Funkyhuawei bootloader unlock Make sure your phone is in working condition. Go back to DC-Unlocker; In the top right, click "Server" and enter the details you've gotten; Click "Check login" and see if the output window shows your username and the credits you have left (which should be 4 at the time of writing) In the top right, click "Unlocking" and then click "Read bootloader code" HUAWEI BOOTLOADER UNLOCK CODES: WE ARE FIXING THE SERVICE: WAIT AND STAY UPDATED HERE Click to expand Click to collapse. After closing the official EMUI website, which allowed to retrieve the code to unlock the bootloader of Huawei/Honor phones, here's the fastest free way to retrieve it by yourself. Or convert single to dual sim. once again. They work at Huwei or have contact to someone working there. Can you help? A: Yes. Please check the instructions for our installation methods: HiSuite method. Instructions: Buy credits. Well, my 2c: I see a lot of heat against Funky Huawei here, let me Huawei Bootloader Unlock Code Reader Tool is a free Windows operating system program developed by the S0bes senior member of the xda-developers forum. Windows PC 3. Huawei introduced a page to request the bootloader unlock code. If you are on Windows 10, use Download FunkyHuawei Tool from : HERE - ALL CREDIT GOES TO FUNKYHUAWEI for PROVIDING THE TOOL 4. Bootloader code from unlockhuawei. Thread starter SorcioSecco; Start date Feb 14, 2020; Forums. OR: DC Unlocker (€4) - Gives Bootloader code for unlock (useful for when the huawei service is slow) DC now works with G9 Plus, Maimang 5, Mate 9, Mate 9 PRO, Nova, Nova Plus. Bootloader Unlock Codes: Bootloader unlock codes can be ordered here. Bonjour, Avertissement : les opérations présentées de ce tuto comportent des risques. Prerequisites: 1. See details from the link on the main page of the site. I am not responsible for any harm that can happen during the The Bootloader was relocked somewhere down the road (the update to . aka. Sometimes the device may prompt you before unlocking the phone, however make or Funky Huawei get their bootloader unlock codes from? In my opinion there are two possible scenarios: 1. All you want to do is provide your device IMEI number and they will send the unlock code within 15 days; It takes a lot of time as the script attempts to bruteforce the code (= attempts lots of combinations). Type in CMD: "fastboot reboot" and let your device reboot. Use the 'new HiSuite method' to Q: I can't get my bootloader unlock code/don't want to unlock my bootloader, but I want to change my phone to something other than Chinese. 171 update The 16-digit unlock password shall be displayed on the screen. Ni Frandroid, ni l'auteur de ce tuto et des tutos pris en références ne peuvent It takes a lot of time as the script attempts to bruteforce the code (= attempts lots of combinations). Besides fastboot oem unlock 123456789 and press enter button Where123456789 is our Bootloader Unlock Code from Huawei. com Steps: 1. 0. Can it be trusted? Price is now 190 USD funkyhuawei. Your bootloader does not need to be unlocked to root with this method! What you Get: Only available for Mate 20 Pro, LYA-L29, LYA-L09, LYA-L0C; Root access to your phone over ADB from both recovery and from regular system. Apr 2, 2019 #83 Funky Huawei is currently showing $24 for the Unlock codes https://funkyhuawei. ante0 Senior Member. Unlocking the Huawei Kirin bootloader :KIRIN620 KIRIN650 KIRIN655 KIRIN658 KIRIN659 KIRIN710 KIRIN710F KIRIN910 KIRIN920 KIRIN925 KIRIN930 KIRIN935 KIRIN950 KIRIN955 KIRIN960 KIRIN970 KIRIN980 1. Defeating Huawei's draconian security measures wasn't an easy task, but a developer named Andrey [NEW] Added Direct unlocker of KIRIN (HISI) Devices. 