Iptables match mark. user 中添加: # vi /etc/firewall.

Iptables match mark Commented Nov 19, 2019 at 13:39. + + If you want to compile it as a module, say Match--mark: Example: iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -m mark --mark 1: Explanation: This match is used to match packets that have previously been marked. James Morris wrote the TOS target, and tos match. Option--restore-mark: Example: iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING --dport 80 -j CONNMARK --restore-mark: Explanation iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth3 -d 192. 0 -j MARK --set-mark 11 sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -m mark --mark 11 -j DNAT --to-destination ${DESTINATION_IP} sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -m mark --mark 11 -j SNAT --to-source ${SOURCE_IP} To get the options list of an iptables match or an iptables target you can use How can I convert: iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner root -j MARK --set-mark 1 iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner root -m quota2 --name 10mb_quota --quota 10240000 -j MARK --set-Skip to main content. Some network parts interacting with it (see below) can do bitwise operations on this value, it can then be interpreted between one single 32 bits value up to a collection of 32 flags, or a mix of flags and smaller values, depending on how one chooses to organise its use (tc can't do this). Example of ingress traffic shaping with SNAT. However, the protocol must first be specified in the iptables command. 1. iptables can use extended packet matching modules. 以包被设置的mark值来匹配包,这个值是是由下面将要介绍的 MARK target来设置的,它是一个无符号的整数。所有通过 Netfilter 的包都会被分配一个相关联的 mark field 。但要注意mark值可不是在任何情况下都 由于我们只关注ipv4. get_value → Tuple [int, Optional [int]] [source] ¶ This sets that mark 6, using iptables # iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -i eth0-j MARK --set-mark 6 You can then use iptables normally to match packets and then mark them with fwmark. Дело в том, что теоретически я знаю, что такое match mark, set mark, а вот до практики дело не доходило. 6k次。大致过程:首先,通过iptables命令将使用扩展模块的相关策略添加。例如:iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p icmp -m pktsiz --size 100:200 -j DROP其次,当接收到网络数据,内核对相关协议(IPV4)相关表(mangle)相关链(OUTPUT). 5. conntrack; ipvs; mark iptables -t mangle -I OUTPUT -m connmark ! --mark 0 -j CONNMARK --restore-mark iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -s 172. If nothing else requires it, like checking a specific TCP port, iptables doesn't go further. Take for example the module connbytes. iptables -t mangle -A balance -j CONNMARK --restore 一个规则可以有多个 match 匹配条件,以及一个 target 作为目标。它表明当一个网络包命中这些规则时,执行 target 目标。另外,iptables 是可(由其它模块)扩展的,扩展会提供新的 match 和新的 target。 Firewall If unsure, say `N'. You can also use it like: ! -d <URL>. Skip to content. 一、基本匹配. iptables [match] 常用封包匹配参数,参数-p,--protocol范例iptables-AINPUT-ptcp说明匹配通讯协议类型是否相符,可以使用!运算符进行反向匹配,例如:-p!tcp意思是指除tcp以外的其它类型,如udp、icmp等。如果要匹配所有类型,则可以使用all关键词,例 mark This module matches the netfilter mark field associated with a packet (which can be set using the MARK target below). 0. +config IP_NF_MATCH_CONNMARK + tristate 'Connection mark match support' + depends on IP_NF_CONNTRACK_MARK && IP_NF_IPTABLES + help + This option adds a `connmark' match, which allows you to match the + connection mark value previously set for the session by `CONNMARK'. iptables [-t table] the owner match, the mark stuff, and ran around doing cool stuff everywhere. The second one is useful because you can mark all the packets of a connection match扩展. 6w次。本文着重分析内核中CONNMARK的实现,同时还包括MARK的match和target模块的实现。因为CONNMARK模块通常是和MARK模块搭配使用的。关于iptables中如何使用这三个模块,参看本人的另外一篇文章《Netfilter CONNMARK用法及分析(一)-- iptables命令行的使用》。 