24 put contract midday after the price surged. Reply ShakeandBaked161 1. 75 billion in Melvin Capital. video game chain GameStop Corp to 6 million shares for the quarter Melvin capital is just seen as a symptom of the problem of Wall Street as an institution taking risky behavior then someone else paying for it or saving them. Now assuming all else remains equal, the price of GME needed for Melvin Capital to have net assets of 0, is 881,19$. Melvin capital being down 30-50% the past [Speculative] Piecing together the ITM CALLs and the OTM PUTs. Reply So I googled Melvin Capital and they appear to be holding 15m worth of puts, so they won't be contributing to the short squeeze to my knowledge, and since it consists of . Strategies include taking call options, buying the stock LOL AND INVESTING INTO GME TO THE MOON Good luck in your endeavors young man! I wouldn’t put that you worked at Melvin Capital on your resume for the next job. They kind of agreed with Melvin to hold the hot potato in exchange of a price controlled environment in the short term and a future bailout. it's worth noting that about 58% of GME shares that hedge funds 26 votes, 47 comments. I remember I watched the congressional hearing and trying to watch it neutrally, listening seriously to what was being said, instead of just being diametrically opposed Sandler Capital Management and WS Management stand out as the only funds in the top 10 list exclusively holding put options on GameStop, thus positioning them as net short. Reply I know GME is the big daddy of them all, but I just don't understand why all the hatred against all the other "meme stocks". Of course we are in absolute shambles! We were expecting to celebrate MOAM ( Mother of all Meltdowns ) tonight and these dumbasses are celebrating their shares getting cancelled, thinking that they've won. Money was put to use yet. Reply reply More replies. At a margin Melvin Capital is completely out of the picture, and very possibly facing fund liquidation in the near-future. Like 4chan found a Bloomberg Terminal. A place for theoretical discussions about business and stocks - specifically After Melvin Capital loses billions with their naked shorts, Citadel and other hedge funds short selling take over to pulls the strings from underneath some trading apps, including Robinhood. 05 Credit. Sort by: this is pretty well put together. video game chain GameStop Corp to 6 million shares for the quarter ended Dec. Put position in GME increased by 600,000 1: Melvin capital had puts, it wouldn't show in short interest. 00 (Expiry January 2023): $106. (NYSE:GME) war, hat im ersten Quartal alle seine öffentlichen Short-Positionen geschlossen. GME is up around 500% and Melvin Capital is now getting a $2. Let's Talk About: Exchange Traded Financial Options -- Options Fundamentals -- The Greeks -- Strategies - I refer to of course Mr. Melvin Capital 2021? How are they connected to the Lehman Brother's Fuse that detonated the 2007-8 Cascading Clearing Firm Default & subsequent Govt. Melvin capital management lp were the biggest GME losers in Jan. Largest Transfer of Wealth in a Lifetime!! 🦍💎🚀🌗 As the AMC CEO put it, “I 315 votes, 104 comments. Melvin Capital Management LP Believes that the allegations in Melvin Capital just moved $4 billy to an offshore account in the Cayman Islands 🤔🤔🤔 guess what building it is, Fidelity Financial Centre, West Bay Rd lol 🤡🩳🤡🩳🤡🩳🤡🩳🤡 Fidelity is not our friend apes! AMC Entertainment. The whales on both sides are This. 75B cash infusion, lost 53% this month, The Wall Street Journal reports. As of December 31, 2020, Melvin had $24. It worked and the potential losses for Melvin Capital and other hedge funds totaled a high of $11 billion. GME Put $135. Look at what happened Monday. People love games. To be clear, this is not showing their short position as that is not required to be filled in the 13F. [31] The debt is current and future lease liabilities and most shops are still profitable despite a recession. Article continues below advertisement. But you are saying Melvin is still short on GME, right? Thanks for all this. Now I don't know how this affects GME, and I still don't understand why and how these stocks continue to get pumped. There is more than enough evidence they accomplished this last Monday. GME 0. Since then Melvin Capital was losing $1 billion PER DAY off its GameStop position ☁ Hype/ Fluff celebritynetworth . Before the apes call me a hedgie proxy: Point72 is chaired by Steve Cohen. On August 14, 2015 - Melvin Capital Management LP filed a 13F-HR form disclosing ownership of 0 shares of GameStop Corp. Melvin Capital paid a heavy price for betting against GameStop last year. Melvin Capital is likely not to double down on shorts with the new funds because if he loses in that move, Plotnik's career is over and may face criminal charges for abusing his fudiciary duties by doubling down with more naked short selling. Damn thanks for the honest reply. 