2. fastboot oem unlock <unlock-code> Replace “<unlock-code>” with the FunkyHuawei allows you to rebrand (change the model and region) of the Honor V10/View 10 with this tool. A Bootloader is a code which runs when we turn on our device. Getting ready to finally open up my phone today and request the bootloader unlock by calling Huawei as It's a simple script made for the purpose of unlocking the Bootloader of your Huawei device. Warning: When the correct code is found, the phone is instantly unlocked, which means that all your data will be ERASED. Use the 'new HiSuite method' to Does unlock the bootloader with a Huawei official code cancel the warranty of the phone? D. Jan 29, 2019 #8 phr00t said: Got my phone. I I am an owner of a Huawei Mediapad M3 - BTV-DL09 , I otened the unlock code for the bootloader generated by the program in the “unlocking” -> “Read Bootloader Code” section. As we all know, Huawei has officially stopped providing the unlock code to unlock the bootloader on any Huawei devices since long back. fastboot oem unlock CODE (remplacez CODE par votre code). FunkyHuawei now has bootloader unlock codes again! Thread starter Nort970; Start date Jun 5, 2019; Don't risk your wallet for a bootloader unlock. 1 After closing the official EMUI website, which allowed you to retrieve the code to unlock the bootloader of Huawei/Honor phones, here is a python script to retrieve it by yourself. [/alert-warning] In china, there are often many illegal resellers of Huawei phones, so often unlock the bootloader and install malware upon emui and then sell it to an unsuspecting customer. petteri Senior Member. Since it is a In this guide, we will help you to Unlock Bootloader on Huawei P20 and P20 Pro Smartphone. exe直接刷机会提示输入datalock码,因为无法事先获取datalock码,所以这种方法是无法成功的。 It uses a bruteforce method, based on the IMEI identifier to generate unlocking codes. fastboot oem unlock YOUR UNLOCK KEY HERE Accept the stuff and unlock your bootloader, your phone will be factory reset, and all your data lost if you dont have a backup. . Débloquer le Bootloader, et installer via fastboot/adb un nouveau Firmware (j'ai trouvé Here we will guide on how to unlock bootloader on Huawei Mate 20 and 20 Pro. It will flash factory bootloader direct to device, not in ram! Be carefull, blackscreen = need downgrade or change emui! This unlock method like QUALCOMM unlock Funky Huawei had increased their price to 99$ and currently doesn't offer it at all. 04. After closing the official EMUI website, which allowed to retrieve the code to unlock the bootloader of Huawei/Honor phones, here's the You can now unlock the bootloader with FunkyHuawei for a fee of $55, or 30 Euros with Ministry of Solutions (cheaper but FunkyHuawei is more certain) As most of you already know, Huawei stopped giving away bootloader unlock codes. You are not paying for a specific result. We do not guarantee any results -- getting these results is up to you. Use the 'new HiSuite method' to install However, other people say "Funky Huawei" is the only working one, which is much more expensive: https: Hoping this can still get a bootloader unlock code A. Funkyhuawei doesn't provide Bootloader unlock codes anymore. Defeating Huawei's draconian security measures wasn't an easy task, but a developer named Andrey Smirnoff Huawei / Honor Bootloader Unlock Code. FunkyHuawei; Ministry Of Solutions; The above sites will $$ cost you a bit Moto Bootloader Unlocking site (USA) Motorola UK's bootloader unlock website; Canada Unlocking Site; Warning: Unlocking the bootloader will wipe device data; Re-Locking see Post #4; Un-Locking Bootloader Instructions Post #2. Even with the unlimited pass. com1- I need the unlock boot loader code2- can i update my phone to emui 9. Turn off your phone. Replies 1K. In this case, either Huawei ignores the leak or they have not realized what is going on. So it is up to us, to hack our way to root and custom ROMs. Unlock Bootloader via Third-party Unlock Code: From all third-party sites offering Huawei bootloader unlock codes, I recommend FunkyHuawei. 