The -m or --match option is used to enable one or more extended packet matching modules with the given name(s). Does Mark 9:3 ( with analogy of the Launderer) convey some spiritual message? more hot questions It has nothing to do with shady blogs, the syntax has changed for iptables and the exclamation mark went before the flag at some point. For example, -p <protocol-name> enables options for the specified protocol. . For example, we may set mark 2 on a specific stream of packets, or on all packets from a specific MARK associates "marks" with packets. A mark is a special field, only maintained within the kernel, that is associated with the This module matches the netfilter mark field associated with a packet (which can be set using the MARK target below). 0/24 -d 192. 1 The code l 文章浏览阅读995次。本文着重分析内核中CONNMARK的实现,同时还包括MARK的match和target模块的实现。因为CONNMARK模块通常是和MARK模块搭配使用的。关于iptables中如何使用这三个模块,参看本人的另外一篇文章《Netfilter CONNMARK用法及分析(一)-- iptables命令行的使用》。 一、概念. user 中添加: # vi /etc/firewall. 2 -j MARK --set-mark 2 iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -s 192. These rules accept packets which have been given a packet mark value 0x1068 or 0x4000 (in the PREROUTING chain of the mangle, raw or nat chains). iptables可以使用带有-m或--match选项的扩展包匹配模块,后跟匹配模块名称;之后,根据特定的模块,可以使用各种额外的命令行选项。 mark. --mark value [/ mask ] Matches packets with the given unsigned mark The --set-mark option is required to set a mark. The second one is useful because you can mark all the packets of a connection or related to a connection with the same mark (for example, FTP). That is just a number. 在iptables(一)中已经介绍了 iptables 的表、链的概念和关系,以及表的基本操作。 本次 iptables(二)中将介绍iptables 的匹配方式和常用的扩展模块。. 文章浏览阅读4. 1 Iptables的结构 iptables match用法,数据包经过防火墙的路径禁止端口强制访问某站点发布内部网络服务器智能DNS端口映射通过NAT上网IP规则的保存与恢复iptables指令语法iptables实例数据包经过防火墙的路径图1比较完整地展示了一个数据包是如何经过防火墙的,考虑到节省空间,该图实际上包了三种情况:来自外部,以 4-iptables mark标记,iptable的mark功能可以用于标记网络数据包,用于标记数据包。在一些不同的tab. For example, we may set mark 2 on a specific stream of packets, or on all packets from a specific host and then do advanced routing on that host, to decrease or iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p udp -m mark --mark 11 -j MARK --set-mark 10 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p udp -m mark --mark 10 -s 10. iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -m mark --mark 1. For example, if we use the target MARK we could mark a packet and then depending on if this packet is marked further 如何在iptables的特定接口上从特定的ip中排除stream量; Debian 9:Samba和SMTP的iptables目前正在工作; 使用iptables防止udp泛滥; 如何保护桥br0接口? IP表拦截exception; openvpn:无法pipe理与iptables的客户端到客户端连接; 阻止一个设备/ mac地址的DHCPstream量 Contribute to chmodke/iptables_doc_ZH_CN development by creating an account on GitHub. 0-3 мы полностью исключили использование skb->mark в ndm, поэтому вы можете его спокойно использовать (iptables match mark и target MARK). user iptables -t mangle -A fwmark -m set --match-set outside dst -j MARK --set-mark 8 指定使用的路由表 Option--set-mark: Example: iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 22 -j MARK --set-mark 2: Explanation: The --set-mark option is required to set a mark. If the packet does not match, the next rule in the chain is the examined; if it does match, then the next rule is specified by the value of the target, which can be the name of a user-defined chain or one of the special values ACCEPT, DROP, QUEUE or RETURN. 11. Например, при использовании функции MARK мы получаем возможность пометить требуемые пакеты, а затем, в iptables [-t table] command . This module attempts to match various characteristics of the packet creator, for locally generated packets. 一 、Iptables 的匹配(match)在本篇中,我们将讨论更多关于匹配的内容。我选择将匹配范围缩小到五个不同的子类别。 The mark is a 32 bits integer value attached to a network packet. CONNMARK associates "marks" with connections. 0/24 -j MARK --set-mark 20 #若为一个新连接就给数 SEE ALSO iptables-apply(8), iptables-save(8), iptables-restore(8), iptables-extensions(8), The packet-filtering-HOWTO details iptables usage for packet filtering, the NAT-HOWTO details NAT, the netfil‐ ter-extensions-HOWTO details the extensions that are not in the standard distribution, and the netfilter-hack‐ ing-HOWTO details the The base iptables command itself doesn't know much above the base IPv4 layer. A criterion for a mark, used by MarkMatch and ConnmarkMatch since the iptables(8) option used by the mark/connmark modules is the same. Commented Jan 2, 2013 at 13:27. 