Hoi4 artillery designer 9 infantry / 1-4 Artillery, with Engineers, Sup Artillery and Sup Anti Air, depending on what your country can afford. Do not be afraid, the mod does not add new technologies, only changes the equipment. My point is that the "SPG" battalion Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. They redesigned the division designer with the latest update. Pretty damn cheap for its effects. This heavy tank design is a jack of all trades, master of none. As for the Best Garrison Template for Germany in HOI4. It is no easy feat because the approaches to tank designs in singleplayer and multiplayer are too much different, but this guideline provides a clear direction in designing the tank you want to deploy. Something to keep in mind if you're attacking with infantry, is to have a large reserve force so that you can attack with one group, stop and let them rest, then attack with another group. For naval, I do escorts first, then carriers/submarines, then capital ships if I even want them. A ADMIN MOD NSB Tank Designer Basic Strategies . 5/249. They provide research speed increases and stat bonuses to different technologies and equipment. 93/~6. Support artillery: Basically free soft attack bonus to your divisions. A Typically artillery was organized into regiment-sized units though, which would be represented by 2-4 battalions of artillery in the division designer, which is typically what's included in a lot of infantry division designs. Thus, my tank designs must be bad. In single player they work pretty well since vanilla AI makes pretty poor tank divisions that are easy to pierce and the extra soft attack is always helpfull. Meant to give you an overview of every unit and their strengths, weaknesses, purpose, and viability. Redesiging HOI4 flags, FRANCE 9. Towed Rocket Artillery 1940: 200 Improved Artillery Upgrade I Rocket artillery is less accurate and has a much lower sustained rate of fire than batteries of traditional artillery guns. In fact, the artillery designer does not have the gameplay depth of, for example, the infantry equipment designer. Artillery has not organisation, has huge penalty to B&D and with 3 combat width may get maximum 35% buff to soft attack relatively same-design mainbattle tank. Really enjoying HOI4, but still learning a lot of the complexity. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. MT — 2 combat width, AT — 3 combat width (50% more); MT — has not stats penalties, AT — higher supply consumption, only 35% bonus to soft attack, lower breakthrough, lower defence; MT — has organisation, AT — has not organisation at all. Org is absolutely critical. Lol. Also, I'm talking about early game, like 1936-1940. In this post, I'll try to make a case for using self-propelled units, and explain how to avoid some pitfalls while using them. The main disadvantage for rocket artillery is that you can't get it until 1940. Armor includes all tanks and variants. No. This refers to 7 brigades of Infantry and 2 brigades of Artillery, resulting in a Combat Width of 20 for this division template. Though there are many debates about the best Garrison template in HOI4, the clear winner is a one battalion Cavalry division. but everything in Hoi4 is a series of trade-offs. Regarding infantry/artillery ratios you conclude that 20% is optimal: This graph tells that around 20% of the combat width should consist of artillery and the rest of infantry, disregarding Artillery should be easy to overrun and capture/destroy if not protected by enough line units. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 So basically add two more infantry or one artillery and one tank destroyer Reply Xera3135 Research Scientist If you're interested in template design and land combat, this might be a good starting point. The best widths are usually considered to be 10, 15, 18, 27, 35, and 42. A unit of 9 infantry and support artillery (no line artillery) receives 0 bonus from an artillery advisor. Unlock equipment: Towed Rocket Artillery The 1936 artillery gun has 30 soft attack; but the medium howitzer 1 has 35. Created by Dankuser. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 pre-tank designer), no support (for purposes of illustration and to keep the comparison simple, not a The only use of rocket arty is breakthrough, and you definitely don't need it. TL;DR. 93 IC per vehicle in order to be cheaper than the mot arty, and the cheapest arty gun costs 5 IC by itself. The main weapon modules are unlocked through With the artillery now used to unlock new parts for tanks, I always use the artillery designer to have access to the best guns. Artillery – Artillery can be found in all kinds of divisions. Coins. It I'm looking for tank designs for light, medium and heavy tanks to use in singleplayer. I wouldn't say breakthrough is overrated. This works a lot like Artillery that you can personally edit. God of War: Artillery Designer. r I've been diving into its jungle of stats recently, in order to help me make some useful decisions in the design of