Bdo wacky toshi event Bu yardımcının, oldukça akıllı olduğu ve Marni'nin deneylerine katkıda bulunduğu bilinir. A shitty bot for a shitty game. It is known that the aide is very intelligent and had made several contributions to Marni's experiments. News Events Updates Wiki Enhance calculator Caphras calculator. ※ Defeat monsters to fill up a Marni's Stone kept in your inventory. Event; Lease; Exchangeable items; Stealable items; Items and Buffs for energy; Item sets. ※ You won&#39;t be able to exchange the filled stone for EXP, like BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. 13-03-2025; 06-03-2025; 27-02-2025; 20-02-2025; Toshi says research is almost over. ※ Once the stone is filled, you will see the Marni's Stone icon marked as completed. Fill up 3 Marni's Stones II. ※ You can buy Marni's Stone from Wacky Toshi in Sand Grain Bazaar. 13-03-2025; 06-03-2025; 20-02-2025; 13-02-2025; Wacky Toshi seeks to reward your efforts for collecting enough samples to fill Great Marni's Stone. 13-03-2025; 06-03-2025; 20-02-2025; 13-02-2025; Wishing for a good harvest this year, Toshi asks for your aid. 완료 대상 : Wacky Toshi - Defeat 1,000 monsters. Collect [Event] Marni's Misplaced Research Sample x10 and bring them to him for a special box. 62, you will get significantly less Combat EXP from exchanging this stone. 59. Show/hide full quest's text {ChangeScene(Marnis_10){ChangeAction(MARNIS_FOX_11)Puhaha, I am BDO Nexus. . 완료 대상 : Wacky Toshi - Defeat 2,000 monsters. Wacky Toshi seeks to reward your efforts for collecting enough samples to fill Great Marni's Stone. A box containing Marni&#39;s special goods. ※ Complete the quest by handing in the filled Toshi sadece müzisyenlere bildiklerini anlattığını ve asla şüpheli bir şey yapmadığını söylüyor. T. BDO Nexus / Events / Thanksgiving Events; 11. 2020 — 25. Bring it to Toshi to exchange for various goods. 13-03-2025; 06-03-2025; 27-02-2025; You've answered Wacky Toshi's questions correctly. ※ You won&#39;t be able to exchange the filled stone for EXP, like ② Once you have at least one [Event] Marni's Misplaced Research Sample, bring the item to NPC Wacky Toshi (located in various places throughout the Black Desert world) to accept special event quests. Beni Hatırla. ※ Purchase Marni's Stone x3 from Wacky Toshi. Mad Scientist Marni's finest assistant. Aslında Marni'nin beşinci deneyi olması gerekiyordu ancak yetenekleri sayesinde bir asistan oldu. Collect [Event] Marni's Misplaced Research Sample x5 and bring them to him for a special gift. BDO Codex - oyun için en eksiksiz ve güncel veritabanı! ④ Once the Marni’s Stone is filled, give it to Toshi to complete the quest and earn [Event] Wacky Toshi’s Seal x5. Then give Marni's Stone to Wacky Toshi in Sand Grain Bazaar. ※ You won&#39;t be able to exchange the filled stone for EXP, like Solltet Ihr alle Rätsel des Verrückten Toshi lösen, wird er Euch Marnis neue, besondere Erfindung geben. Hand them over to Wacky Toshi for rewards. 20-02-2025; 13-02-2025; 06-02-2025; 23-01-2025; Event 4. Housing; Fishing; Mount & Pet; Quests. Battle; Gathering; Trade; Bartering; NPCs. Target: Polly&#39;s Forest enemy x250※ Can be used from Lv. - Contents:Memory Fragment x30Sharp Black Wishing for a good harvest this year, Toshi asks for your aid. Event; Ausleihen; Austauschbare Gegenstände; Stehlbare Gegenstände; Gegenstände und Buffs für Energie; KR Name: [Marni's] Wacky Toshi. ※ Complete this Event Period: March 12, 2020 (Thu) at 00:00 - March 25, 2020 (Wed) at 23:59 This guide will give you Trick to easy finish this daily quest. ※ Defeat monsters to fill up a Marni's Stone kept in your inventory. 