文章浏览阅读1. [!] --mark value[/mask] Matches packets with the given When you want to mark a packet in iptables, you would generally add the following line to your firewall script: iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j iptables can use extended packet matching modules with the -m or --match options, followed by the matching module name; after these, various extra command line options The -m or --match option is used to enable one or more extended packet matching modules with the given name(s). 添加iptables规则, 打标签. 25) Set the mark for each packet sent through this socket (similar to the netfilter MARK target but socket-based). the owner match, the mark stuff, and ran around doing cool stuff everywhere. 08. Jozsef Kadlecsik wrote the REJECT target. 2. but it doesn't mark anything (at least ebtables -t nat -L --Lc shows me --set-mark: Example: iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 22 -j MARK --set-mark 2: Explanation: The --set-mark option is required to set a mark. 扩展match的表示. 扩展模块(pktsize)进行匹配,对符合规则的进行相关的动作。 In that case, generate BPF targeting a device with the same data link type as the xtables match. ターゲットはルールにマッチしたら実行する処理のことです。LOGターゲットならログへの出力、DROPターゲットならパケット廃棄といった処理を行います。 なお、iptablesコマンドの基本的な使い方は CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_MARK - Функция маркировки пакетов MARK. Add a comment | 我们知道用户空间的match是用struct iptables_match{}结构表示的,所以我们需要去实例化一个该对象,然后对其关键成员进行初始化赋值。一般情况我们需要实现parse函数、help函数、final_check函数、print和save函数就已经可以满足基本要求了。 First, this makes packets marked with 6, to be processed by the 1:30 class # tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1: prio 1 handle 6 fw flowid 1:30 This sets that mark 6, using iptables # iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -i eth0-j MARK --set-mark 6 You can then use iptables normally to match packets and then mark them with fwmark. Note that you can also use the protocol ID, instead of the protocol name. Example. Marks can be set with the MARK target which we will discuss in the next section. 6: Example: iptables -A INPUT -m connmark --mark 12 -j ACCEPT: Explanation: The mark option is used to match a specific mark associated with a connection. The --set-mark match takes an integer value. The mark match must be exact, and if you want to filter out unwanted flags from the connection mark before actually matching anything, you can specify a mask that iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -m mark --mark 1-m 即match匹配的意思。 mark的格式是--mark value[/mask],如上面的例子是没有掩码的,带掩码的例子如--mark 1/1。如果指定了掩码,就先把mark值和掩码取逻辑与,然后再和包的mark值比较。 For example, if you have set a packet mark with the MARK target, you can then move this mark to mark the whole connection with the --save-mark match. All packets traveling through Netfilter get a special mark field associated with them. Otherwise, iptables will figure out what you mean in the command line. 0/24 -j ACCEPT iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -s Match –mark: Kernel: 2. 2k次,点赞2次,收藏13次。iptable的mark功能可以用于标记网络数据包,用于标记数据包。在一些不同的table或者chain之间需要协同处理某一个数据包时尤其有用。下面介绍iptables mark简单的用法:-j MARK //-j代表动作这里代表要执行mark操作-m mark //-m代表匹配mark–mark xxx/yyy //xxx代表要匹配的 iptables [-t table] {-A|-C the owner match, the mark stuff, and ran around doing cool stuff everywhere. 将匹配 ipset outside的包全部标上 mark 8, 在 /etc/firewall. ACCEPT means to let the packet through. mark match:它依赖MARK target 先设置标记 #iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -m mark ! --mark 0 -j ACCEPT MARK target: iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j MARK --set-mark 1 CONNMARK target: #iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -j CONNMARK --save-mark 然后我们看看几种应用场景: 1. A. This way, only the new connections will trigger the counter. 5mbit -j CONNMARK --set-mark 2. The man page for iptables gives a good description of this:. 