divisions and tanks. HOI4 artillery support companies represent the various large mortar and infantry guns assigned to a Support artillery takes up one of the five support slots, so doesn't take up width; but is weaker than a line artillery company. that are all This is questionable game design as it basically adds complexity without depth. Since fighters have the largest impact on the game of all aircraft types, focus on improving your light aircraft Artillery. It can also be used like strategic bombers; for bombarding Your artillery division looks well designed just looking at the simplified in battle combat stats, but if you just open the unit designer, a 6 artillery, 1 engineer, 1 support artillery unit has 36 base defense, which is not terrible, but only 5-6 hit They usually have a good balance of armor, agility, firepower, and weight. (Self-Propelled Artillery) to your armored divisions as a replacement for some of the tanks. Most of the designs I could come up with while having 80% reliability and at least 8kph speed cost nearly twice as much. May be will be better to use mainbattle tank with artillery weapon than artillery tank with same design? Or, maybe, on some terrain artillery tanks have a buff? Tank equipment modules are being unlocked through the armor technology tree for the base chassis, engine and armor modules. Many post war tank designs were developed, ranging from the light tank amx 13's to the heavily armored centurion. Each vertical column is a regiment, and can only have similar battalions. 9/2 is too much artillery for a Soviet defensive division. 378K subscribers in the hoi4 community. A kinda experimental design is including a medium tank division in your inf. Arguably the single most popular division template is a what's called the 7-2. Maybe we'll see line battalions of artillery, AT and AA be more Given that in a single player tank is equipped with artillery howitzers, SP Art can only be used with Superior Firepower: the doctrine gives +20% to soft&hard attack, plus thanks to the fixed tower we have a large reserve of reliability, and 31 soft attack for the cost is by far the biggest weakness of this design. I knew it was a jungle, but I hadn't realized just how messy and inconsistent it all is. Locked post. Sum of: This modification allows you to edit infantry and artillery equipment. If you spot a mistake, There is no single best combat width now, instead there are several effective combat widths to choose from. Thousands of ships and stations trade, mine and produce, all realistically simulated. This is general request for resources and/or to start discussion on how best to use the Division Designer. I take light aircraft design for fighters until 1940, then start jumping between companies depending what aircraft I want to research. Tank equipment modules are being unlocked through the armor technology tree for the base chassis, engine and armor modules. Mobile type is cavalry, motorized/mechanized infantry and artillery. thats the meta. For Infantry I always go for with Artillery company because there are more artillery researches than infantry so you want extend that 10% time decrease as Just wondering what the point of SP Artillery is as with a brief look, motorized artillery is far better. Make pure marine 30 width. Is it generally better to have full blown artillery, anti tank, anti 405K subscribers in the hoi4 community. 0: Mobile anti-air artillery Ah that’s it then. The main weapon modules are unlocked through the artillery technology. Number 3 should be counter battery fire. while line artillery requires you to Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. This means you can add Engine and Armor upgrades as Self propelled artillery would be useful, if they didn't take an enormous amount of supplies and resources. Infantry (helmets) and artillery (guns) are now separate classes of battalion and can’t go in the same regiment. I also start with small arms then hop back and forth between that and artillery to optimize research times. Additional supporting or special modules become available via the common tech trees (such as radios from the engineering tech tree). Definitely agree about the part about noob YouTubers that say low attack cannons are better cuz they're "more cost effective". Gives you more soft attack, so it's a good deal. also use rivets to lower cost. I'm a long-time, but casual HOI series player. Only one design company of each For Tanks, you can pretty easily unify the Artillery and Tank system - the Artillery gives you new "Main Guns" for the tanks in addition to the "towed" variants. Just compare mainbattle tank and artillery tank in full technologies. There will be some variation in the ideal combat width, depending on your starting region and your playing style. Similarly, if you're dealing with an enemy with a strong air force, you should get them to support anti-air. The technological tree has been redesigned. There is a sever lack of coastal artillery in hoi4. In any case, I did not cut the artillery designer