50 strike puts with July expiry. This estimate could be wrong, these numbers are estimated based on typical hedge fund leverage to capital is around 100 times. (when I'm writing this GME is $177. 8 billion in assets at the end of April. Background: I work as a El hedge fund Melvin Capital ha cerrado su apuesta contra GameStop después de que una subida sin precedentes en el precio de sus acciones haya provocado pérdidas multimillonarias en sus cuentas. Point72 is one of two hedge funds that gave Melvin Capital an injection of cash after it suffered devastating losses from the initial GME short squeeze. 1M subscribers in the options community. The fund lost 23% in the first four months of 2022, a person familiar with the fund's finances said. . LETS FUCKIN’ GOOOOO GME gang rich as fuck, and set to get a whole bunch richer just looked, Melvin Capital has $7 billion, a big chunk of that is coming WSB's way. 5b in asset under management (also called AUM). A live events company with negative equity (1. 14M subscribers in the wallstreetbets community. Gabe Plotkin of Melvin is Cohen's protege. 1% of their holdings I don't think those puts going to zero would have a Melvin runs $12 billion and one of the bets it took was that the GME shares would drop in value. 00 Debit. Plotkin wrote to his investors that he had decided that the "appropriate next step" was to liquidate the fund's Steve Cohen's Point72 and Ken Griffin's Citadel are investing $2. The recent losses are from hiring hundreds of new corporate employees from the likes of Amazon and Google while investing in expanding distribution, expanding product lines, improving customer service and building new trademarks GME After getting burned by GME, Melvin Capital accepted emergency funds from Citadel and Point72, who bailed out the fund to help it survive a turbulent time. GME Infinity War With Melvin Capital & Co. Now, to acquire a company, such as Melvin Capital (effectively a capital replacement), the investors must vote and approve. covered) its short position in GameStop on January 26 in the afternoon, although CNBC could not confirm the amount that Melvin Capital lost. It's one thing to be r/GME • yields on two-year Treasuries against 10-year yields - a reliable indicator of upcoming recession - has inverted further to below -100 basis points this week, close to the -108 bps level it touched before the March banking turmoil, in its turn the deepest since 1981. Better these Q1 earnings be good on 5th of May. The hedge fund also revealed short positions via puts on Melvin capital went out because of puts in GameStop DFV aka roaring kitty didn’t even post if he has a position and gme went up 100% in 24 hours I’d he very very very careful about puts on gme If he posts he has an actual position in the stock it’ll hit like a lighting bolt and 8 million people will be rushing to buy again. Melvin admitted that it has closed its short position in GME stock and also Posted by u/CallMeMo2 - 560 votes and 30 comments Posted by u/NEW_JERSEY_PATRIOT - 49 votes and 159 comments 174 votes, 12 comments. 4 million, raising its stakes by 58% during the third quarter of 2021. The entity filed a previous 13F-HR on May 15, 2015 disclosing 50,000 shares of GameStop Corp. com) Loss: Short Bets Pummel Hot Hedge Fund Melvin Capital - WSJ Update: It's not my meme, the credit goes to Stonksflyingup (u/Stonksflyingup) - Reddit. Price and Volume for GME 24 FD Puts on 13 Jan 21. Citadel also suspiciously was reported to have opened a shit ton of bearish positions (puts and/or shorts) on Gamestop right before the controversial (and likely, illegal) stock restrictions on January 28th. 77 so Melvin is at least 8x as fuk as they were in December 2020). ; La Der Hedgefonds Melvin Capital Management LP, der im Zentrum der GameStop Corp. Thought I was gunna be called shill LOL. They probably have an actual short As of right now, there are exactly 513,216 OI Puts on GameStop across 14 expirees, stretching from tomorrow (9/24) out to January 24, '23. Posted by u/StockWizard_ - 310 votes and 29 comments HEAT map - Melvin Capital Top holdings Discussion If Melvin Cap is forced to sell profitable stocks in their portfolio in a rush for liquidity to cover for potential large short losses this is the Heat map of their current holdings. I e. Let's not forget BNY Mellon 🍈🍈🍈🍈🍈 Brazilian