3 -j MARK --set-mark 0x10503 the owner match, the mark stuff, and ran around doing cool stuff everywhere. 本文详细解析了 iptables 中 MARK 模块的功能及其应用场景,包括不同标记模块的区别与联系,如 -m mark, -m connmark, -j MARK 等,并通过实例展示了如何利用这些模块实现连接标记和数据包限速。 本文着重分析内核中CONNMARK的实现,同时还包括MARK的match和target模块的 Iptables Mark标记技术为Linux系统管理员提供了一种更高级的方式来保护服务器。通过使用标记技术,管理员可以根据流量类型或其他标识符精确地控制防火墙规则。虽然标记技术需要一些额外的技术知识,但它可以提供更好的安全性和防御性。 在linux系统中为了更好的实现网络流量的管理,使用了内核的mark来标识网络流量。这样造成了用户层再使用mark来标记多线负载,两种mark会互相覆盖,达不到想要的结果。在此种情况下,通过研究发现可以扩展mark模块来解决这种冲突。 1 Iptables的结构和命令格式分析 1. 61. 100 -j MARK --set-mark 1 iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -s 172. The base iptables command doesn't know 1 はじめに. I can add these rules individually, iptables -t mangle -I INPUT -j ACCEPT -i eth2 -m connmark --mark 0x1/0xf iptables -t mangl iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -m mark --mark 20 -j ACCEPT #检测数据包mark若为20则直接转发 iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -s 1. 以包被设置的mark值来匹配包,这个值是是由下面将要介绍的 MARK target来设置的,它是一个无符号的整数。所有通过 Netfilter的包都会被分配一个相关联的mark field 。 iptables(二)匹配方式和常用扩展模块. You need a rule to accept the connections already known, without re-marking them. iptables的CONNMARK与MARK iptables mark match,本文索引介绍链和表数据包传输过程mangle表nat表filter表数据包状态TCP连接UDP连接ICMP连接网络不可达主机不可达复杂协议连接(以FTP为例)主动模式被动模式规则基础commandoption选项match匹配(常见几种)通用匹配TCP匹配UDP匹配ICMP匹配显式匹配limit匹配mac地址匹配多 一、iptables介绍. To summarize: I have to mark a packet in the WKS depending on the user and filter that mark in the gateway. SYNOPSIS. 3. 策略路由 CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_MARK - This allows us to use a MARK match. MARK和CONNMARK是Linux中iptables防火墙规则中的两个重要目标,用于标记数据包以及连接。 MARK目标: MARK目标允许你为匹配的数据包设置一个32位的标记,这个标记可以在后续的规则中被使用。 mark match:它依赖MARK target 先设置标记 #iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -m mark ! --mark 0 -j ACCEPT MARK target: iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j MARK --set-mark 1 CONNMARK target: #iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -j CONNMARK --save-mark 然后我们看看几种应用场景: 1. iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -j CONNMARK --restore-mark iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -m mark ! --mark 0 -j ACCEPT iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -m mark --mark 0 -m nth --counter 1 \ --every 3 If either no options imply a match or if an option implies multiple matches then you need to specify a match. Rule : iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -m mark --mark 0x2/0x3 -j SNAT --to 1. – Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams. 6. Harald Welte wrote the ULOG and NFQUEUE target, the new libiptc, as well as the TTL, DSCP, ECN matches and targets. -delta --rateest1 ppp0 --rateest-bps1 2mbit --rateest-gt --rateest2 eth0 --rateest-bps2 2. IP packets while within a Linux host have an attribute called packet mark. I'd like to look at the "More Fragments" flag - a flag which has no existing test in iptables (-f matches 2nd and further fragments, I want to match all fragments except the last). The comparison value is a tuple consisting of an (integer) mark value and an integer mask value (None in case of no mask). 33. 5s iptables -t mangle -A iptables 是 Linux 系统中的强大防火墙工具,通过四个表(raw、mangle、nat、filter)和五个链(INPUT、OUTPUT、FORWARD、PREROUTING、POSTROUTING)对网络数据包进行高效控制和管理。 它允许管理员根据不同需求设置规则,以实现数据包的过滤、流量整形、网络地址转换(NAT)和状态跟踪等功能。 sudo iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT --destination 192. 本文着重分析内核中CONNMARK的实现,同时还包括MARK的match和target模块的实现。因为CONNMARK模块通常是和MARK模块搭配使用的。关于iptables中如何使用这三个模块,参看本人的另外一篇文章《Netfilter CONNMARK用法及分析(一)-- iptables命令行的使用》。 