files from the mod, but moved them to a separate folder in the root of the mod, if you want to support and develop this designer, then take it and do it Localization: Chinese Rocket Artillery doesn’t have as much Hard Attack or piercing, but if they’re being attached to an armored unit, it doesn’t matter, since the armor will be providing that anyway. Share There are two disadvantages to Motorized Rocket Artillery in comparison to Light SP Artillery: 1) no hardness 2) motorized rocket artillery requires lots of artillery research. Do two designs - a main tank with high soft attack, solid The template designer might get a retool eventually now that the 20w/40w meta is over but I don't think we'll get into the nuts and bolts of battalion or company equipment. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by The highest artillery-weighted div that I’ve seen used effectively is 10-6 (10 infantry or spec ops, arty), and that suffered a bit from flimsiness. With the release of the Arms Against Tyranny Expansion, Paradox removed the long-standing design companies and replaced them with Military Industrial Combining infantry and artillery in different ways will give you a curve, and rather than sitting on the absolute peak of that curve, I'll tend to lean more towards the side that has more attacks. Anti tank is Now it buffs all artillery. The issue is that arty only really offers soft attack in any meaningful quantities - no org, modest breakthrough, no armor or hardness, little piercing, etc. . It costs 5 to add, remove, or replace a battalion. Which would take a complete overhaul of how indirect fire does damage in game. What is a good tank design for the early game, late 1939? What is a good tank design for Barbarossa, mid 1941? 668 votes, 117 comments. 5/231. io/hoi4/ My recommendation, rocket artillery isn't worth the time and effort to research and produce. The tank division that I go with is a 6/4 with medium tanks and motorized, aswell as some support companies like Artillery, Logistics and 29 votes, 43 comments. Usually, it might be a better idea to get artillery to fill up your Anti-Air needs. I'd also give the template an AA support division in the 5th slot, because chances are Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by I watched a video by Little Mac playing as France which used the 9 Inf config with Support Arty, Anti-Tank, Anti-Air an option, but is generally too little to penetrate tank-divisions anyway, making it kinda wasted. https://taw. Not at all, motorized is the cheap, most effective way to. If you're not adding speed or armor to a tank, heavier tanks actually cost less. Basically, you should consider the combination of Tank Destroyers + SP Art to be an offensive alternative to Basically, you should consider the combination of Tank Destroyers + SP Art to be an offensive alternative to tanks, and you should consider SP AA to be a counter to enemy With limitless possibilities to designing your divisions in Hearts of Iron IV, Adding artillery to infantry divisions is great because it gives the high HP infantry a strong soft attack boost. Don't get me wrong, I'll add Heavy Machine Guns to some of my tank Total cost of 213. We hit the top of the workshop guys! Do you love artillery? Addons: *less shaders *non-reflective water *sharper borders *coloured icons *strategic view adjustments HOI4 version: 1. One of the dumbest things in HOI4 is that opposing units just stare at each other, unless one is given an attack order. My preferred light tank design is: -1936 chassis -Close Support Gun -3 man turret -heavy machine gun -extra ammo rack x2 -basic radio -Bogie suspension -Gas Engine -Riveted Armor -14 engine -0 armor My preferred design is 7 tanks 3 motorized inf, with artillery, logistics, maintenance, anti-air as support companies. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. You can design an artillery tank and add a battalion of those to the last column if you want a bit more soft attack, Also add engineers and artillery as support companies to give a Moving to the self-propelled artillery tank, this design has one goal in mind: provide a larger soft attack when needed and when facing an enemy with tons of infantry 3. If you see competitive tank designs, they'll stack as much breakthrough as possible along with high stats. Like they're just flat out wrong. With super heavies being the best value. r such as artillery, anti air, anti tank, as support companies. thats it. However, they have the capability of simultaneously hitting a target with multiple rockets with devastating effect. 9/2 has worked well for me against the AI. you should try to go for heavier guns and high breakthrough, as For example your tank design lacking armor and last time I check on mine, the good armor cost 45% of the tank and that is not the cast armor yet! and might not be used in an SPG role. This is because the division is 100% infantry and 0% artillery, so the +10% bonus gets multiplied by 0%. 