Puts on GME. It owned "puts 50 votes, 20 comments. But it's okay, because it's the ultra rich hedge funds doing it, thats perfectly legal. Their capital is typically made up of pension funds, endowments from schools and charities, etc. A reverse Uno card. coupled with a lack of enforcement of the failed to deliver Melvin shorted an additional 600,000 shares via put options, for a total position valued at more than $113 million at the end of the quarter, according to the disclosure. Platinum or GTFU. Posted by u/Scienceisexy - 5,215 votes and 158 comments Open menu Open navigation GME is retarded bears vs autistic monkeys and it turns out monkeys do slightly better at trading, might be the thumbs "You can’t time worse than Melvin Capital" Posts image with literal proof of Point72 over 2x the loss of Melvin Capital. Melvin was margin called on January 25th, so they swapped risk to Citadel. Melvin Capital previously showed a 6,000,000 put position on GameStop. Hedge fund faces questions over risk management after losing half its money in a Reddit trading frenzy GME definitely had him on the ropes with his investors, but then he went irresponsibly long tech and reopening stocks at the beginning of 2022, which has not played out well. I believe that Melvin Capital is somehow pumping up these stocks (possibly through the options market) and is in bed with the big banks to have them upgraded. For a hedge fund, he went short when he should have It wasn't that Redditors targeted Melvin Capital or wanted to "prop up" GME. 00 (Expiry January 2023): $75. Did Melvin capital purchase any puts on that day in that time frame? What was the arrangement between citron 196 votes, 32 comments. I made this post because I find the current situation amusing. r/gme_meltdown • PPGrift is on to us. Crypto Hedge fund Melvin Capital Management on Tuesday disclosed it had raised the put option on Class A shares of U. com weighted stakeholder votes, obscure shitcoin wrapper layers, Brazil PUTs, voltron family funds, GME’s once extreme Here's why hedge fund management firm Melvin Capital picked the wrong stock to bet against in 2021. This year's losses come on the heels of steep losses in 2021 when Melvin Capital ended the year down 39%. there is no evidence of them lying. Greedy hedge funds put themselves in a position where over 100% of this is shorted. Simply put it’s a bet that a stock will fall in price. 5B$ pre pandemic) and a lot of high interest debt. A Community for topics directly related to GameStop. Melvin Capital, the hedge fund run by Gabe Plotkin that struggled with heavy losses last year as it reeled from wrong-way bets on GameStop, is shutting down, according to a letter sent to investors on Wednesday that was reviewed by The New York Times. Point72 also shorted GME. Does that mean Melvin covered!? NO. # Melvin Capital announced last Tuesday they closed their short positions. Melvin is down about 30% this year as its short positions are getting hammered. Melvin Capital, the hedge fund run by Gabe Plotkin that struggled with heavy losses last year as it reeled from wrong-way bets on GameStop, is shutting down, according to This is showing Melvin Capital's put positions against GME logged on their 13F over time. Posted by u/vitocorlene - 75 votes and 89 comments This scenario is easy for me to imagine because it is the exact opposite of what WSB did to Melvin Capital’s public put position. Posted by u/Shooting4daMoon - 5,317 votes and 172 comments Melvin Capital, the hedge fund run by Gabe Plotkin that struggled with heavy losses last year as it reeled from wrong-way bets on GameStop, is shutting down, according to a letter sent to Dennis Diatel Photography/iStock Editorial via Getty Images. There has been a lot of discussion regarding the latest 13F filing by Melvin Capital and a lot of confusion going around that I would like to clear up so I decided to make this post on how to read Form 13F (and amendments). 46$. 890K subscribers in the Superstonk community. video game chain GameStop Corp (GME. Melvin Capital, the hedge fund that was crushed by the GameStop (NYSE:GME) short squeeze last year, is said to be considering a plan to Hedge fund Melvin Capital has been at the receiving end of many WallStreetBets members. All this means is that they requested confidential treatment on all their put positions AGAIN. Does Citadel own Melvin capital? This article is in your queue. Put position in GME increased by 600,000 shares from October 2020 - December 2020 but value of put position (amount outstanding) has more than doubled from $55M to $113M. 16M subscribers in the wallstreetbets community. GME Call $135. No one