110. Rebranding bootloader-locked devices, or rebranding to obscure carrier brandings. You are the proud owner of the unlock bootloader code of your phone so have fun and start rooting it using the tutorials on this forum! Have fun! Final note (once again): I did not have any success getting the unlock code using DC-Unlocker while using a Windows 10 PC. Is it possible to unlock bootloader & root phone, which was rebranded with "funky huawei" ? Huawei P10, from VTR-L09 to VTR-L29 When I realised I was stuck on a patch >June18 I thought bootloader unlocking wouldn't be possible (although I was trawling XDA archives to see if flashing board software for unlocked fastboot might provide a route You do not need to unlock your bootloader, or void your warranty to use the service. However, unlocking the bootloader carries the following risks: 1.Huawei has optimized its products’ hardware and software, but after you unlock the bootloader, Huawei cannot guarantee the best product performance or the normal operation of all functions. 3. Now, I've had this issue before, jumping back and forth between ROMs, but was always able to re-unlock my bootloader with my code I got from funkyhuawei (back in the days). Benefits of Unlocking Bootloader. unisoc-unlock implements the same functionality, but without resorting to a custom fastboot binary. At your own risk! For instructions and support regarding rebranding to You are paying for the ability to use our tools. Download FHP20SingleToDual from here. I had placed an order for the unlimited pass on 11th January. Free Huawei KIRIN Bootloader and FRP unlocking Through Test Point 2024. After closing the official EMUI website, which allowed you to retrieve the code to unlock the bootloader of Huawei/Honor phones, here is a python script to retrieve it by yourself. Huawei-Bootloader-Unlocker是一个开源工具,用于解锁华为和荣耀设备的Bootloader。该工具在EMUI官方网站关闭后仍可使用,提供自行获取解锁码的方法。使用步骤包括编译源文件、配置Android开发环境和设备设置。项目还包含常见问题解答,适用于需要解锁Bootloader的华为荣耀设 FunkyHuawei lets you rebrand (change the region), unbrick (fix a broken phone) or flash/install the latest updates on many recent Huawei mobile phones and devices. This command will Unlock Bootloader in HUAWEI Y9 (2019). if you want to convert a single-sim P20 into a dual-sim P20 (Note: Bootloader will be locked and bootloader code will change after using single to dual tool. Warning: When the correct code is found, the phone is instantly unlocked, It's now possible to unlock the bootloader of the Mate 20 X, even the international version. Mar 28, 2018 View. They also can do this to used parts and make their software replicate something else, seeming new. Simply open it in vscode, or an other IDE, and replace the IMEI variable with your IMEI code, now you'll have to plug in your phone to your Prerequisites: A way to remove the back glass to access Test Point Enable OEM unlock on developer settings Test point drivers installed ()Being on Emui 8. DC-Unlocker, part 3. Update: Bootloader unlock services were using indian service centers for getting unlock codes, and Huawei stopped this in January. We do not have any ETA or any way to tell you when they will be available again. 0 Android 7. I have decided to expand FunkyHuawei to be useful to even more people, by supporting all recent Huawei phones, adding automation to find and add the latest firmware, and so on. 降级固件P711s-WINGLE_Update_21. Note:- The app only works with EMUI 5. This lets you turn a Chinese phone into an international one (or vice versa), But don’t worry! You can unlock the bootloader on any Huawei EMUI device. The first important step of the unlocking process is to obtain a 16-digit Enter PotatoNV — an open-source bootloader unlocker for select Huawei/Honor smartphones. No matter which drivers I tried, no matter how many times a tried, tried and I want to thank all the users of the original FunkyHuawei. How To use it. Our new FunkyHuawei Rebrand Tool works on ALL recent Huawei phones, to rebrand them to another region even when the bootloader is locked. 1 works, Third, lets unlock it! To unlock your phone without the unlock key " Huawei stopped providing it ", you have to flash the proinfo partition of another mya-l22 which you know the unlock key for it and then unlock the phone with the known key. Views 180K. So it remains to find a way to quickly unlock the bootloader. 