10/0 might be a lot cheaper on your industry to produce, Compared to tank recon X4 is a living, breathing space sandbox running entirely on your PC. Damage isn't even close. You'll only ever need 1 panzer general to handle all your armored forces. Improved arty has a base of 30 soft damage rather than 45 from the howitzer, and it's getting less boosting from tank designation + tech. If you're making vehicles, you want to concentrate stats, and pretty much any real tank will do better. 43/~6. By that same token, a good early game armoured division has 4 battalions of armour (of any kind) and 2 battalions of motorised infantry. recon, field Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. more indepth-armor on early tanks DOESNT MATTER-even anti-air can pierce it, so always set it to 0 for interwar designs. Artillery isn't just used for supporting infantry like what's portrayed in hoi4. Most islands/port tiles are plains, so you can get 3 30width units into battle. The infantry type includes infantry, special forces and horse-drawn artillery (AA, anti-tank, artillery, rocket artillery). For comparison, mot arty with 1945 tech is roughly on par with close support gun light tanks made in 1936 costing < 8 production for damage. Mobile type is cavalry, motorized/mechanized infantry and 388K subscribers in the hoi4 community. 9mot inf 2 mot arty, eng+arty+aa+maintenance. You can use land experience to modify mechanized infantry. HOI4 artillery "battalions" represent the generic medium and heavy artillery units of various nations, usually of 85 mm and up. That's barely better than "improved artillery", and worse than "advanced artillery". Okay, I am showing you the tank designs I have used in my tank templates as suggestions primarily for singleplayer. This is a community maintained wiki. You can go more in depth but this should get you up to speed in 10 minutes or so. g. One of the easiest and best ways to give your division extra offensive power through soft-attack. Use this site to mess around with template ideas. Design companies are ideas that can be bought for Political Power (usually 150). SP arty tanks are good if the enemy tanks cant pierce you, if you are up againts someone who focuses on tanks themself you might want to skip out on SP tanks as they have low armor and hard attack. I would only use support arty and ENG, the rest is unnecessary for inf. Motorized artillery is a joke compared to even SPG, let alone real tanks. Tried to look for a meta on youtube, many people just ramble about for 1 hour about the new tank designer and barely get to making the "best tank designs", so I just Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Yes it does, sort of. So heres some info Meta:Heavy TDs/Super heavy TDs when possible. Maintenance helps you capture more enemy equipment, especially with units that close pockets. A the best offensive infantry division it has an 18 combat width which is one of the best and a good amount of infantry/artillery ratio that provides a good soft attack, Stupid question but i suck with designs woudl be good to add support arty to 9 inf + 3 arty or would the soft attack bonus be negligable SP Artillery is a type of tank you can make by adding an artillery armament to a tank in the designer. Not sure what X/X/X is meant to be but X/X is just infantry/ artillery in a division template. If you spot a mistake, please help with fixing it. Light and medium SPG are 36 vehicles each, so they would have to cost ~5. It's the same how an infantry expert doesn't buff the infantry in an armor division. Support artillery is also good. IC always wins. Motorized artillery would be a better choice, but another tank is the best choice. Main focus of the mod is to improve and deepen But I still have 0 idea how to design tanks, and I have also noticed that my tanks never manage to push through anywhere even if I start on supply hubs, regardless if I battle plan or micro myself. Hello guys! I am having some issues with the division designer. Your division is way too expensive, for defensive infantry a lot of times quantity is better than quality. go, in this case. However, as I try to refine my skills in this game, I have been wondering if that is a dumb way to design divisions. 0 coins. Picking a tank role in the tank designer. However, there are moments where a The infantry type includes infantry, special forces and horse-drawn artillery (AA, anti-tank, artillery, rocket artillery). For instance, smaller te 7x: Infantry: 90 days: 2x: Artillery: 120 days: 1x: Support Artillery: IC Cost 644. Tip Having spent about a few hours playing around with the tank designer, I figured I share some initial thoughts first of all, medium cannon 1 (from 1939 artillery) is garbage compared to its earlier competitor, the high-velocity cannon 1 you can go 11/6 with pure inf/art and it'll count as an artillery division, or you can scale back into a 14/4 style, split half of the infantry as cavalry (7 inf, 4 art, 7 cav) for the division to count as artillery. So a 7/2 you might see often in older threads (not meta anymore, they got nerfed pretty hard with NSB) means 7 infantry (inf) and 2 artillery (arty) These design companies except industrial ones are available only without Arms Against Tyranny dlc. 3 4: Defense: 10. Note that they are not mutually exclusive: the most recommended "basic" 20-width infantry division has 7 infantry companies, 2 line artillery companies and support artillery (along with further support companies as your industry can manage, e. Later on, during 1939 or 1940, if naval invasions were a threat, you should add support artillery or support anti-tank. Members Online. 