bets 2billion without a plan. In their last 13F Melvin Capital sold all their put on [redacted] That's a good point, but I think it's likely Melvin Capital simply didn't disclose it to SEC, especially as I would guess that any submission is likely automatically posted (so any request to hide it would probably not get seen until too late) It looks like Melvin Capital had insider info on the development of Cyberpunk 2077, shorted it 3 months before release and were forced to close on CD Projekt Red in order to stay in on GME. My skin in the game is that I wrote $11 August puts anticipated GME announcing they have at least $4. Melvin was hilariously the first of the primary short-sellers in the GME debacle, where 散戶透過實體遊戲零售商 GameStop(GME)股票與機構資金宣戰,成功推助股價在 1 月飆漲 2722%。本日傳出實際被狙擊的空頭之一為對沖基金 Melvin Capital,上個月資產規模從 125 億美元銳減 53%,還得靠合作夥伴救 Melvin Capital CEO Claiming To The Congressional Hearing: Melvin (1) Was Capitalized By Citadel (~$2. That being said, almost all brokers require you to have some collateral to ensure you can pay back any share sold short, so factoring in a margin requirement of 50%, Melvin Capital get a margin call at 587. 896K subscribers in the Superstonk community. (US:GME) valued at $0 USD as of June 30, 2015. Hedge fund Melvin Capital Management on Tuesday disclosed it had raised the put option on Class A shares of U. Between CEO Gabriel Plotkin’s bland office backdrop and his rather small size in the video frame, it Meme: THE BATTLE OF GAMESTOP - WSB VS MELVIN CAPITAL (sound on) : wallstreetbets (reddit. (NYSE:GME) puts to 5. For those that can, spread the message. Melvin’s August filing showed it owned put options for 3. I have looked Melvin Capital 13F and they are shorting GME with $15 puts July, 2021. 389K subscribers in the GME community. Maplelene Capital There were 6000 short term puts purchased within 30 minutes prior to Citron's tweet announcing their pending argument against gme. 50 July 16 puts and even more in January 2022. Reply reply wheezing_cauliflower Melvin capital filed a change of ownership with SEC yesterday 06 What is Melvin Capital? (like options and puts) in order to generate huge returns. Melvin owns citadel. Deflecting the real Market manipulation at its finest. this is literally market manipulation by claiming they haven't sold 1: null 1: It's rude, vulgar or offensive Reddit took notice and began to buy and hold GME in order to initiate a short squeeze. Now, let's ask how can one security be shorted over 100% in the first place? 🤔 Why I think that the short squeeze has begun for GME (analysis of Melvin's 13F) with no uncertain terms about how melvin capital will manage their position. If the price drops to $15 with this IV they would probably make money even if it doesnt go under $15. 2 billion in cash on hand resulting in at least a $10 tangible book value. How is Glass Steagall and Too-Big-To-Fail related? Here's the 2nd 2021-03-27 00:55:30 Melvin still carries $113,000,000 of GME puts. On the 13F filing they released today, this position is nowhere to be found. Robinhood blocked users from buying gme, which in turn protects melvin from further losses on their short. Melvin Capital hat alle seine börsennotierten Put-Options-Positionen im ersten Quartal aufgegeben, wie aus einer Einreichung bei der Securities and Exchange Ken Griffin’s Citadel LLC and Citadel partners are planning to redeem roughly $500m of the $2bn they put in Melvin Capital Management after Melvin got slammed by bad short bets on GameStop and other soaring stocks, said people familiar with the matter. Was geschah. A typical short position need not make any attention, but Melvin had bought a large number Business, Economics, and Finance. 74. Skip to main content. What happened to GME stock? By the end of January, short sellers of GME had lost a combined $6 billion, with many of the losses incurred by hedge funds such as Melvin Capital — which required billions of dollars in investments to remain solvent. I think someone else has suggested that deep ITM puts at a large quantity force the market maker to naked short to delta or gamma hedge (I don't know this is over my head) There are about 140,000 0. "The complaint alleges that Melvin Capital Management LP, along with other market participants, conspired to limit trading of certain securities, which resulted in monetary damages to the plaintiffs. They reported 6 million shares in puts at the end of Dec 2020 suggesting a massive naked short position. Gabriel Plotkin, Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Melvin Capital. I read in another post that $175 was bankrupt number for Melvin. A place for theoretical discussions about business and stocks - specifically 432 votes, 22 comments. 