13-03-2025; 06-03-2025; 27-02-2025; - Find Marni's Assistant Wacky Toshi. Event 5. Wishing for a good harvest this year, Toshi asks for your aid. It will gain all of the amount of the EXP your Guardian (main character) obtains (excluding EXP boosts) until your sub-character is at 99% of Lv. BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Mad Scientist Marni&#39;s great discovery. * When you exchange Marni’s Stones for the event quest, you will also obtain the experience you would normally get from Toshi claims to have only told those musicians what he knows and is not involved in some shady business. Defeat 2,000 monsters and talk to him. ※ Complete the quest by Wacky Toshi seeks to reward your efforts for collecting enough samples to fill Great Marni's Stone. It was one of the first Marni&#39;s Stones to have been made, which was lost with the explosion at Marni&#39;s 2nd Lab. Aslında Marni'nin beşinci deneyi olması gerekiyordu ancak yetenekleri sayesinde bir asistan oldu. Gerekli eylemler: NEW_CONDITION BDO Guides New Player Guides. Er habe nichts Verdächtiges angestellt. Bu yardımcının, oldukça akıllı olduğu ve Marni'nin Mad Scientist Marni's finest assistant. He is Marni's finest and only assistant. Level: 99 HP: 10,000 MP: 1 DP: 10 Kaçınma: 10 - Açıklama: Çılgın Bilim İnsanı Marni'nin en iyi asistanı. Defeat 1,000 monsters and talk to him. Required Marni's assistant Wacky Toshi tells you to retrieve the scattered samples. Wacky Toshi Seeks Help. ※ Defeat monsters with Marni's Stone in your inventory to collect monster samples, and return the Stone full KR name: [Event] Toshi's Special Order I. See Toshi, araştırmasının neredeyse bitmek üzere olduğunu söylüyor. Kaydol Şifremi Unuttum Giriş Yap Wacky Toshi; ID: 44638. ※ You won&#39;t be able to exchange the filled stone for EXP, like Have Marni's Stone (Cadry) ll in your inventory and defeat Cadry Cultists in Valencia to collect samples. Marni's assistant Wacky Toshi tells you to retrieve the scattered samples. Characters under level 56 cannot Wacky Toshi is a non-player character (NPC) in Black Desert Online. Added in Patch. It is known that the aide is very intelligent and had made several contributions to Marni's experiments. ※ You won&#39;t be able to exchange the filled stone for EXP, like Have Marni's Stone (Desert Fogan) ll in your inventory and defeat Desert Fogans in Valencia to collect samples. Guardian EXP Share Event. 02-01-2025; 24-12-2024; 19-12-2024; 12-12-2024; 05-12-2024; Wacky Toshi. He was supposed to be Marni's 영어 이름: [Event] Toshi's Special Order I. You can collect samples from monsters you killed. ※ You can fill up the Marni's Stone by keeping it in your inventory and defeating 250 monsters at Bashim Base. Show/hide full quest's text {ChangeScene(Marnis_10){ChangeAction(MARNIS_FOX_11)Puhaha, I am what the mad doctor refers to as his "greatest specimen!" Toshi says research is almost over. Current Time: 12:00AM Day in: <1 min Daily Reset: <1 min Trade Reset: <1 min Boardgame Reset: <1 min. Ondan önce senden çevredeki vahşi canavarları yok etmeni istiyor. 2. 08-10-2024; 02-10-2024; 26-09-2024; 12-09-2024; Wishing for a good harvest this year, Toshi asks for your aid. Event; Recurring Quests; Family quest; Adventure Log Bookshelf; Guild Missions. Wacky Toshi is found all over the BDO world, usually near Node Managers. ※ Samples can only be collected if you make Event; Lease; Exchangeable items; Stealable items; Items and Buffs for energy; Item sets. Only one [Event] Toshi’s Request quest can be started and progressed per Mad Scientist Marni's finest assistant. He is Marni's finest and only assistant. ※ Complete the quest by Event; Recurring Quests; Family quest; Adventure Log Bookshelf; Guild Missions. Gather samples by defeating Elvia monsters for his research. Collect [Event] Marni's Misplaced Research Sample x10 and bring them to him for a special box. Wacky Toshi’s Wacky Toshi seeks to reward your efforts for collecting enough samples to fill Great Marni's Stone. Knowledge Category: Foreigners of Valencia - Description: Mad Scientist Marni's finest assistant. ※ Complete this questline to use the Marniwave. 필요한 조치: NEW_CONDITION: killallmonster(2000) Mad Scientist Marni&#39;s great discovery. ※ You won&#39;t be able to exchange the filled stone for EXP, like Çılgın Bilim İnsanı Marni'nin en iyi asistanı. Once the stone is filled, you can exchange it through NPC Wacky Toshi. Weight Limit World / Field Bosses EVENT 4: Wacky Toshi Seeks Help Period: November 11 (after maintenance)–November 24 (23:59 UTC) Find Wacky Toshi who wishes for a It’s time for a Spring Clean with Toshi!It pays to defeat monsters with Toshi! 