30+ is usually a good amount of org for tanks. In this universe, you can grow from being the lone pilot of a fighter ship, to managing a vast empire, commanding your fleets and designing colossal space stations. In terms of overall composition, specializing on infantry and artillery is the most straightforward. Main purpose of this modification is to deliver a better gameplay expirience. Normally I take the Light Aircraft, but sometimes I do the Medium aircraft for super strong Heavy fighters that kick everyone's teeth in. Sup, havent seen much on this. More like attack is underrated. Again, it also makes a lot of sense for planes - Generation 1, Generation 2, and Generation 3 Carrier Landing Gear, Heavy Chassis, Ultra-Heavy Chassis, Air Weapons, Naval Bombs, and Land Bombs. Fallout 4, HOI4, Final Fantasy X/X-2, Best Heavy Tank Design. More expensive than support artillery but can give a slight edge to the fodder divisions to have a chance in driving the enemy back. It's obviously a crucial part of the game, but I have only begun to figure it out. My latest try was a 41 width 10 mechanized + 7 katyushas with logistic, engineer and artillery support companies. Or just heavy artillery in general. r/hoi4. Ideal combat width is considered 35w, so I'd slap one single piece of motorized artillery in the 5th column. I'm talking about the template, not the design. Engineers are always a must, as they boost marine attack massively. This is a major issue that the HOI4 designers struggle with (a recent example was the The one use case for designs like this is replacing line arty with it in defensive wars. If you can afford artillery, give it everyone. i know artillery has great soft attack, If you guys have any suggestion on templates please let me know or even tank designs. github. It’s important to note that heavy tanks typically aren’t recommended due to their prohibitive cost, high supply usage, and how easy Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. This means that you can rush the researches and start building good tanks far earlier than you can with mediums, making - 40 width 14/4 infantry/artillery for attack - 40 width 13/4/2 infantry/artillery/anti-tank divisions for attack - 40 width 13/4/1 infantry/artillery/heavy tank divisions aka "Space A detailed breakdown of every battalion and support company in HOI4. 36 width is very good right now, and a decently designed 36 w howitzer tank Now that you have a basic understanding of the stats behind combat, you can use this knowledge to design your divisions effectively. Lose the line artillery. I usually My light tank design uses 1936 research ONLY and the LSPG design only requires you research 1939 artillery. 14+ Mods Paradox version: ht The main purpose of the 1941 Tank design in HOI4 is speed. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. Armor includes all tanks and And artillery designer. This is a list of design companies in Hearts of Iron IV. Expanded Designers Combined is a vanilla overhaul mod for all the designers and combat systems in the game. Yes, this is giving breakthrough and armor too, and it uses less width, so it's better 402K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Add to this, you can stack the heavy MG extra turret and spam the extra MGs, that all also get multiplied by The infantry type includes infantry, special forces and horse-drawn artillery (AA, anti-tank, artillery, rocket artillery). Each new type of artillery researched unlocks a combat battalion and a corresponding support company that can be used to create templates in the division designer. What's a good SP artillery design? For a motorised infantry division, do the same, replacing the artillery with self-propelled artillery (or if you have the mod for it, motorised artillery). A are better but even then i always feel like my mediums sometimes have a hard time and suffer from low soft atk. New comments cannot be posted. You can do it if you want, but you should have a decent stockpile of artillery by that point. Overall, Motorized Rocket Artillery doesn't fit in well with an armor-focused army composition, since it means more research and production. Hi, I see a lot of videos on youtube where people have insane divisions with motorized rocked artillery that just obliterate infantry, but every template i try gets literally loses all the organization in seconds. 5. Line artillery: Infantry speed soft attack boost.
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