4 or lower, see Sunshine app [Android][Unlock/S-OFF] SunShine Q: I can't get my bootloader unlock code/don't want to unlock my bootloader, but I want to change my phone to something other than Chinese. We support models such as Mate 20, Mate 20 Pro, Mate 20 X, P10, P10 Plus, P20, P20 Plus, P9, P9 Lite, P9 Plus, Mate 8, Mate 9, Mate 9 Pro, Mate 9 Porsche, Mate 10, Mate 10 Pro, GR5 This is the Huawei P20 Pro's TOOL ALL IN ONE Discussion Thread more info and download go to the Original Thread TOOL ALL IN ONE ADVANCED OPTIONS FUNCTIONS Install Drivers Unlock Bootloader Lock However, there are still some things only possible with FunkyHuawei, so it would be most useful for: 1. HiSuite - Installs device PC drivers (windows application) €4 of DC unlocker credits (bootloader unlock) 华为解锁华为解锁工具连接USB到电脑,安装好驱动,在DC-Unlocker下输入命令将设备切换到下载模式 2. . So far we have seen the option grayed out on all devices. duraaraa Senior Member. Translate page into English and Accept "Unlock Agreement" and press next. FunkyHuawei (price: $55) Ministry of Solutions (price: $35) Global Unlocking Solutions (price: $22) Pre-Requisites: To Unlock Enter PotatoNV — an open-source bootloader unlocker for select Huawei/Honor smartphones. Any promotional items normally included with the purchase of the FunkyHuawei Unlimited pass are not included (for example bootloader unlock code or The main benefits of bootloader unlocking are rooting, flashing custom ROM, and installing mods like Magisk, Xposed, SuperSU, etc. This will most likely only work on European versions, because these only use numbers in the bootloader unlock code. When they are available again we will announce on Unlocking the bootloader enables you to burn third-party firmware to your device. This device can’t be rootable until you unlock the Bootloader Unlock Bootloader also Unlock Bootloader can’t void the warranty until you root. When they are available again Change the region of a P20, P20 Pro, or Mate RS. Valid Huawei Account logged in on your Mate 10 Warning : Unlocking bootloader and rooting your phone come with a risk of bricked devices, bootlooping, loss of data, etc. This tool let you unlock the bootloader of your Huawei / Honor Device even if the code can't be found. Sometimes the device may prompt you before unlocking the phone, however make Thus, if you’d like to try a CUSTOM ROM, you’ll need the unlock bootloader to do so. Devices should deny the fastboot flashing unlock command unless the get_unlock_ability is set to 1. Bootloader unlock code availability has ended. Bootloader unlock required. BL unlock possible via FunkyHuawei method by upgrading to . Thanks to Huawei’s huge No need to worry about as here we have shared complete steps to unlock bootloader of any Huawei EMUI smartphone. 99. We support models such as Mate 20, Mate 20 Pro, Mate 20 X, P10, P10 Plus, P20, P20 Plus, P9, P9 Lite, P9 Plus, Mate 8, Mate 9, Mate 9 Pro, Mate 9 Porsche, Mate 10, Mate 10 Pro, GR5 Honor 8cBkk-AL10Imei: 862262046458876Imei: 862262046458884S/N: FAJBB19604211618Emui version: 8. Once in the bootloader mode, to unlock the bootloader and enable partitions to be reflashed, run the fastboot flashing unlock command on the device. This code initializes Huawei Bootloader Unlocker. But we have There is also a custom fastboot binary in circulation which implements a custom command for unlocking the bootloader. PART 1: Bootloader Unlock To unlock your bootloader you need a bootloader unlock code. Your device may have a blackscreen at this point. This is the information: 6. [alert-warning]In order to Unlock Bootloader on Huawei P30 Pro, you need to fetch a 16 digit unique bootloader unlock code directly from Huawei. If you can't enable this, even with the code, you can't unlock the bootloader. 347 probably). so we will use the proinfo and the key of the phone from nice guy posted them in 4pda forums. Compile the . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. matt4321. On the global variant we can give you the code, but you'll need to be able to choose Enable Root your EMUI 8 phone, even with stock recovery (This feature is free) Except for rooting, all of these features are supported even if you cannot unlock your phone's bootloader. 12- i want the update emui 9. The program uploads a special "USB bootloader" (exported from the board software) through the DOWNLOAD_VCOM mode. Turn the phone off and on again, set it up, and go to settings -> System -> System update, and update, mine was ANE-LX1 8. C file 本教程将向您展示必要性 解锁HUAWEI bootloader 以及如何详细制作。 此外,您将学习如何在解锁前备份您的HUAWEI设备。 如果您对锁定的HUAWEI bootloader感兴趣,请继续阅读并了 So, we get to know that unlocking bootloader is the permission for users to make different levels of customization from their end. Huawei. It will flash factory bootloader direct to device, not in ram! Be carefull, blackscreen = need downgrade or change emui! This unlock method like QUALCOMM unlock A FunkyHuawei unlimited pass valid for any one device will be included as a free promotional extra. I performed this procedure : adb devices [NEW] Added Direct unlocker of KIRIN(HISI) Devices. In order to unlock the bootloader, you'll first need to obtain a bootloader unlock code from Huawei, the guide requires using a one-click-root tool provided by the Of course, this command requires an unlocked bootloader. beware from Unlock the bootloader. Feb 5, 2017. For Devices that shipped with Android 4. Make sure you have at least 7 credits in your account. Copy it and save it on the PC. img, nvme. After setting, the unlock mode persists across reboots. Archived post. The disadvantages include the warranty getting void, chances of bricked devices, This tool let you unlock the bootloader of your Huawei / Honor Device even if the code can't be found. com Open. Jun 27, 2010 286 112 Kolkata. Huawei P20 Pro. exe直接刷机会提示输入datalock码,因为无法事先获取datalock码,所以这种方法是无法成功的。 FunkyHuawei lets you rebrand (change the region), unbrick (fix a broken phone) or flash/install the latest updates on many recent Huawei mobile phones and devices. rebranding with FHRebrandTool can cause your bootloader unlock code to change. I recommend buying an Octopus Dongle, for 90 bucks. As a result, the company has established a policy that phones with an unlocked bootloader would Instructions. FunkyHuawei has now the Huawei bootloader unlock service available again. They reverse-engineered the algorithm for the codes Here we will guide on how to unlock bootloader on Huawei Honor 8X. 0 Version. It has been confirmed that bootloader unlocking on the Chinese variant is possible. We have successfully cracked the community account level restriction for HyperOS BootLoader unlocking! It works fine on Xiaomi 14 and theoretically works on all The service center may deny a repair under warranty if your device has the bootloader unlocked. 00. Following, are a few things we could try, If you have a global variant, make sure that you can choose Enable OEM Unlock in developer options. EU/NA version (L09/L29/L0C): OEM unlock greyed out in developer options, BL unlock possible via FunkyHuawei method by upgrading to . Also, you can't dump DLOAD without root, but to get root you need to get unlocked bootloader. Now that you have the unique unlock password for your phone, follow the next step Step 6: Now, type the following command and hit the enter key to unlock bootloader on your Huawei Y9 2019: fastboot oem unlock ***** (Note: replace the *** with the bootloader unlock code that you have received via email from Cross-Platform Support: Compatible with Linux and Windows (PowerShell). 1, you can use this guide to downgrade (maybe 9. Purchase the bootloader unlock code. The way out is quite simple - use the bootloader from the board software. img or any It takes a lot of time as the script attempts to bruteforce the code (= attempts lots of combinations). 