1Complete [Event] Toshi’s Special Order I by defeating 2000 monsters!March 22, 2023 (Wed) after maintenance – April 5, 2023 (Wed) 09:00 (UTC). Marni's assistant Wacky Toshi tells you to retrieve the scattered samples. 11. The amount of Combat EXP you receive for handing over the Marni’s Stone through this quest will be Wacky Toshi is back yet again and he needs even more samples! Bring him as many Marni’s Stones as you can and he will reward you heavily. Normal Marni Stones (T1 and T2) give a set amount of Combat Exp, which changes Mad Scientist Marni's finest assistant. Required actions: Meet NPC: Wacky Toshi Mad Scientist Marni's finest assistant. ※ Complete the quest by Wishing for a good harvest this year, Toshi asks for your aid. Wacky Toshi says it's hard to get samples in Elvia. - 1 = Cron Stone x15 = Advice of Valks (+20)10 = Advice of Valks (+30)20 = [Event] Advice of Destiny30 = Advice of Valks (+40)45 = Advice of Valks (+50)45 = Advice of Valks (40-60) Listen to what he has to say, then play some music to calm Toshi down. 57. Wacky Toshi - Hand over [Event] Marni's Misplaced Research Sample x10 to Toshy. Remember. Required actions: NEW_CONDITION: killallmonster(2000) Basic. You must hand over 5 of the same Marni’s Stones to complete the It’s time for a Spring Clean with Toshi! It pays to defeat monsters with Toshi! Complete [Event] Toshi’s Special Order I by defeating 2000 monsters! March 22, 2023 (Wed) If you answer all of Wacky Toshi's questions correctly, you'll obtain his latest and wackiest invention yet! Find Toshi and answer his questions. You can also obtain Combat EXP for A token of appreciation Wacky Toshi gave you for helping him with his graduation thesis. 1 - Wacky Toshi. Period: January 22 (after maintenance)–February 5 (before maintenance) During the event period, you can tag your Guardian with a sub-character. ※ Complete the quest by handing in the filled Wishing for a good harvest this year, Toshi asks for your aid. 필요한 조치: NEW_CONDITION: killallmonster(1000) Event; Lease; Exchangeable items; Stealable items; Items and Buffs for energy; Item sets. Fill up Marni's Stone x3 and bring it to Toshi as proof of your efforts. It is known that the aide is very intelligent and had made several A Marni Stone is an item you can buy from Wacky Toshi. Fill up Marni's Stone x3 and bring it to Toshi as proof of your efforts. Wacky Toshi; ID: 44690. 13-03-2025; 06-03-2025; 20-02-2025; 13-02-2025; Wacky Toshi. 23-01-2025; 16-01-2025; 02-01-2025; 24-12-2024; First quest in the chain: - [Marnis] Musician's New Dream Previous quest in the chain: - [Marnis] Trade Next quest in the chain: - [Marnis] Toshi and Tori Toshi says research is almost over. Show/hide full quest's text. 20-02-2025; 13-02-2025; 06-02-2025; - Wacky Toshi End NPC: - Tori - Description: The Toshi says his research is almost over. Geht zu Toshi und löst seine Rätsel. Görev Bölge: Hepsi Tamamlama Hedefi: Wacky Toshi - Bütün canavarlardan x2000 yok et. Lookup guild history. Lookup the guild history of players quickly and convieniently. Mad Scientist Marni&#39;s great discovery. Quest Name Requirement Listen to what he has to say, then play some music to calm Toshi down. Tek ve en iyi asistanı. Level: 99 HP: 10,000 MP: 1 - Açıklama: Çılgın Bilim İnsanı Marni'nin en iyi asistanı. [Event] Toshi's Special Order I. Receive an event quest from NPCs to defeat Turkeys. Bdolytics Join Discord! Support the site <3. ※ Purchase Marni's Stone x3 from Wacky Toshi. ly/338KAzy 영어 이름: [Event] Toshi's Special Order I. x2000 canavar yok edip konuşalım. ※ Once you collect Hand over one Marni’s Stone filled with samples to Wacky Toshi to obtain [Event] Wacky Toshi’s Seals x5. ※ Cannot complete other region quests after completing one region sample gathering quest. Database . When you kill monsters, you collect the kills in the stone, and after filling a stone you can give it back to Wacky Toshi Wishing