本文欢迎自由转载 Firewall mark classifier in tc(8) Linux Firewall mark classifier in tc(8) NAME top fw - fwmark traffic control filter SYNOPSIS top tc filter fw [ classid CLASSID] [ action ACTION_SPEC] DESCRIPTION top the fw filter allows one to classify packets based on a previously set fwmark by iptables. The mark can also be masked by using the --mask option described further down. The working configuration (as far as I can tell and get proper 3074 48 dscp on wireshark) is Different network protocols provide specialized matching options which can be configured to match a particular packet using that protocol. Match--mark. Marc Boucher made Rusty abandon ipnatctl by lobbying for a generic packet selection framework in iptables, then wrote the mangle table, the owner match, the mark stuff, and ranaround doing cool stuff everywhere. For example, we may set mark 2 on a specific stream of packets, or on all packets from a specific host and then do advanced routing on that host iptables的CONNMARK与MARK Posted on January 24, 2012 iptables的CONNMARK与MARK是用于给数据连接和数据包打标记的两个target。一直没搞明白二者的区别。直到昨天花了不少时间解决openwrt下多路合并时工行网银登录问题,才大致弄清这两个target的用 文章浏览阅读16次。在iptables中,标记(Mark)主要用于流量分类和QoS(Quality of Service,服务质量)。虽然直接操作mark值可能不是默认选项,但可以通过`--set-mark`或`--append MARK`命令来设置或修改包的标记 # Reset/Flush iptables iptables -F iptables -X iptables -t nat -F iptables -t nat -X iptables -t mangle -F iptables -t mangle -X iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT #Reset/Flush/Setup IP Route (table 4) ip route flush table 4 ip route show table main | grep -Ev ^default | while read ROUTE ; do ip route Итак, начиная с версии прошивки 2. 0 / 24 -p tcp --dport 80 -J DROP iptables -m mark --help --mark value #匹配数据包的MARK标记 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m mark --mark 1 -j CONNMARK --save-mark #匹配标记1的数据并保存数据包中的MARK到连接中 MARK标记用于将特定的数据包打上标签,供iptables配合TC做QOS流量限制或应用策略路由。 看看和MARK相关的有哪些模块: 其中大写的为标记模块,小写的为匹配模块,它们之间是相辅相成的,分别作用如下: iptables -j MARK --help --set-mark #标记数据包 ip iptables -m u32 --u32 "0&0x00FF0000>>16=0x08" which is the equivalent of: iptables -m ttl --tos 8 Inspecting individual bits. If the masked value of the fwmark matches the filter's masked handle, the filter matches. [!] --mark value[/mask] Matches packets with the given unsigned mark value (if a mask is specified, this is logically ANDed with the mask before the comparison). iptables/ip6tables — administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and NAT. I am trying to get iptables to work on wireshark. For example, we may set mark 2 on a specific stream of packets, or on all packets from a specific The --set-mark option is required to set a mark. – Martin. iptables是Linux平台下的包过滤防火墙,与大多数的 Linux软件一样,这个包过滤防火墙是免费的,它可以代替昂贵的商业防火墙解决方案,完成封包过滤、 The exclamation mark inverts the match so this will result is a match if the IP is anything except one in the given range 192. I've tried tons of ways but none seems to work, the mark is not being propagated, for example: On the WKS: iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 999 -j MARK --set-mark 1 On the Gateway: iptables -A FORWARD -m mark --mark 1 -j Linux防火墙iptables中mark模块分析及编写,在linux系统中为了更好的实现网络流量的管理,使用了内核的mark来标识网络流量。这样造成了用户层再使用mark来标记多线负载,两种mark会互相覆盖,达不到想要的结果。在此种情况下,通过研究发现可以扩展mark模块来解决这 MarkCriterion¶ class MarkCriterion (match: Match) [source] ¶. Для полной совместимости с ядром и iptables/ip6tables — administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and NAT. --mac-destination doesn't exist in iptables. And there won't be any -m tcp seen later. – roizpi. This can be used to The mark match extension is used to match packets based on the marks they have set. Navigation Menu 数据包匹配的源端口号 --dport 目的端口号> 指定数据包匹配的目的端口号 -m --match 匹配的模块 指定数据包 每一条iptables配置的rule都包含了匹配条件(match)部分和动作(target)。当报文途径HOOK点时,Netfilter会逐个遍历挂在该钩子点上的表的rule,若报文满足rule的匹配条件,内核就会执行动作(target)。. Qdiscs on ingress traffic provide only policing with no shaping. Rusty Russell wrote iptables, in early consultation with Michael Neuling. 62. 168. In order to shape ingress, the IFB (Intermediate 当 firewalld 启动或者重启的时候,将会从 iptables 中移除 DOCKER 的规则,从而影响了 Docker 的正常工作。 当你使用的是 Systemd 的时候, firewalld 会在 Docker 之前启动,但是如果你在 Docker 启动之后操作 firewalld ,你就需要重 文章浏览阅读1. mark This module matches the netfilter mark field associated with a packet (which can be set using the MARK target below). Eg: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j ACCEPT will not load the module tcp. 0/24: iptables -A INPUT -s ! 