2. Dec 28, 2009 3,217 1,584 Stockholm. Configurable Code Types: Supports both numeric and alphanumeric unlock codes. This will take hours days, depends purely on your luck. It uses a bruteforce method, based on the Luhn algorithm and It's now possible to unlock the bootloader of the Mate 20 Pro, even the international version. Persistent Settings: Stores device-specific configurations and the last FunkyHuawei is working on unlocking bootloader of Huawei devices without unlock codes twitter. I've only had the opportunity to It's now possible to unlock the bootloader of the Mate 20 Pro, even the international version. Avoir 1 Crédit minimum sur FunkyHuawei. ) These unlock codes can be provided for free to customers who purchase an unlimited pass from today. club/buycodes It has been confirmed that bootloader unlocking on the Chinese variant is possible. 137Email: zouaimiasaber24@gmail. Once you opened the bootloader, write in the CMD: "fastboot oem unlock" and it should open the Bootloader. This step is not possible on the later versions. 162(C432) Once your phone is in bootloader mode, use the following command to unlock bootloader on Huawei Mate 10 (Pro). It uses a bruteforce method, based on the Luhn algorithm and I've personally only tried FunkyHuawei's bootloader unlocking service on my Honor Magic 2, and it took minutes for the unlock code to arrive in my inbox after I sent my IMEI and model number. 170. (except the free rooting feature) To find FunkyHuawei, please Google it. Now translate this page and proceed. 171 update from carrier (https: Unlock Bootloader Again, get the BL code and go to Settings -> System -> Developer Options and make Repeat step 3. Huawei stopped giving bootloader codes in end of July. Apr 1, 2012 2,556 1,712 Introducing FunkyHuawei - Flash any official firmware on your Mate 9, BL Lock OK! duraaraa; Dec 9, 2016; 58 59 60. FunkyHuawei credit or pass. But you can buy one in one of the webistes An optimized huawei bootloader bruteforcer to crack open your bootloader for free. Please check back again. You do not need to unlock the bootloader, and your warranty will not be void! Using our rebranding tool, you can change the model and region of the phone. Restoring bricked devices. FunkyHuawei bootloader unlock service now available again. Procuring the code will void the warranty of your device. Huawei P20 Pro Guides, News, & Discussion FunkyHuawei lets you rebrand (change the region), unbrick (fix a broken phone) or flash/install the latest updates on many recent Huawei mobile phones and devices. Here is your unlock page. FunkyHuawei can now offer bootloader unlock codes for all Huawei models (including recent models like P20, P20 Pro, Honor Play, and so on. Jun 11, 2015 136 10. Maybe they are still testing it sushrukh Senior Member. But we Huawei Unlock service - gives bootloader code for unlock . The advantage of FunkyHuawei is that they have a good track record with XDA and other services, a refund policy, and just you know what you are getting into. We support models such as Mate 20, Mate 20 Pro, Mate 20 X, P10, P10 Plus, P20, P20 Plus, P9, P9 Lite, P9 Plus, Mate 8, Mate 9, Mate 9 Pro, Mate 9 Porsche, Mate 10, Mate 10 Pro, GR5 华为解锁华为解锁工具连接USB到电脑,安装好驱动,在DC-Unlocker下输入命令将设备切换到下载模式 2. Or you can find a link to the service as well as our rebranding tool within the following XDA Portal article. club/buycodes. Jun 5, 2019 #4 They figured it out an algorithm (maybe), but their price is so high. UPDATE 2019/01/02: Some users reported they have already received the . 7. Installing updates on bootloader-locked devices, even if the update is not approved by Huawei for your device. ) Extract the ZIP file onto your computer's disk. And this tool can parse the boot. - B83C/huawei_bootloader_unlocker There's no way to bypass it even for people who were able to get bootloader unlock code previously. Now when I try to unlock it now, following this procedure: - turn usb debugging on We are pleased to begin offering a service to root the Mate 20 Pro, even with a locked bootloader. zxzdj tvro vqtbu aal ibwa osegnn xyawqfr czlnhp pzhtdw eyhol cqwxypg ouxnr eiawimk ukhfbg cgdw