75B invest from Citadel. [1] The short position adopted by Melvin Capital and others resulted in more than 139% of existing shares of GME being shorted, making GameStop stock the most shorted equity in the world. It's one thing to own stock. The whales on both sides are huge. In November u/ronoron, wrote an excellent DD detailing Melvin Capital Put positions on GameStop which you can read CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin reported that Melvin Capital had closed (i. Their maximum loss would be only 100% if the price until July 2021 remains above $15 and put options expire worthless. UPDATE: better source showing Melvin Capital’s puts on TSLA from 2016 through 2020 UPDATE 2: stop giving me silver awards your cheap bastards. ; Point72 is one of two hedge funds that gave Melvin Capital an injection of cash after it TL;DR; Melvin Capital has 1. If Ken Griffin put in GME shorts before ordering his market making desks to quit in it, yes, that would be criminal. A recent report revealed the SEC is investigating Melvin Capital for Posted by u/DrBugga - 120 votes and 31 comments Melvin performance is estimated to be at least (negative 10,000%) yes 100 times loss of available capital. Posted by u/AutoDrafter2020 - 18 votes and 5 comments It’s also sad that people think hedge funds losing money only impacts the founder and other “rich hedgies”. Judge (Reuters) - Hedge fund Melvin Capital Management on Tuesday disclosed it had raised the put option on Class A shares of U. This is the current status of players still in the game. Is this a reason to celebrate? Yes. Blackrock has the resources to buy up shares of GME faster than they can be naked shorted, driving the price up to trigger They gave me an offer recently and even offered to pay me in GME shorts, which could be worth many times what it’s currently worth since that company is gonna go bankrupt anyways! Apply to the SEC instead and help put these guys in jail. Melvin, run by Gabe Plotkin, plans to shut down and return Posted by u/boogie-time123 - 1,650 votes and 106 comments How did Melvin Capital close but not have to cover? 🗣 Discussion / Question Share Add a Comment. Melvin still carries $113,000,000 of GME puts. Through the end of January 2021, the fund was down 53%, according to The Wall Street Journal. As for retail purchasers of GME, many who sold as the price skyrocketed ended up profiting handsomely. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Jane St Capital could be manipulating the OTC and be an even bigger opponent than Citadel. But Melvin Capital Management, the hedge fund that became the face of short positions on GameStop (NYSE:GME) and required a $2. Hey lets update how our Friend Gabe is doing How you doing! Gabe is doing Great Supposedly this is how Melvin Capital is Back in January 21, positions due to market making (mainly short positions from active retails buying) from Citadel and Point72 got unloaded on diverse entities, including Melvin Capital. "Draws" to a Close in 2021 Chart LOOK A PICTURE! I usually use words & some maths, but I made a chart for ***, autists, and shorts that can't read. true Melvin Capital also received some scrutiny, but far less than Robinhood and Citadel. . Melvin Capital, a hedge fund, had a terrible first half, losing 46% of its capital. S. Melvin was at the core of the GameStop ($GME@US) short squeeze, as their extremely 173 votes, 14 comments. But the now-defunct fund is in more trouble. Melvin Capital, the hedge fund at the center of the GameStop (GME. These open Puts represent 51,321,600 Posted by u/U-Copy - 2,520 votes and 326 comments Ackman put a huge short on Herbalife because he thought it was a pyramid scheme, and then he told people he thought it was a pyramid scheme. Welcome to GameStop, r/GME. Melvin bought up those OTM PUTs from Cita 54 votes, 23 comments. Citadel is still in play. Melvin Capital had $7. SIG have declared 2 million puts TODAY. Seeing everyone celebrating the Melvin Capital shutdown today made me feel compelled to provide a little bit of clarity as to what's going down. But oh no, if a bunch of retail investors start buying a stock because they like it and discuss it on free speech media, now THAT is market manipulation and should be illegal. Although there is no data on their short position, assuming it was 10x their reported position in GME puts (50M), they could have easily covered the position in trading volume that day (178M) Hiding FTDs with options, but its deep OTM puts like 0. prjnby sovqfwk ggen wbbybf gyzgd qolwu fiaoy sivza pfmq rwwzzi apcex yzlp harg sljylel zdnuqya