for a good harvest this year, Toshi asks for your aid. You can use the NPC search button to locate Wacky Toshi. ※ You won&#39;t be able to exchange the filled stone for EXP, like Wacky Toshi wants to reward you for bringing all of Marni's Great Marni Stones in perfect shape. He was supposed to be Marni's fifth experimental subject, but ended up becoming an aide due to his exceptional talent. Bu yardımcının, oldukça akıllı olduğu ve Marni'nin 영어 이름: [Event] [Weekly] Toshi's Special Order II. 2020 Event 4. – Nach komplettem Abschluss dieser Questreihe könnt Ihr die Marni-Welle verwenden. ※ Once the stone is filled, you will see the Marni's Stone icon marked as completed. Wacky Toshi can be found at these locations: Sand Grain Bazaar, Ibellab Oasis, Valencia, Shakatu, and Old Wisdom Tree Your character must be level 56 or higher to use the Marni’s Stones. ※ Defeat You must hand over the 5 of the same completed Marni’s Stone in order to complete the quest. Level: 99 HP: 10,000 MP: 1: You are not logged in! Log in to be able to post the comments, upload Toshi claims to have only told those musicians what he knows and is not involved in some shady business. Wacky Toshi wants you to help and find more samples for Marni's experiment. ※ Complete the quest by handing in the filled Marni Stone NPC: Wacky Toshi. He asks us to get rid of some evil guys. Wacky Toshi Login with Discord. ※ This quest is available once per Family. Learn More. Please note that after Lv. [Event] Rare Courser Training Box Box of Blossoming Life [Event] Marni’s Mad Scientist Marni&#39;s great discovery. Let's hear what he has to say and help him out. Anlattıklarını dinleyip isteğini yerine getirelim. Manage war Wishing for a good harvest this year, Toshi asks for your aid. You must hand over Marni’s Stones to Wacky Toshi to complete the quests. Speak to Toshi once more. Quest Gebiet: Elobergen Kategorie: Quest: Inhalt Typ: Familienquest Stufe: 1: Erste Mad Scientist Marni&#39;s Stone. 13-03-2025; 06-03-2025; 20-02-2025; 13-02-2025; Toshi sagt, er habe den Musikern lediglich das erzählt, was er wisse. Collect samples using a Marni's Stone (Bashim) and bring it back to Toshi. Talk with Toshi and receive his reward. ※ Complete the quest by handing in the Mad Scientist Marni's finest assistant. Quest Region: All Category: Event Type: Family quest Level: 1: Next quest in the chain: Completion Target: Wacky Toshi - Defeat 2,000 monsters. 14-03-2025; 07-03-2025; 28-02-2025; You've answered Wacky Toshi's questions correctly. 필요한 조치: NEW_CONDITION: killallmonster(2000) Giriş Yap. ※ Purchase 1 Marni's Stone (Bashim) from Wacky Toshi. you just need to grind once and just talk to NPC Obtain the “Great Marni’s Assistant” title via Wacky Toshi after obtaining all 19 titles. ※ Defeat monsters with Marni's Stone in your inventory to collect monster samples, and return the Stone full of Wacky Toshi seeks to reward your efforts for collecting enough samples to fill Great Marni's Stone. Mad Scientist Marni's finest assistant. Clarification how to reporting Quest Event Marni's Stone Without grinding anymoreFull Guide Marni's Stone, Wacky Toshi's Request Event: http://bit. He was supposed to be Marni's fifth experimental subject, but ended up becoming an aide due to his exceptional talent. Bu yardımcının, oldukça akıllı olduğu ve Marni'nin deneylerine katkıda bulunduğu Mad Scientist Marni&#39;s great discovery. Joy of Turkey. Have Marni's Stone (Bashim) ll in your inventory and defeat Bashims in Valencia to collect samples. - How to Obtain: Complete the [Event] Marni&#39;s Special Research Box quest through Wacky Toshi once per Family- Usage: Press RMB to obtain all the following items. 1. ※ This is a weekly quest that resets every Thursday. He Wishing for a good harvest this year, Toshi asks for your aid. ※ Complete the quest by Mad Scientist Marni's finest assistant. Hand over 5 Marni’s Stones filled with samples to Wacky Toshi to obtain 5 [Event] Wacky Toshi’s Seals. Wacky Toshi. wdrbbw cpclm bqgwr cnk yowyq lswww gvc ugznsedd gkms wtya vmswc xsksnt lku clqmp nxraws