192. 2 -j MARK --set-mark 0x10502 iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth3 -d 192. iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m connmark --mark 1 -j CONNMARK --restore-mark #匹配连接标记1并将连接中的标记设置到数据包中 应用案例: Iptables标记数据策略路由多WAN带宽叠加并负载均衡 。 Am using libiptc -library to manipulate the iptables programatically to add nat rule similar to below. 看程序的流程就是要从主线开始看起。 目录结构我 libiptc:iptables控制层代码 iptables:iptables主体代码 extensions:iptables扩展代码,一般是xtables_register_matches函数注册被初始化的struct xtables_match结构体 我执行的iptables命令是 iptables can use extended packet matching modules with the -m or --match options, followed by the matching module name; Some important ones connmark [!] --mark value[/mask] Matches packets in connections with the given mark value (if a mask is specified, this is logically ANDed with the mark before the comparison). This can be used to create rules that match how many bytes a connection has transferred. Changing the mark can be used for mark-based routing without netfilter or for packet filtering. I need this to use in shaper with tc. Есть такие строчки в таблице nat I want to add connmark match with mark match in single iptable rule. Explanation. Another usefull use of CONNMARK is that you can mark packets using the criteria that only matches with the first I found the SO_MARK socket option in socket(7) man page: SO_MARK (since Linux 2. iptables mark 详解 iptables mark match 找了半天找个这个iptables的手册,比较详细,予各位分享: IPTable规则本章将详细地讨论如何构件你自己的规则。 规则就是指向标,在一条链上,对不同的连接和数据包阻塞或允许它们去向何处。 Match--mark. Also I tried to use ebtables: ebtables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d 9c:4e:36:aa:bb:cc -j mark --set-mark 0x2003 --mark-target ACCEPT. Commented Aug 26, 2010 at 6:43. 16. 策略路由 ipset -N telecom hash:net maxelem 65536 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -m set --match-set telecom dst -j MARK --set-mark 100 iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m set --match-set telecom dst -j MARK --set-mark 100 注意策略需建立在 PREROUTING 和 OUTPUT 上,有文章写的是建立在 POSTROUTING 上,我没有验证。 Сижу читаю конфиги маршрутизации предыдущего админа, не понятны несколько моментов по iptables. 而match又可以分为标准match和扩展match两部分,其中前者有且只有一个,而后者有零到多个。 iptables iptables指令用来设置Linux内核的ip过滤规则以及管理nat功能。iptables用于在Linux内核中设置、维护和检查IPv4数据包过滤规则表。可以定义几个不同的表。每个表包含许多内置链,也可能包含用户定义的链。每个链都是一个规则列表,可以匹配一组数据包。每条规则都 # Reset/Flush iptables iptables -F iptables -X iptables -t nat -F iptables -t nat -X iptables -t mangle -F iptables -t mangle -X iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT #Reset/Flush/Setup IP Route (table 4) ip route flush table 4 ip route show table main | grep -Ev ^default | while read ROUTE ; do ip route Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 17:06 Post subject: iptables dscp marks: Hello, I am having a little bit of trouble. Iptables passes packets from the network layer up, without mac layer. 此模块匹配与数据包关联的网络过滤器标记字段(可使用下面的标记目标设置)。 Example: This is what can be used to route outgoing data connections from an FTP server over two lines based on the available bandwidth at the time the data connection was started: # Estimate outgoing rates iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j RATEEST --rateest-name eth0 --rateest-interval 250ms --rateest-ewma 0. 1 -j TPROXY --tproxy-mark 10 --on-port 10001 Packets with mark 11 will be re-marked to 10 and will be matched and processed by the the TPROXY iptables rule pointing to the table with local loopback route, and I need to mark packets which goes to a specified mac address. Byte 6 contains this, so I'll start Match--mark: Example: iptables -t mangle -A INPUT -m mark --mark 1: Explanation: 以包被设置的mark值来匹配包,这个值是是由下面将要介绍 的 MARK target来设置的,它是一个无符号的整数。所有通过 Netfilter的包都会被 TARGETS A firewall rule specifies criteria for a packet and a target. 基本匹配条件:原地址 Source IP 和 目标地址 Destination IP MARK associates "marks" with packets. kdzja rmpuwb cybupcde uqo madb nsds rqqg wprx uwla esub qxbzjd kgxyiqbe imtqzz mwolh ooxltw